Cap wrote:Oracle wrote:The main reason for the perpetuation of low IQs is that certain people are locked in a cycle of poverty and poor education due to physical discrimination!
Anyway, having said that ...
Athens, 16 November 2002 (15:10 UTC+2)
A 35yearold Greek, who is a math and computer science professor in the University of Lyon, France is the man with the highest IQ in the world. He is Nikos Ligeros, with an IQ of 189, the highest ever recorded in the world, a superior intellect organizations MENSA member.
He was born in Volos, central Greece, but lives in France, even though he states that he is always in Greece. All the elements I am made of are Greek. It doesn't matter where I live. When I am abroad, my friends call me the Greek consulate. The Greeks are not Greeks because they live in Greece. They are Greeks regardless of where they live, stated in an interview with the Athens newspaper Ethnos.
He said that his goal is to create thought, overturn ideas and heal society. He loves people very much and wants to help them, while he feels absolutely normal compared to the rest of the people. He does not characterize anybody as stupid because everyone is somebody else's fool. On the education system, he points out that each country should create the right conditions, however, education is a matter of individual initiative.
On his future targets, he maintains that the journey is the goal and stresses that what is important is not where we are going to but the fact that we are keep goiing.HRI
I think its Genetic O, no amount of affirmative action is going to change the gap anytime soon, which is evident in the US where 150 years of equal rights had virtually no effect and UK where slavery was non existent.
I think evolution will remedy the situation.. maybe a few more thousand years. Black people were essentially ripped from out the bush and thrown in front of the computer and expected to perform.
In regards with Nikos Ligeros, 189.... wow. Whatever happened to him?
I see that post was from 2002.
Cap ... the Africans are as evolved as the rest of us. What are you saying, mana mou?
Racism is rife, despite equality laws and Africans have been discriminated against; slavery, post-slavery and up to right now. Have a look at some of the opinions being branded about, by Brits even
As for genetics; well there's no doubt the fidelity of our brain is due to our genes. But within any population the same frequency of low, high and medium abilities prevail. The rest is due to environmental factors (education/wealth/opportunities) which allow some to flourish. There's no doubt those of African ancestry are the most discriminated. Look at the trouble Obama received.
And just as those with the lowest IQs struggle to get through life, being outside the mean, so too do those with the highest IQs (not speaking from experience for either extreme

). Maybe it's best to be average. I haven't a clue.