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South African Race War... WC doomed?

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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:43 pm

Quite right... here is another view...

Dear Africans,

Stop raping your sisters. Stop having numerous sexual partners. Wear a condom. Stop sitting under a fucking tree all day clutching an AK47, stop deciding that your neighbours tribe need to be macheted to death by the millions, stop letting your tribal leaders squander your wealth on diamond encrusted Lear Jets, stop sending me fucking 419 letters, stop eyeing up your neighbours 14 year old daughter, stop marrying every woman you meet, stop selling your children to slave traders, stop rioting over which bastard sky pixie is the best, stop rubbing chilli powder in children’s eyes because you think they are witches and keep your fucking legs closed for ten years and AIDS will be completely gone from your continent.
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Postby Wingnut » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:32 am

very accurate, cyprusgrump, if a little coarse...

the pc brigade can blame colonialism and poverty all they like. cypriots were so poor they survived on bread and olives for long periods of time. i remember seeing pictures of my parents walking through snow in troodos with cloth wrapped round their feet instead of shoes. how can africa, the breadbasket of the world, with so many resources, get it so badly wrong time and time again ?

i think the key is in the family structure. no father figure, no real family unit so kids grow up without role models and tend to perpetuate the cycle

colonialism and Christianity was good for them, they just didnt know it

makes me laugh as well when i hear politicians and the pc brigade in europe and the US talking about racism and how terribly the blacks are discriminated against. then i flip over the channel and see some black dude grabbing his cock and rapping about how he shot someone in the face then went home and banged his ho'.

the problem lies within their own community and social structure. until they tackle their lack of proper values they will never advance.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:47 am

Wingnut wrote:very accurate, cyprusgrump, if a little coarse...

the pc brigade can blame colonialism and poverty all they like. cypriots were so poor they survived on bread and olives for long periods of time. i remember seeing pictures of my parents walking through snow in troodos with cloth wrapped round their feet instead of shoes. how can africa, the breadbasket of the world, with so many resources, get it so badly wrong time and time again ?

i think the key is in the family structure. no father figure, no real family unit so kids grow up without role models and tend to perpetuate the cycle

colonialism and Christianity was good for them, they just didnt know it

makes me laugh as well when i hear politicians and the pc brigade in europe and the US talking about racism and how terribly the blacks are discriminated against. then i flip over the channel and see some black dude grabbing his cock and rapping about how he shot someone in the face then went home and banged his ho'.

the problem lies within their own community and social structure. until they tackle their lack of proper values they will never advance.

Very well put...

If ever an example was needed to demonstrate your point we just need to look at the disaster that Zimbabwe has become under Mugabe.
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Postby boomerang » Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:23 pm

Al-Qaeda: We’ll blitz World Cup
Target ... Cape Town footie stadium

AL-QAEDA have vowed to bomb the World Cup - with England players top of their hitlist.
The terror group pledged to target the match between England and the USA in South Africa in June, warning "hundreds" of fans could die.

A branch of al-Qaeda which last year killed British hostage Edwin Dyer, 61, in Mali made the threats.

They also vowed to target resorts, hotels and car parks used by supporters during the tournament. And they claimed explosive devices which cannot be detected by security scans would be used.

The threats appear on al-Qaeda-linked websites. A statement said: "How beautiful would the game between England and the USA be when broadcast live from a stadium full of spectators - when the sound of an explosion rumbles through the stands. The resulting death toll is in the dozens and hundreds - Allah willing."

Security around England stars such as Frank Lampard is likely to be stepped up as they play in Cape Town and other cities.

The threats from al-Qaeda's North African network were last night being taken seriously by terror experts.

Neil Doyle said: "They have a track record for violence."

Read more: ... z0kgvu2npk
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Postby Talisker » Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:59 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Wingnut wrote:very accurate, cyprusgrump, if a little coarse...

the pc brigade can blame colonialism and poverty all they like. cypriots were so poor they survived on bread and olives for long periods of time. i remember seeing pictures of my parents walking through snow in troodos with cloth wrapped round their feet instead of shoes. how can africa, the breadbasket of the world, with so many resources, get it so badly wrong time and time again ?

i think the key is in the family structure. no father figure, no real family unit so kids grow up without role models and tend to perpetuate the cycle

colonialism and Christianity was good for them, they just didnt know it

makes me laugh as well when i hear politicians and the pc brigade in europe and the US talking about racism and how terribly the blacks are discriminated against. then i flip over the channel and see some black dude grabbing his cock and rapping about how he shot someone in the face then went home and banged his ho'.

the problem lies within their own community and social structure. until they tackle their lack of proper values they will never advance.

