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Once again the savages strike !

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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:51 am

" Somalia attack: Twin car bombs explode by Mogadishu airport "

There is no respite and neither is there a shortage of fucking brainwashed savages willing to blow their filthy disgusting selves up killing scores of innocent bystanders . What depravity drives these barbarians to take their own lives and in the meantime kill anyone that happens to be around is none other than a sick religious ideology. They are not standing up to an enemy, they are merely blood thirsty savages.

" At least 13 people have been killed in two car bomb attacks near an entrance to the airport in Mogadishu, Somali police say.

Thick smoke could be seen rising from the area, where there is also a base for African Union (AU) peacekeepers.

Local journalists said one of the bombs was detonated by a suicide attacker near a checkpoint. Another blast hit the airport's perimeter wall."

Watch Vordo telling us about the ....Hiroshima atomic bomb!!
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:09 am

One wonders if you have ever heard the expression "A Bee in his bonnet" ?.

It is self explanatory actually and in YOUR case must surely "BUZZ" every moment of your waking hours (maybe even in your dreams) since it would appear that you feel compelled to report on every incident you read in the daily news.

I am sure everybody is equally horrified when they are informed of the awful occurrences taking place in so many areas of our troubled world BUT, in YOUR case, every such occurrence apparently triggers a frenzy of inner fury which you are unable to control and merely results in a barrage of published filth and abuse which neither solves nor explains anything.

Were you to reflect upon the 'Reasons' for the emergence of 'IS', you might even be able to concede that, as evil as they are (in OUR opinion) they are a product of Western aggression and (thus far) are proving themselves to be a formidable opponent to those who seek their destruction.

Do try to overcome your blind furies, consider what THEY (IS) are so aggrieved about and WHY they are so committed to the horrific actions we witness, embark upon a voyage of historic discovery and even YOU may be able to fathom THEIR perspective of what 'No opposition' to Western aggression might bring for the future of THEIR families and THEIR nations.

It might even help your blood pressure and cure the 'Frothing' every time you read a newspaper. :wink: :wink:
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:30 am

Schnauzer wrote:One wonders if you have ever heard the expression "A Bee in his bonnet" ?.

It is self explanatory actually and in YOUR case must surely "BUZZ" every moment of your waking hours (maybe even in your dreams) since it would appear that you feel compelled to report on every incident you read in the daily news.

I am sure everybody is equally horrified when they are informed of the awful occurrences taking place in so many areas of our troubled world BUT, in YOUR case, every such occurrence apparently triggers a frenzy of inner fury which you are unable to control and merely results in a barrage of published filth and abuse which neither solves nor explains anything.

Were you to reflect upon the 'Reasons' for the emergence of 'IS', you might even be able to concede that, as evil as they are (in OUR opinion) they are a product of Western aggression and (thus far) are proving themselves to be a formidable opponent to those who seek their destruction.

Do try to overcome your blind furies, consider what THEY (IS) are so aggrieved about and WHY they are so committed to the horrific actions we witness, embark upon a voyage of historic discovery and even YOU may be able to fathom THEIR perspective of what 'No opposition' to Western aggression might bring for the future of THEIR families and THEIR nations.

It might even help your blood pressure and cure the 'Frothing' every time you read a newspaper. :wink: :wink:

Stop trying so hard to sound intelligent. When it comes to intellect you are but mere dwarf evidenced by the crap that you incessantly post in a pseudo "eloquent" manner, you may well fool some but you can not fool me. You are a first class idiot albeit a poorly educated one, no doubt at the expense of the western world. ISIS are a bunch of brainwashed, like you, fucking savages, their goal is to take the world back to the dark ages. Do some thinking and cut the crap out you Pervert.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Lordo » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:28 am

in the meantime perhaps you can ponder on how many people the real savages have murdered using their warplanes, missiles and drones. of course you will not here how many they killed becasue they are not civilised enough to publish the figures.

you touthless old dog
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:51 am

They are muslims killing muslims
you ignorant prick, now do me a favour and fuck off ![/quote]

This extract from one of your previous 'Rants' prompts me to draw your attention to certain precedents and I do wonder if you are aware of just how stupid it is to attach so much significance to the fact that there is apparent disharmony twixt two parties of the same (or similar) ideologies.

