dzimeruk wrote:Let me please clear up some misconceptions that have been expressed on this thread.
-Eugene Terre'Blanche and the AWB do not represent the majority of white South Africans; even those of us who speak Afrikaans do not accept him as our representative
-having said that, the future of white Africans is bleak; come to South Africa and you will begin to understand why so many of us who have Cypriot heritage are trying to get back home
-the ANC is a criminal organization; our president is a rapist, polygamist and fraudster and his little deputy is a multi-millionaire who is calling for genocide: "kill the boer (farmer)"
-importantly, there are many black people who absolutely reject this and want to preserve this country. The ANC just has a strangle-hold on the rural populace, who remember the horror of apartheid and have blind hope in Mandela's ANC, which no longer exists
-Those of you who have posted insulting racial comments about black people ought to look a little closer to home for "strange tribal ways" and mindless racial hatred.
-If you do plan to come to the World Cup, keep your wits about you and be sensible. If you come to the Eastern Cape, perhaps learn some basic conversational isiXhosa or Afrikaans. (You may even stumble on some of us who speak Greek in a funny accent

Thanks for clearing some of that up for us dzimeruk.
Just like to say though, you mentioned looking closer to home for 'strange tribal ways'. Well, Cypriot ways and mentality although being considered loud and raucous do not incorporate the daily mindless violence and vicious murders that make international headlines.
Cyprus was also colonized as you know by Britain, we fought and struggled for independence and won it. Now we live side by side with a sizable British ex pat community in relative harmony. I've never heard of Cypriot bandits wielding machetes and panga's going around slaughtering English people in hate crimes, nor are there any 'tribes' as you mentioned it, fighting amongst each other in leopard skins and bow and arrows.
The Cypriot has come a long way in relative short time, considering their Anglo colonization and Turkish invasion, we rank among the the most stable and prosperous nations with a fraction of the crime rate.