Very well put...

If ever an example was needed to demonstrate your point we just need to look at the disaster that Zimbabwe has become under Mugabe.

Oi, idiots, can't you see the problems with your thinking here? Let's consider this thread and how it has developed from the warning to those bastions of western civilisation, the English football supporter, that they may face a good slicing and chopping from the African savages (because obviously that's what ALL Africans do, from the Daily Star, FFS!) to our resident Daily Express and Daily Mail readers giving us their WISDOM and FACTS about the REAL problems in Africa.

Because, of course, all Africans rape, they all have AIDS, they are all corrupt, and, bloody hell, they always seem to be hungry, they just want to breed and breed and breed.........

And, of course, we in the West have nothing to do with this.....and they inconvenience us so much those Africans (because, they are ALL the same, never forget that), what with those annoying newsreel clips showing dying, fly-covered, children, those e-mails which have resulted in SO many of losing money and dignity (whereas all other Western-sourced spam is just fine and dandy!), and, you know, those of them who trek across the Sahara desert, then risk drowning while crossing the Med in any bathtub they can lay hands on because they are so desperate for work, the kind of work that we would not even consider doing, and, horror of horrors, some of our taxes (which are otherwise spent SO wisely) have to be spent on KEEPING THEM OUT!

There are now whole societies in Africa whose life has changed due to global climate change, for example nomads in sub-Sahara Africa cannot sustain their traditional lifestyles (which had no deleterious effect on the world around them, and certainly didn't affect you or me), although, no doubt you are climate change sceptics, and certainly wouldn't accept that western civilisation, led by the industrial revolution and an oil-based economy, has contributed to this, and therefore YOU bear no responsibility for the plight of those facing destruction of their environment and sustainable, non-damaging lifestyles.

Who is the more perverted, those UNEDUCATED people in Africa that think they can cure their affliction (AIDS) through intercourse with a virgin, or educated, pampered, free, full of their own self-importance, Westerners who would deny help to those, who, through no fault of their own, are facing poverty, famine, and a short life of misery?
Last edited by Talisker on Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:10 pm

Talisker wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Wingnut wrote:very accurate, cyprusgrump, if a little coarse...

the pc brigade can blame colonialism and poverty all they like. cypriots were so poor they survived on bread and olives for long periods of time. i remember seeing pictures of my parents walking through snow in troodos with cloth wrapped round their feet instead of shoes. how can africa, the breadbasket of the world, with so many resources, get it so badly wrong time and time again ?

i think the key is in the family structure. no father figure, no real family unit so kids grow up without role models and tend to perpetuate the cycle

colonialism and Christianity was good for them, they just didnt know it

makes me laugh as well when i hear politicians and the pc brigade in europe and the US talking about racism and how terribly the blacks are discriminated against. then i flip over the channel and see some black dude grabbing his cock and rapping about how he shot someone in the face then went home and banged his ho'.

the problem lies within their own community and social structure. until they tackle their lack of proper values they will never advance.

Very well put...

If ever an example was needed to demonstrate your point we just need to look at the disaster that Zimbabwe has become under Mugabe.

Oi, idiots, can't you see the problems with your thinking here? Let's consider this thread and how it has developed from the warning to those bastions of western civilisation, the English football supporter, that they may face a good slicing and chopping from the African savages (because obviously that's what ALL Africans do, from the Daily Star, FFS!) to our resident daily Express and Daily Mail readers giving us their WISDOM and FACTS about the REAL problems in Africa.

Because, of course, all Africans rape, they all have AIDS, they are all corrupt, and, blood hell,, they always seem to be hungry, they just want to breed and breed and breed.........

And, of course, we in the West have nothing to do with this.....and they inconvenience us so much those Africans (because, they are ALL the same, never forget that), what with those annoying newsreel clips showing dying, fly-covered, children, those e-mails which have resulted in SO many of losing money and dignity (whereas all other Western-sourced spam is just fine and dandy!), and, you know, those of them who trek across the Sahara desert, then risk drowning while crossing the Med in any bathtub they can lay hands on because they are so desperate for work, the kind of work that we would not even consider doing, and, horror of horrors, some of our taxes (which are otherwise spent SO wisely) have to be spent on KEEPING THEM OUT!