I did advise you to embark upon a voyage of historic discovery, you obviously are ill-equipped to do so and therefore, I will pinpoint one or two examples from the pages of history in order to press a point.

'The English Civil War' and 'The American Civil War', both of which YOU should be well acquainted with since, on the one hand you embraced the 'English' as your mentors when you fled your own homeland and have oft spouted your admiration for the 'Yanks.

At least, 'IS' have a little more justification for their actions than either of the two examples I highlight since THEIR grievance stems from an irresolvable difference of 'Faith' rather than one of 'Political' view.

As to which of the examples is responsible for the greater amount of death and destruction, I would very cautiously suggest that 'IS' in third place.

And finally, here is an example especially for YOU (although you were of course in the arms of your new 'Friends' the 'English' at the time) :roll:

Cyprus is today divided because Cypriots sought a post colonial Cyprus based not on their commonalities as Cypriots regardless of their ethnic background but ones based on their differences that were mutualy exclusive as such and proved all to willing to use illegal violence and murder against entirely innocent Cypriots in the pursuit of these goals. Cypriots intimidated and murdered Cypriots of their own communities that advocated creating a united Cyprus. Cypriots killed and murdered innocent Cypriots for no other reasons that they were from the 'other' community. No group is more responsible by their choices, their actions and their lack of actions, for the division we have today in Cyprus than Cypriots. One of the many commonalities that many GC and TC share is the tendency to instinctively seek to blame everyone and anyone but themselves for everything and anything.

What do YOU think ?. :wink:
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:01 am

I think you are a misguided disgusting prick , also the same for Vordo. Both of you ought to put your money where your mouths are and fuck off to Syria and join your fucking savages that you both so much admire. Perhaps you do the world a favour and blow your selves up, just make sure no innocent bystanders are present when you do so. You are and always be a disgusting pervert, so off you jolly well go, the savages are awaiting .
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:07 am

miltiades wrote:I think you are a misguided disgusting prick , also the same for Vordo. Both of you ought to put your money where your mouths are and fuck off to Syria and join your fucking savages that you both so much admire. Perhaps you do the world a favour and blow your selves up, just make sure no innocent bystanders are present when you do so. You are and always be a disgusting pervert, so off you jolly well go, the savages are awaiting .

OK, but how do you equate the differences twixt the examples I have drawn your attention to ?.

Do you have a valid explanation for the SAME actions in the country (Cyprus) that was once your own ?. :roll:
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:19 am

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:I think you are a misguided disgusting prick , also the same for Vordo. Both of you ought to put your money where your mouths are and fuck off to Syria and join your fucking savages that you both so much admire. Perhaps you do the world a favour and blow your selves up, just make sure no innocent bystanders are present when you do so. You are and always be a disgusting pervert, so off you jolly well go, the savages are awaiting .

OK, but how do you equate the differences twixt the examples I have drawn your attention to ?.

Do you have a valid explanation for the SAME actions in the country (Cyprus) that was once your own ?. :roll:

How dare you make such a fucking comparison you fucking prick. The savages round up innocent people and chop their heads off. Did the Cypriots do that ?
You disgust me beyond a shadow of doubt. I suppose in your warped mind the Cypriots tossed gays off roof buildings, exploded them selves at funeral processions, in market places, at weddings. You are a disgusting pierce of crap. now do me a favour and go fuck your self, you prick.
Now, I do not wish to interact with shit therefore as from now any response you provide will be deflected with FUCK OFF!
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:31 am

Your responses have become rather monotonous and sooner or later you will be bound to notice it yourself.

Your reliance on filth and abuse to counter any view which differs from your own merely emphasizes the fact that you are unable to communicate in a civil fashion.

Therefore, I would advise you to withdraw from 'Political Discussions', you simply do not have the necessary qualifications to engage in meaningful exchanges of opinion. :roll:
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:45 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Your responses have become rather monotonous and sooner or later you will be bound to notice it yourself.

Your reliance on filth and abuse to counter any view which differs from your own merely emphasizes the fact that you are unable to communicate in a civil fashion.

Therefore, I would advise you to withdraw from 'Political Discussions', you simply do not have the necessary qualifications to engage in meaningful exchanges of opinion. :roll:

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