...and now the threat, it seems, is brought to Cyprus' door, what with the killing of James Foley as a retaliatory act. The planes that fly from the British Bases, into Iraq have been publicly condoned by the Republic, and if it is to draw Europe, America, and Britain into a war, it is an easy target. what if the West would fight this war with Butter, rather than Guns, what if the billions spent (either way) was spent on children, i suspect we will see more hands cut off. if this menace thrives it will drive us all to ruin, better to act in kindness, lovingly, (even in the lethal intent that would be expressed against those who would resist this effort; most precisely), than to take 'sides'. ironically, i think, it is what this group is asking for, Justice, respect, and dignity, because the pain of seeing loved ones slaughtered for no good cause at all, easily becomes overwhelming, 'they' (the criminally psychotic), against 'us', in their neighbourhoods is no hard sell at all.
...Mental Health, comes to mind, too long ignored (and its spread socially). such acts so Hate filled are anathema to, the way, that all religions and goodwill among people, demonstrate as Universal Principals, so, it appears to the rest of us as a contradiction; to do nothing, or to exploit these Peoples' natural resources without bettering their lives, (or to sell Arms,) betrays an even bigger Ignorance, than what this so called Caliphate offers its Citizens: quite a paradox for the 20% of us, as a lucky few, who enjoy as consumption, what the remaining 80% cannot. once again i ask if we have learned the lessons of the Great War? who (or what) is the enemy, if it it is not the Hunger, and the despair that comes from Disease, it is surely not each other, Lest we Forget, our Hatred where is it placed?