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Once again the savages strike !

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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:39 am

...and now the threat, it seems, is brought to Cyprus' door, what with the killing of James Foley as a retaliatory act. The planes that fly from the British Bases, into Iraq have been publicly condoned by the Republic, and if it is to draw Europe, America, and Britain into a war, it is an easy target. what if the West would fight this war with Butter, rather than Guns, what if the billions spent (either way) was spent on children, i suspect we will see more hands cut off. if this menace thrives it will drive us all to ruin, better to act in kindness, lovingly, (even in the lethal intent that would be expressed against those who would resist this effort; most precisely), than to take 'sides'. ironically, i think, it is what this group is asking for, Justice, respect, and dignity, because the pain of seeing loved ones slaughtered for no good cause at all, easily becomes overwhelming, 'they' (the criminally psychotic), against 'us', in their neighbourhoods is no hard sell at all.

...Mental Health, comes to mind, too long ignored (and its spread socially). such acts so Hate filled are anathema to, the way, that all religions and goodwill among people, demonstrate as Universal Principals, so, it appears to the rest of us as a contradiction; to do nothing, or to exploit these Peoples' natural resources without bettering their lives, (or to sell Arms,) betrays an even bigger Ignorance, than what this so called Caliphate offers its Citizens: quite a paradox for the 20% of us, as a lucky few, who enjoy as consumption, what the remaining 80% cannot. once again i ask if we have learned the lessons of the Great War? who (or what) is the enemy, if it it is not the Hunger, and the despair that comes from Disease, it is surely not each other, Lest we Forget, our Hatred where is it placed?
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:39 am

Well done on Cyprus for picking its side. The reality of course is that Cyprus would be a very low level target.

However, the war was declared with the beheading of Foley. The Islamic State want its war with the infidel US and it shall have it.

The International Community is appalled and I think it's now time to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and with them any US, Australian or UK citizens.

The West will not negotiate with the Islamic State or yield to the blackmail. Their demands and threats can only result in the increase of US military action.

Bye bye Islamic State! You will all meet your creator and your 72 virgins real soon.

It's high time Australia sent in its F-18s as well. An Islamic State terrorist attack was recently foiled by Islamic State fighter against the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:45 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...and now the threat, it seems, is brought to Cyprus' door, what with the killing of James Foley as a retaliatory act. The planes that fly from the British Bases, into Iraq have been publicly condoned by the Republic, and if it is to draw Europe, America, and Britain into a war, it is an easy target. what if the West would fight this war with Butter, rather than Guns, what if the billions spent (either way) was spent on children, i suspect we will see more hands cut off. if this menace thrives it will drive us all to ruin, better to act in kindness, lovingly, (even in the lethal intent that would be expressed against those who would resist this effort; most precisely), than to take 'sides'. ironically, i think, it is what this group is asking for, Justice, respect, and dignity, because the pain of seeing loved ones slaughtered for no good cause at all, easily becomes overwhelming, 'they' (the criminally psychotic), against 'us', in their neighbourhoods is no hard sell at all.

...Mental Health, comes to mind, too long ignored (and its spread socially). such acts so Hate filled are anathema to, the way, that all religions and goodwill among people, demonstrate as Universal Principals, so, it appears to the rest of us as a contradiction; to do nothing, or to exploit these Peoples' natural resources without bettering their lives, (or to sell Arms,) betrays an even bigger Ignorance, than what this so called Caliphate offers its Citizens: quite a paradox for the 20% of us, as a lucky few, who enjoy as consumption, what the remaining 80% cannot. once again i ask if we have learned the lessons of the Great War? who (or what) is the enemy, if it it is not the Hunger, and the despair that comes from Disease, it is surely not each other, Lest we Forget, our Hatred where is it placed?

You are being very naive.

The Islamic State has been fighting Syria and now Iraq for some time. As a result, there are over 2 million refugees in Syria alone. They have beheaded dozens of captured Syrian soldiers.

The West got involved because they began to attack the Kurds in Iraq and there were fears of genocide against any Christians.

Not intervening is not an option unless you want Islamic State to take hold of Syria and Northern Iraq. In fact, this caliphate of evil even has "north" Cyprus in its desires to declare an Islamic State.

Bomb them to hell I reckon. We don't want those that can return to walk among us. Animals! That is what they are!
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:15 am

The psycho will soon come to the defence, as he always does, of these savages. Somehow he will blame the USA.
He has posted more than 32000 garbage and the psycho will carry on posting in defence of his extended family.

These savages must be defeated, they represent a grave menace to the west and to civilization.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Cap » Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:49 am

Crazy thing is..
They've massacred more Muslims than infidels.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:35 am

Paphitis wrote:Well done on Cyprus for picking its side. The reality of course is that Cyprus would be a very low level target.

