kafenes wrote:Get Real! wrote:BOF wrote:Get Real! wrote:kafenes wrote:With signs like 'Cyprus, island of fraud' he is only creating hatred between the locals and the Brits living here in Cyprus. Rather then generalising he should aim his campaign towards the particular developer he has the problem with.
Yeah, it’s just so dumb to blame an entire country when you have a feud with a company!
If only it was just a "specific" developer !
There is no hatred being generated between "foreign"buyers( other countries nationals are complaining too) and local Cypriots.
But when Fraud on a grand scale is being comitted with the collusion of interested parties and the people at the top running Cyprus are aware and are failing to act, then when the shit hits the fan its going to stick to a lot of people.
with 130,000 people without deeds it isnt going to go away im afraid.
If this happened to Cypriots living in the UK i think the word specific wouldnt be a concern of the uproar that would be caused here.............
But has this person been conned by more than one company?
Look, I just don't understand what he's trying to achieve because it seems he is attacking everyone BUT those who allegedly swindled him!
I’m starting to have serious doubts about the legitimacy of his claims because Cyprus offers MANY avenues for justice including an Ombudsman, a consumer complains body (which I know to be very effective from personal experience) and of course your average court procedures.
What exactly has he exhausted? Why doesn’t he post the details of the avenues that failed him instead of making a clown of himself on a daily basis on almost EVERY article that gets posted on the Mail???
I smell a rat here…
The rat smelled when he arranged for someone to secretly video his actions. He should have taken his deposit back (as he was offered) and go and buy somewhere else, but instead he was greedy and wanted more. His planned con bounced straight back at him to the point that it wasn't the money which mattered but the prestige. Normally i wouldn't give this case a second thought but as he is generelising and calling my country a fraud, as a Cypriot, I find this most offensive. I have been robbed twice while in England but never went round holding banners sayingm 'Brits are thievs'. I just simply have never gone back there since.
So if someone British kept £75,000 of your money by awarding it to themselves then sold your house to someone else (who has also been duped now) although the Land Registry and specific performance is supposed to be watertight in Cyprus (the O'Dwyer name STILL being on the contract lodged at the land registry) you would walk away and put it down to dealing with the Brits? How postively naive is that?
This case has been called the 'Orams of the South' although I agree unfairly, those not in the 'know' bump all these property scams together and then word spreads amongst all the foreigners who now realise the dangers of buying in Cyprus. The O'Dwyer case is the very tip but many more are on the way.
You may find it offensive but the thousands of buyers caught in the Cyprus property scam find it all much more 'offensive' than you.
Instead of being negative would,nt it be more productive to find out what has been going on and be part of bringing the good name of Cyprus back into the property market, a name it has ONLY itself to blame for. These scams have been reported in property websites in the USA never mind EU countries defending it makes it worse as it does,nt get rectified. Are you suggesting that for some reason all these buyers are making it all up, if so why?
The Brits will nail their country when it does wrong and demand laws are changed and MP,s are sacked along with the Justice system being changed to not allow criminals to get away with things, along with corrupt Police, here you put yourselves in the EU for good reason, then complain when that very system finds glaring corruption/nepotism within its shores.
If it takes people from other shores to get this put right then so be it.
Btw he was,nt offered his deposit back for more than half a day, the videos taken by a hired bodyguard after threats to his life. You need to attend the case to find out.
Original evidence 'lost' by the Police, but other evidence secreted off the island within a few hours of the second assault by someone who knew what could happen. The despotic Lawyer once acting for O'Dwyer suddenly and completely unethically becoming a 'lawyer' for the other side, thats corruption.
The Lawyer from Paralimni that actually made it all happen been driven from opening an office in Paphos, two cases against his work been reported in the last year, more to come there as well , all small steps maybe but results starting to come thru all of course done LEGALLY.
Its the very attitude you seem to possess that caused these problems in the first place. Now its payback.