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Once again the savages strike !

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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:58 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I beg to differ. I believe that all human beings share the same hopes and aspirations, and the long march of history will lead to secular democracies in the Middle East. It is naive to expect this to be a swift, straightforward process, however.

I do not share your optimism Tim, I think in a thousand years the current situation will not have changed.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:52 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I beg to differ. I believe that all human beings share the same hopes and aspirations, and the long march of history will lead to secular democracies in the Middle East. It is naive to expect this to be a swift, straightforward process, however.

...the world has changed. what takes months to digest as news now takes seconds, what seemed infinite (the world's resources) we know now, are limited. these are what we (the Human race) are adapting to, we as Individuals have the same aspirations, and hopes, this does not change, except our attitudes of mind. i too believe that even in the Middle East, the current situation will change.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:51 pm

I remember at the height of the Arab spring there was an interesting discussion programme on the BBC World Service as to the comparisons between 1848 in Europe and the Arab awakening. The year 1848 saw a wave of mass demonstrations in favour of democracy spread throughout Europe only to be followed by decades of oppression and reaction. Most of the speakers on the programme argued that the Arab spring would similarly end in defeat and lead to a long period of reaction. Maybe. But I do not accept that, long term, 1848 was defeated. Many of the aspirations voiced in that year have become reality in today's Europe and would not have done so unless people had fought to realise them. I do not think there would be a European Convention of Human Rights today had it not been for 1848. Similarly, I believe the aspirations voiced in the Arab awakening will one day come to fruition.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:14 pm

how interesting that a person can suggest the only way to have democracy is if the western interests are not threatened. if this is democracy not even god will be able to help you old man. you better get used to it. everyone is entitled to look after their own interests especially in their own country no matter what it means to anybody else.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:26 pm

Lordo wrote:how interesting that a person can suggest the only way to have democracy is if the western interests are not threatened. if this is democracy not even god will be able to help you old man. you better get used to it. everyone is entitled to look after their own interests especially in their own country no matter what it means to anybody else.

Read what I said you stupid man, alternatively try and improve your understanding of the English lingo !!

"Provided they do not pose a threat to the western world or its interests they should be left to their own devices. Cultural and religious constrains nourished over more than 1000 years will determine their future."
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:55 pm

i dont think you really understand what the west interests are. the west has no right to any interests in any other country. capish gavole.

when the threat is in the west you have every right to fight it but to fight for your interests in other peoples lands seems to me like oppression and exploitation and imperialism. now if you have any problems understanding these concepts let me know, i can be of some assistance to you. in the meantime if the west wants easy life, they should stop sponsoring dictators all over the world for their own benefit against the interests of the people that live there. you must be one blind and deaf old man not to see the obvious.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:00 pm

By this, the Muslim union of scholars lead by Qaradawi is setting up the theological precedence by announcing that a future confederacy of Muslim nations must and will be established and centered in the land of the Muslim Caliphate in Turkey. ... in-turkey/ interesting link, and an interesting confirmation that the intended Capital of this Caliphate will be Istanbul.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:23 pm

Lordo wrote:i dont think you really understand what the west interests are. the west has no right to any interests in any other country. capish gavole.

when the threat is in the west you have every right to fight it but to fight for your interests in other peoples lands seems to me like oppression and exploitation and imperialism. now if you have any problems understanding these concepts let me know, i can be of some assistance to you. in the meantime if the west wants easy life, they should stop sponsoring dictators all over the world for their own benefit against the interests of the people that live there. you must be one blind and deaf old man not to see the obvious.

Go and join your relations in Iraq and Syria stupid, ISIS welcomes people such as you. Now get lost stupid.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:25 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
By this, the Muslim union of scholars lead by Qaradawi is setting up the theological precedence by announcing that a future confederacy of Muslim nations must and will be established and centered in the land of the Muslim Caliphate in Turkey. ... in-turkey/ interesting link, and an interesting confirmation that the intended Capital of this Caliphate will be Istanbul.

For as long as these primitive people have allah as their guiding force they will remain in the medieval era. The difference now is that the West does not have to tolerate their stupidity as they once did.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Linichka » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:42 pm

Nor should we.
They are a curse on their own future generations, as well as on ours.
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