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Once again the savages strike !

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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:32 am

The only form of governance in the Islamic world is Dictatorship. Democracy is not compatible with Islamists and it will never establish it self as the governing system, the West must realize this concept and abandon its efforts to introduce the democratic system in these nations.

" Millatu Ibrahim Perth’s website was recently closed down, but it has used its Facebook page to declare a hatred of disbelievers.

‘We hate the Kuffar and everything that they worship,’ it reads. ‘We hate their constitutions, we reject their way of life, we reject their political systems, we reject their parliaments, we reject their democracy, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism and every other filthy disbelieving ‘ism’ that has come to act as a hindrance from Islam, the pure religion of Allah to rule from the east to the west.'” Read more."
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:55 am

Well, Australia has its way of monitoring these suspects, and in the end, they end up in the fringes or in jail.

The stupid idiot has no idea and probably thinks he can get away with this and live a normal life, but his phones would be tapped, his emails hacked, facebook and twitter hacked, and is probably under 24/7 surveillance by some pretty resourceful spooks.

I remember one chap went on National TV wearing an Islamic State shirt and was arrested within a week. :lol:

His assault charge is only part of his problems. The authorities will also charge him with inciting hatred, and on affiliations with terrorist organisations, to increase his prison sentence out to a minimum of 8 years. They will also cancel his passport in the meantime.

The guy is probably too stupid to know that the "cleaner" was probably more than a cleaner but was in fact ASIO (Aussie CIA). :lol: ... 7027662421

IDIOT! :lol:

In all honesty, I think he must of missed the line where Allah was handing out the brains! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Lordo » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:46 pm

how very interesting, and these dictatorship muslim governments you are talking about, just who is controlling them and whos interest are they serving. lets take 3 of those, egypt, saudi arabia and jordan never mind the rest. who controls these countries.

interesting that you are judging 1.5 billion people with the actions of less than 0.001 percent people. it just goes to show how anti-muslim you are and how much hatred you have towards muslims. interesting indeed.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:20 pm

Lordo wrote:how very interesting, and these dictatorship muslim governments you are talking about, just who is controlling them and whos interest are they serving. lets take 3 of those, egypt, saudi arabia and jordan never mind the rest. who controls these countries.

interesting that you are judging 1.5 billion people with the actions of less than 0.001 percent people. it just goes to show how anti-muslim you are and how much hatred you have towards muslims. interesting indeed.

I do not hate Muslims, I detest Islamists who are causing so much grief to the muslem world, from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia,Nigeria, and generally in any muslim nation.
"What do most of those countries have in common? Islam. Not just Islam in the abstract, but wars to make Islam into the absolute and uncompromising law of the land.

Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia are violent because of brutal conflicts involving the imposition of Islamic law. Syria and Iraq are split by bloody fighting between Sunnis and Shiites over Islamic doctrine.

Sudan is conducting a more conventional genocide with religious and racial elements that unquestionably draw support from Islam. But even if we count Sudan out, the remainder are indisputably wars defined by Islam." ... re-muslim/

"Yet in the present context we see an alarming situation where Muslims are killing each other. The Iran-Iraq war that lasted a decade left 1m Muslims dead over a land dispute! Why are moderate Muslims in fear of the radical Islamics? In a world where population control has meant western populations are either having just one child or none at all the Muslim population is expanding & the threat of this increase would mean all continents are likely to be populated with Muslims in time to come. It is estimated that by 2020 Muslims will account for 10% of the European population & one third of all European children will be Muslim. Immigration accounts for almost 90% of Europe’s population during the 1990s. From 80,000 UK ‘sƒÆ’-¡ Muslim population is now over 2m & London is a launch pad for most of the pro-Islamic propaganda." ... ach-other/
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:48 pm

I thought the comments made on 13 August by left-wing academic Foti Benlisoy, by the way one of the younger generation of the small number of ethnic Greeks remaining in Istanbul, cautioning against adopting simplistic conspiracy theories about Islamic State’s origin are interesting, so I have translated them into English and posted them here:

There are a variety of rumours. One of them has it that Hillary Clinton, in her autobiography “Hard Choices”, has admitted that ISIL was actually created by the US administration itself. In fact, just as there exists no autobiography in a real sense (loads of politicians who think they are on the way up - like Sarıgül did recently here - get a group of professional writers to write so-called “autobiographies”), there is no striking revelation. What Clinton expressed was the view (commonly enough expressed in the USA) that, because they did not arm the “moderate opposition” in Syria, they failed to stem the rise of “radicals” like ISIL. Whether this view is correct is another matter. However, this view is clearly far removed from being a “confession” that ISIL was set up by the USA. Even if we did not know what she had written in the book, we would still have been able to “decipher” (to use a term loved by conspiracy theorists) the rumour’s inconsistency by applying “simple logic”. Can it reasonably be expected that the first step of a politician who is preparing to contest the coming presidential election would be to “reveal” in her “autobiography” that she has commissioned that she is also part of ISIL? Is such a thing possible? Can Clinton court the votes of the US electorate after penning these words? Certainly, lack of consistency has never been a hindrance to the spreading of a conspiracy theory. For instance, this scenario has become so popular in Lebanon that the US Beirut Embassy had to issue a denial in the matter.

Another rumour has it that Edward Snowden, who is accused of revealing secret National Security Agency documents to the public, said in an interview that the USA and Israel had set up ISIL, or even that the organisation’s leader Baghdadi, who of late has been styling himself “Caliph”, had been trained by MOSSAD. It is unknown where the said interview was given, where it was published and whether Snowden indeed uttered these words. Although the rumour is of Iranian origin, even the editor of the Kayhan newspaper close to the Iranian government, Hossein Shariatmadari, has stated that this report is “odd”. In spite of this uncertainty, the Snowden-ISIL scenario has taken hold and has become a “fact” to which frequent reference is made.