There are now whole societies in Africa whose life has changed due to global climate change, for example nomads in sub-Sahara Africa cannot sustain their traditional lifestyles (which had no deliterious effect on the world around them, and certainly didn't affect you or me), although, no doubt you are climate change sceptics, and certainly wouldn't accept that western civilisation, led by the industrial revolution and an oil-based economy, has contributed to this, and therefore YOU bear no responsibility for the plight of those facing destruction of their environment and sustainable, non-damaging lifestyles.

Who is the more perverted, those UNEDUCATED people in Africa that think they can cure their affliction (AIDS) through intercourse with a virgin, or educated, pampered, free, full of their own self-importance, Westerners who would deny help to those, who, through no fault of their own, are facing poverty, famine, and a short life of misery?

We're the idiots yet you believe in man made climate change...? :roll:

There really is no point discussing this with you...

No doubt you have a whole family of cute, adopted little black kids to look after anyway... I'll let you get back to it.

PS Bob Geldof said 'thanks for the money'...

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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:21 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:No doubt you have a whole family of cute, adopted little black kids to look after anyway... I'll let you get back to it.

Never took you as someone who would be in support of Madonna's PR-seeking adoption ploys.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:28 pm

Oracle wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:No doubt you have a whole family of cute, adopted little black kids to look after anyway... I'll let you get back to it.

Never took you as someone who would be in support of Madonna's PR-seeking adoption ploys.

Oh I don't... I just thought that as Talisker was so keen....
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Postby Talisker » Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:50 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Talisker wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Wingnut wrote:very accurate, cyprusgrump, if a little coarse...

the pc brigade can blame colonialism and poverty all they like. cypriots were so poor they survived on bread and olives for long periods of time. i remember seeing pictures of my parents walking through snow in troodos with cloth wrapped round their feet instead of shoes. how can africa, the breadbasket of the world, with so many resources, get it so badly wrong time and time again ?

i think the key is in the family structure. no father figure, no real family unit so kids grow up without role models and tend to perpetuate the cycle

colonialism and Christianity was good for them, they just didnt know it

makes me laugh as well when i hear politicians and the pc brigade in europe and the US talking about racism and how terribly the blacks are discriminated against. then i flip over the channel and see some black dude grabbing his cock and rapping about how he shot someone in the face then went home and banged his ho'.

the problem lies within their own community and social structure. until they tackle their lack of proper values they will never advance.

Very well put...

If ever an example was needed to demonstrate your point we just need to look at the disaster that Zimbabwe has become under Mugabe.

Oi, idiots, can't you see the problems with your thinking here? Let's consider this thread and how it has developed from the warning to those bastions of western civilisation, the English football supporter, that they may face a good slicing and chopping from the African savages (because obviously that's what ALL Africans do, from the Daily Star, FFS!) to our resident Daily Express and Daily Mail readers giving us their WISDOM and FACTS about the REAL problems in Africa.

Because, of course, all Africans rape, they all have AIDS, they are all corrupt, and, bloody hell, they always seem to be hungry, they just want to breed and breed and breed.........

And, of course, we in the West have nothing to do with this.....and they inconvenience us so much those Africans (because, they are ALL the same, never forget that), what with those annoying newsreel clips showing dying, fly-covered, children, those e-mails which have resulted in SO many of losing money and dignity (whereas all other Western-sourced spam is just fine and dandy!), and, you know, those of them who trek across the Sahara desert, then risk drowning while crossing the Med in any bathtub they can lay hands on because they are so desperate for work, the kind of work that we would not even consider doing, and, horror of horrors, some of our taxes (which are otherwise spent SO wisely) have to be spent on KEEPING THEM OUT!

There are now whole societies in Africa whose life has changed due to global climate change, for example nomads in sub-Sahara Africa cannot sustain their traditional lifestyles (which had no deliterious effect on the world around them, and certainly didn't affect you or me), although, no doubt you are climate change sceptics, and certainly wouldn't accept that western civilisation, led by the industrial revolution and an oil-based economy, has contributed to this, and therefore YOU bear no responsibility for the plight of those facing destruction of their environment and sustainable, non-damaging lifestyles.

Who is the more perverted, those UNEDUCATED people in Africa that think they can cure their affliction (AIDS) through intercourse with a virgin, or educated, pampered, free, full of their own self-importance, Westerners who would deny help to those, who, through no fault of their own, are facing poverty, famine, and a short life of misery?

