They are muslims killing muslims you ignorant prick, now do me a favour and fuck off ![/quote]
This extract from one of your previous 'Rants' prompts me to draw your attention to certain precedents and I do wonder if you are aware of just how stupid it is to attach so much significance to the fact that there is apparent disharmony twixt two parties of the same (or similar) ideologies.
I did advise you to embark upon a voyage of historic discovery, you obviously are ill-equipped to do so and therefore, I will pinpoint one or two examples from the pages of history in order to press a point.
'The English Civil War' and 'The American Civil War', both of which YOU should be well acquainted with since, on the one hand you embraced the 'English' as your mentors when you fled your own homeland and have oft spouted your admiration for the 'Yanks.
At least, 'IS' have a little more justification for their actions than either of the two examples I highlight since THEIR grievance stems from an irresolvable difference of 'Faith' rather than one of 'Political' view.
As to which of the examples is responsible for the greater amount of death and destruction, I would very cautiously suggest that 'IS' in third place.
And finally, here is an example especially for YOU (although you were of course in the arms of your new 'Friends' the 'English' at the time)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4632080.stmCyprus is today divided because Cypriots sought a post colonial Cyprus based not on their commonalities as Cypriots regardless of their ethnic background but ones based on their differences that were mutualy exclusive as such and proved all to willing to use illegal violence and murder against entirely innocent Cypriots in the pursuit of these goals. Cypriots intimidated and murdered Cypriots of their own communities that advocated creating a united Cyprus. Cypriots killed and murdered innocent Cypriots for no other reasons that they were from the 'other' community. No group is more responsible by their choices, their actions and their lack of actions, for the division we have today in Cyprus than Cypriots. One of the many commonalities that many GC and TC share is the tendency to instinctively seek to blame everyone and anyone but themselves for everything and anything.
What do YOU think ?.