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Once again the savages strike !

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Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:48 pm

Is there no end to this madness , this premeditated vicious attacks against innocent people , have these savages lost any sign of humanity , is their god that blood thirsty that demands the blood of innocent men women and children. Is it not time for the religious leaders everywhere to denounce unconditionally such barbaric acts , no ifs and buts just a straigth and honest denunciation of such cowardly savage attacks. The regular occurrence of such events , all emanating from Islamic extremists must come to an end , this is the 21st century we do not live in the dark ages . The sanctity of life must be put above all else , time to denounce this atrocious acts. ... bombs-dead

"""Several dead in Pakistan bomb attacksDeath toll stands at 19 as explosions rock Lower Dir region
Tweet this (22)James Meikle and agencies, Monday 5 April 2010 10.40 BST Article historyAt least 19 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in a series of explosions in north-western Pakistan. A suspected suicide bomber's attack on a political rally in the Lower Dir district today was followed by an attack on a security post near the US consulate in Peshawar, the region's major city.

Police and residents reported four explosions and gunfire although there were no immediate details on casualties.

Al-qaida and Taliban militants have been blamed for string of recent attacks in the area close to the border with Afghanistan, where they have enjoyed sanctuary in the past.

The blast in Lower Dir happened at a rally of the secular Awami National party, the region's ruling party, which has supported recent army offensives.

A party spokesman said members were rallying in support of a proposal to change the name of the North-West Frontier province.

Hakim Mohammad, a doctor at a local hospital, said 19 people had been
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Postby Linichka » Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:48 pm

Funny, isn't it....neither GR nor Floda nor Paphitis has leaped up in defense of the Islamomonsters. Could it be because there IS no defense?
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:23 am

miltiades wrote:Is there no end to this madness , this premeditated vicious attacks against innocent people , have these savages lost any sign of humanity , is their god that blood thirsty that demands the blood of innocent men women and children. Is it not time for the religious leaders everywhere to denounce unconditionally such barbaric acts , no ifs and buts just a straigth and honest denunciation of such cowardly savage attacks. The regular occurrence of such events , all emanating from Islamic extremists must come to an end , this is the 21st century we do not live in the dark ages . The sanctity of life must be put above all else , time to denounce this atrocious acts.

Just over 4 years ago I started this tread, 4 years later, with the Americans long gone and these barbarians are still at it.
According to UN figures 8868 people were killed in Iraq in 2013 .

The latest savage and barbaric attack caused the death of 44 people in Bagdad. There will be no end to this mindless barbaric acts of pure violence, the Americans surely can not be blamed for this latest act of sheer barbarism.

"The attacks in Baghdad largely focused on Shiite neighborhoods, underscoring the sectarian violence now tearing at Iraq years after the withdrawal of US troops.
Meanwhile, separate fighting in a northern city killed 21 police officers and 38 militants, officials said.

The first Baghdad attack took place tonight in the capital's western district of Baiyaa, killing nine people and wounding 22. Later on, seven car bombs in different parts of Baghdad killed at least 35 people and wounded 62, police said.

All the attacks happened in a one-hour period, authorities said."

Who in their right mind would justify such cruel and barbaric acts, of course there will be someone !!!!
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:42 am

I will join Milti in utter condemnation of the people who do this and the belief system with their manifestation of an alleged god they they follow which supposedly calls for and justifies such acts, glorifying the evil perpetrators.

I think that particular belief system is cruel and perverted, as is their view of god or allah, who I will not dignify with a capital letter. allah, at least as preached by these people is false god and mohamed the child molester is a false prophet. If there is a hell, may they rot in it. mohamed may be there to welcome them.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby zan » Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:20 am

Join Miltis coffee shop discussions and you can huddle together and maybe plan a " strategic" strike in the name of Christianity on all because of a few. I think the brand of coffee comes from Plonkersville. It may be a weak version of the real thing but it seems to satisfy the needs of Miltis followers. Enjoy!

All you religious freaks are the bloody same. Two of a kind.
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Re: Once again the savages strike

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:41 am

zan wrote:Join Miltis coffee shop discussions and you can huddle together and maybe plan a " strategic" strike in the name of Christianity on all because of a few. I think the brand of coffee comes from Plonkersville. It may be a weak version of the real thing but it seems to satisfy the needs of Miltis followers. Enjoy!

All you religious freaks are the bloody same. Two of a kind.

I would point out that I am simply against those who preach and practice hate in the name of their god. I equally condemn fanatics of any faith, including eg those of Westboro baptist church or some extreme proponents of the supremacy of Judaism.

If people otherwise wish to follow some man-made construct that is their affair, but they must accept they do not have a monopoly on who or what any version of god is or might be, and allow others to follow a different belief , including agnosticism or atheism, and allowing for apostasy or what they call heresy, without objection.

As to my own beliefs I am a devout agnostic. I do not discount the possibility of some sort of god or creator, but I do discount the possibility of any such being who promotes hatred of others and who encourages their followers to kill in their name.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:38 pm

miltiades wrote:Once again the savages strike !

Indeed they have…

Get the full savage record here… ... operations
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:22 pm

Zan , this is no crusade of Christians against Muslims, but a condemnation of barbaric and savage acts perpetrated by a backward and extreme so called islamists.

As for the contribution by the well known, and biggest Plonker of the all, GR the psychpath, two fingers up yours plonker.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby zan » Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:57 pm

miltiades wrote:Zan , this is no crusade of Christians against Muslims, but a condemnation of barbaric and savage acts perpetrated by a backward and extreme so called islamists.

As for the contribution by the well known, and biggest Plonker of the all, GR the psychpath, two fingers up yours plonker.

Both you and STU have to choose your words more carefully. You Milti have to find more balance and stop the headline crap, which would help those you ask to condemn these people easily without feeling they have to choose sides. Let's see your headlines for other atrocities not involving Muslims and we might accept your condemnation here. Your history shows that is not the case.

I don't know if I loath religion more or agnostics. Probably both equally but have not really put it to the test.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:29 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:Zan , this is no crusade of Christians against Muslims, but a condemnation of barbaric and savage acts perpetrated by a backward and extreme so called islamists.

As for the contribution by the well known, and biggest Plonker of the all, GR the psychpath, two fingers up yours plonker.

Both you and STU have to choose your words more carefully. You Milti have to find more balance and stop the headline crap, which would help those you ask to condemn these people easily without feeling they have to choose sides. Let's see your headlines for other atrocities not involving Muslims and we might accept your condemnation here. Your history shows that is not the case.

I don't know if I loath religion more or agnostics. Probably both equally but have not really put it to the test.

Zan, who on earth is asked to chose sides. The fact of the matter unquestionably is the barbaric attacks by so called islamists. They are a curse to their own faith and to the world in general.
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