We're the idiots yet you believe in man made climate change...? :roll:

There really is no point discussing this with you...

No doubt you have a whole family of cute, adopted little black kids to look after anyway... I'll let you get back to it.

PS Bob Geldof said 'thanks for the money'...


Enjoy your I'm-alright-Jack, head-in-the-sand, and superiority-complex-dominated life.......saddo!
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Postby Cap » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:07 pm

Here's another Savant article.....
Another reason for the African mess.

IQ is the key

A number of my readers have commented to the effect that there are many intelligent, hard-working blacks. Well of course. However, without a discriminating immigration policy, which Ireland emphatically does not, we will receive a block of people who are, on average, going to be a major source of problems for this country, as they are for every other country in Europe. The explanation is largely, but not exclusively, down to different IQ levels. A painful and embarrassing topic, but there are few of greater importance. You can tell that by the fact that we're not allowed to talk about it.

So let's talk about it. The following repeats part of an earlier post on this subject.

The issue of general intelligence is closely related to the concept of Pre-modern Society. While Intelligent Quotient (IQ) tests remain controversial, there is no longer much dispute as to their general capacity to measure certain capabilities, nor that such intelligence is inherited by a factor of between 60% and 70%. The astronomical score achieved by your Savant surely underlines the validity of such tests?Perhaps the best explanation is provided by the psychologist Brigitte Berger, who claims IQ tests measure not so much ‘intelligence’ as what she calls ‘modern consciousness’.

This is the capacity to operate in the highly specialized worlds of modern technology and rationally organized bureaucracies. These core institutions of modern society are produced by, and in turn produce, peculiarly modern cognitive styles: the ability to operate on high levels of abstraction; to break reality down analytically into components; to keep multiple relationships in mind simultaneously; and, especially significant for IQ testing, to relate present tasks to possible future consequences. This last skill, by definition, can be achieved only on the basis of past experiences and habits of thought that individuals acquire during the earliest period of socialization, when a basic matrix of cognition develops.It’s important to realise that even small variances from the norm can have massive ramifications in terms of ‘life performance’.

For example, a randomly selected group of Americans with an average IQ of 103 had a poverty rate 25% lower than a group with an average IQ of 100, and disparities of a similar scale were recorded for high school drop-out rates, social welfare dependency and crime. Research has shown low IQ to be the single most important determinant of these undesirable social outcomes. When we consider the IQ of Afro-Americans is on average 15% lower than that of whites, the implications are alarming. And indeed, these concerns are borne out in reality. Such social conditions are disproportionately present, by a substantial margin, amongst blacks in Western countries – and of course most clearly in Africa. Even many years of affirmative action for African-Americans has had little impact on their relative economic and social status.

In fact affirmative action is now generally seen to have failed.Many factors have been adduced to explain this, including slavery and subjugation in the past, and racist discrimination in more recent times. However, Jews throughout their history have been persecuted, criminalized, marginalized, expelled, forced into certain occupations, and in general suffered every imaginable form of discrimination. Yet, as a group they excel in almost every field of human endeavour, business, science, literature, politics, entertainment to an extent wildly disproportionate to their numbers. Jews (Ashkenazi) have average IQ levels well above that of 'normal' whites (goyim).Africa’s pre-modern social and economic structures have proven to be extremely resilient, and factors such as rapid population growth and mass migrations from rural to urban areas are exacerbating the problems.

The first step in addressing any problem lies in recognizing the nature of that problem. Continuing under the assumptions that Africans are, on average, endowed with exactly the same capabilities as whites, and that parliamentary democracy will emerge with the appropriate levels of assistance, will, lead to more failure and disappointment.This finding also has major implications for Ireland and Europe generally. Given the vast impact of IQ on achievement, you’d expect black immigrants and their children to be at the bottom of the social heap. And of course that’s exactly the case in EVERY country, as anyone can see.

So the rapidly growing black community here, assuming uniform IQ dispersion, will inevitably lead to the same results. Ghettos where high crime, unemployment, welfare dependency and birth rates lead to a downward, self-feeding spiral .Is your humble Savant hopeful? Afraid not. We have watched the permissible range of debate shrink. There are now many subjects on which there is no room for open minds. Political correctness, authoritarian impulses, and the political manipulation of emotions have replaced spirited debates with propaganda. Poor old Inda will be beaten into silence - must keep the masses in the dark.
Posted by SAVANT at 00:43
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