As we have said, there are a variety of rumours. This is not the interesting thing, for sure. ISIL’s astonishing military successes scored in Syria and especially Iraq and the organisation’s vile acts have caught everybody off guard to the extent that the spreading of self-propagating theories which purport to explain everything at a single stroke makes perfect sense. What does not make sense is for (blatant) conspiracy theories of this kind to find such ready acceptance even on the left. In an environment in which our intellectual life has become paralysed through a whole host of conspiracy theories emanating from the various charlatans surrounding Erdoğan, it will be a grave error for the left for whatever purpose to join this bandwagon, because what conspiracy theories have in common is that, on the one hand, they explain complex social processes with simple formulae, and, on the other, stress how helpless and weak ordinary people are in the face of the projects of the secret forces that control the world. Essentially, even if conspiracy theories appear to be “opposition”, most of the time they depoliticise the masses by propagating hopelessness and political apathy.

Let us return to ISIL. The various rumours and conspiracy theories about the rise of this murderous organisation serve either to downplay the danger or, conversely, exaggerate it. To reduce ISIL to a foreign policy manoeuvre by the USA or Israel (or the Saudi monarchy or Turkey) leads to the illusion that the danger can be easily be dispelled with a counter-manoeuvre (US air strikes?). Or, the danger may be deemed to be the product of such a massive conspiracy whose secret can never be fathomed that fighting it becomes a task beyond the capability of us mere mortals.

The fact is that ISIL (or IS) is a real danger in our midst. The proclamation of the Caliphate has even made IS into a new centre of attraction for the global jihad movement. The consequences of being neighbours of the “Caliphate” will be very serious for all of us. If the AKP government is not hell bent on changing Turkey’s place in the international system, it will whether it likes it or not have to oppose ISIL in some way. If the “Caliphate” acquires permanence, then the “apostate” Republic of Turkey will certainly become a target. Then, the murky relations established by the Republic of Turkey with ISIL so as to block the Kurds’ way into Rojava will undoubtedly have a “boomerang effect” like that with the Pakistan-Taliban. Then, information that there are hundreds of militants originating from Turkey in ISIL’s ranks points to the potential for the organisation to spread into Turkish society and, if nothing else, to secure the active engagement of certain elements.

The picture is not at all pretty. We may have to be “neighbours” with ISIL for a long time. If this relationship of “neighbourhood” continues, we may end up longing for the days when we spoke of ISIL solely as being a “foreign affairs” matter. ISIL has far more real and enduring roots than any intrigue or conspirative manoeuvre. Failure to inquire as to the material-social base of ISIL’s sudden and astonishing development, i.e. putting our heads in the sand and imagining that we can rid ourselves of this matter with a few political curses, is nothing but an exercise in self-deception. As we have said, the picture is not at all pretty. We must have the courage to look straight at that picture.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:00 pm

There is a report in the secular Turkish press that the Shiite defenders of Amerli have apprehended three wounded members of the Turkish intelligence service MİT, whom they say were fighting among IS's ranks. ... landi.html
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:23 pm

Reality check for forum fools: :lol:

ISIS: Made in Washington, Riyadh – and Tel Aviv

ISIS didn’t just arise out of the earth like some Islamist variation on the fabled Myrmidons: they needed money, weapons, logistics, propaganda facilities, and international connections to reach the relatively high level of organization and lethality they seem to have achieved in such a short period of time. Where did they get these assets? ... -tel-aviv/
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:01 pm

The aim of the Americans and others was to help the SFA to depose Assad whom they considered as a brutal dictator, especially following the use of chemicals against those opposing him.

From the start I expressed the view on this forum that the USA and the west should stay clear of the Syrian conflict and harshly condemned efforts by the UK PM to convince parliament to sanction action against Assad.

America did not create these savages, they are the creation of their warped interpretation of their sick religion.

The quicker America disposes of these barbarians the better for the people of Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:30 pm

Lordo wrote:how very interesting, and these dictatorship muslim governments you are talking about, just who is controlling them and whos interest are they serving. lets take 3 of those, egypt, saudi arabia and jordan never mind the rest. who controls these countries.

interesting that you are judging 1.5 billion people with the actions of less than 0.001 percent people. it just goes to show how anti-muslim you are and how much hatred you have towards muslims. interesting indeed.

Egypt was doing fine when America had its puppet there. Then the Arab Spring occurred and everything turned to SHIT! Yeh we all supported the Arab Spring but look at the SHIT now.

Same with Saudi Arabia. The regime keeps the tribal elders and warlords from rearing their heads.
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Re: Once again the savages strike !

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:34 pm

Get Real! wrote:Reality check for forum fools: :lol:

ISIS: Made in Washington, Riyadh – and Tel Aviv

ISIS didn’t just arise out of the earth like some Islamist variation on the fabled Myrmidons: they needed money, weapons, logistics, propaganda facilities, and international connections to reach the relatively high level of organization and lethality they seem to have achieved in such a short period of time. Where did they get these assets? ... -tel-aviv/

Don't think so mate. You need to do your research.

It's The Free Syrian Army but it's not clear whether the US had Armed that group despite all the rumours that they did. The US does not admit to it in any case and according to the Americans, they are to blame for not arming moderate groups that actually fight ISIL, now known as IS.

Either way, IS have now pissed the West Off so I think they got a one way ticket to Paradise with 72 virgins.
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