However, the war was declared with the beheading of Foley. The Islamic State want its war with the infidel US and it shall have it.

The International Community is appalled and I think it's now time to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and with them any US, Australian or UK citizens.

The West will not negotiate with the Islamic State or yield to the blackmail. Their demands and threats can only result in the increase of US military action.

Bye bye Islamic State! You will all meet your creator and your 72 virgins real soon.

It's high time Australia sent in its F-18s as well. An Islamic State terrorist attack was recently foiled by Islamic State fighter against the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Are you not being slightly contradictory here M, another thread you said this:
"I have not voted so far for either of you but I am leaning towards GR! because I feel concerned about the inflammatory comments you made against the CNG and you ridiculing its capability and therefore prostrating yourself to Turkey's will. That is unnacceptable. Gr! has never done such a thing which has my respect."

Are you forgeting that this deranged psychopath has thrown his FULL support behind these savages, not once but constantly and insessantly. In time most of you on this forum will come to realize how dangerous these savages are and how contemptable are those who express support or offer justification of their actions. A menace to the civilized world, a menace to the millions of decent muslims the world over. The West is beginning to wake up from its apathetic state.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:50 am

The British citizen in the following interview says he is prepared to renounce his British citizenship if the government will let him go and live in the Islamic State. What are the British authorities waiting for? This must not turn into a vendetta against all British Moslems, but why not let the small minority that think like him go as long as they renounce their citizenship - let's even put on free flights for them. They want to die as martyrs - they don't want to make any effort to fit in with our secular society and we are better off without them, so it's a win-win situation. ... iraq-syria

By the way, the part of the world that these people have imposed their rule on (and if they are true Salafists, why can't they go and live as Bedouins in the Arabian desert without bothering anybody?) is quite secular and modern. The people there do not appreciate spoiled brats from rich countries coming and imposing their vision of the Middle Ages on them by force. I predict that, when the tide turns, most of these idiots will be slaughtered by the local population.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:01 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:The British citizen in the following interview says he is prepared to renounce his British citizenship if the government will let him go and live in the Islamic State. What are the British authorities waiting for? This must not turn into a vendetta against all British Moslems, but why not let the small minority that think like him go as long as they renounce their citizenship - let's even put on free flights for them. They want to die as martyrs - they don't want to make any effort to fit in with our secular society and we are better off without them, so it's a win-win situation. ... iraq-syria

By the way, the part of the world that these people have imposed their rule on (and if they are true Salafists, why can't they go and live as Bedouins in the Arabian desert without bothering anybody?) is quite secular and modern. The people there do not appreciate spoiled brats from rich countries coming and imposing their vision of the Middle Ages on them by force. I predict that, when the tide turns, most of these idiots will be slaughtered by the local population.

Hear Hear Tim !
I doubt very much if the UK authorities would decline a request from these dangerous fanatics to renounce their citizenship.
They, the fanatics, are no good for Britain and the overwhelming majority of decent peaceful moslems. Let them depart for ever !!
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:35 pm

miltiades wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The British citizen in the following interview says he is prepared to renounce his British citizenship if the government will let him go and live in the Islamic State. What are the British authorities waiting for? This must not turn into a vendetta against all British Moslems, but why not let the small minority that think like him go as long as they renounce their citizenship - let's even put on free flights for them. They want to die as martyrs - they don't want to make any effort to fit in with our secular society and we are better off without them, so it's a win-win situation. ... iraq-syria

By the way, the part of the world that these people have imposed their rule on (and if they are true Salafists, why can't they go and live as Bedouins in the Arabian desert without bothering anybody?) is quite secular and modern. The people there do not appreciate spoiled brats from rich countries coming and imposing their vision of the Middle Ages on them by force. I predict that, when the tide turns, most of these idiots will be slaughtered by the local population.

Hear Hear Tim !
I doubt very much if the UK authorities would decline a request from these dangerous fanatics to renounce their citizenship.
They, the fanatics, are no good for Britain and the overwhelming majority of decent peaceful moslems. Let them depart for ever !!

If these people are genuinely Salafists - i.e. they want to live exactly as their prophet and first band of Moslems did - there is nothing or nobody in the liberal, multi-cultural UK who is going to stop them from setting up a commune in some remote part of the country and living just however they wish - as long as they do not try to impose their idea of Medieval paradise on others. I cannot see what their gripe is.

Sadly, I cannot see the UK authorities accepting their wish to renounce their citizenship. I think under ius soli anybody born on British soil has an inalienable right to citizenship, anyhow.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:48 pm

I think an exemption in this instance can be rushed through Parliament. They are not an asset to the UK but a dangerous liability.
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