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Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:50 pm

denizaksulu wrote:What if the egg is stored in the fridge? Is the cooking time the same as an egg NOT stored in a fridge?

I'd say, for a runny yolk and a 'set' egg white;(from fridge); have the soldiers at the ready :wink:

1- Bring the water to the boil

2- Place egg in water and boil for 5 minutes.

3- When time is up, remove from heat and cool under running tap water for a few seconds. (this stops the egg further cooking/hardening due to the heat.)

4- Nob titeppa. :lol:

No, no no,no, everyone knows if you boil eggs they go all rubbery.

Oracle wrote:

What kind of saucepan do you recommend for this operation? A heavy bottom or Teflon perhaps?

Would recommend item no. 6400/3 from our Sponsor's catalogue.
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:52 pm

Rub the egg with zivania before cooking, and see what happens!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:54 pm

Much research has been carried out painstakingly , the recipes that Bill has to offer can best be described as master-pisses !!
Talking about masterpisses wait till all is revealed on how to best prepare cook and serve ameletita.
Honest to God I have had 12 pisses or rather 6 pairs picked up on my behalf from a G/C butcher in Camberwell South East London.
Virile masterpisses cant wait to enjoy a pair on Good Friday !!
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Re: Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

Postby kafenes » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:56 pm

Oracle wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:You will need one egg, one saucepan and one clock or egg-timer.

What kind of saucepan do you recommend for this operation? A heavy bottom or Teflon perhaps?

If I was you, I would use the one with the heavy bottom in case the neighbour finds out you've been stealing the eggs from their coop. :)
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Postby kafenes » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:00 am

Here's another good hint. Freeze a hard boiled coloured egg and take it out of the freezer just before everyone gets ready to crack eggs at easter. You will be a champion!! :)
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Re: Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

Postby YFred » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:18 am

CBBB wrote:
YFred wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:BillC's Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

In association with Devons Catering ... Purveyors of Fine Catering Equipment since 1961

No.1 A Boiled Egg

Well thought would start with what many would think is the simplest thing in the world to cook, but as with so many things there is a certain art to it. .. and thought this would be of particular help to those lady members who are ill-versed in matters of the kitchen.

You will need one egg, one saucepan and one clock or egg-timer.

1. Place egg in saucepan and cover with water.
2. Bring to boil over a medium heat.
3. Remove saucepan from hob as soon as boil is reached and leave to stand.
4. Start timing, for soft boiled eggs time for three minutes.
5. Drain off water and serve with buttered toast.

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Postby Oracle » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:34 am

kafenes wrote:Here's another good hint. Freeze a hard boiled coloured egg and take it out of the freezer just before everyone gets ready to crack eggs at easter. You will be a champion!! :)

If you freeze an egg, won't it explode? :?
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Postby kafenes » Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:59 am

Oracle wrote:
kafenes wrote:Here's another good hint. Freeze a hard boiled coloured egg and take it out of the freezer just before everyone gets ready to crack eggs at easter. You will be a champion!! :)

If you freeze an egg, won't it explode? :?

Not if you hard boil it first. It will explode if you try to cook it in the microwave. :)
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Postby CBBB » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:57 am

kafenes wrote:
Oracle wrote:
kafenes wrote:Here's another good hint. Freeze a hard boiled coloured egg and take it out of the freezer just before everyone gets ready to crack eggs at easter. You will be a champion!! :)

If you freeze an egg, won't it explode? :?

Not if you hard boil it first. It will explode if you try to cook it in the microwave. :)

Not if you pierce the shell and the yolk.
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Re: Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

Postby CBBB » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:58 am

YFred wrote:
CBBB wrote:
YFred wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:BillC's Revolutionary and Radical Recipe Book

In association with Devons Catering ... Purveyors of Fine Catering Equipment since 1961

No.1 A Boiled Egg

Well thought would start with what many would think is the simplest thing in the world to cook, but as with so many things there is a certain art to it. .. and thought this would be of particular help to those lady members who are ill-versed in matters of the kitchen.

You will need one egg, one saucepan and one clock or egg-timer.

1. Place egg in saucepan and cover with water.
2. Bring to boil over a medium heat.
3. Remove saucepan from hob as soon as boil is reached and leave to stand.
4. Start timing, for soft boiled eggs time for three minutes.
5. Drain off water and serve with buttered toast.

Mavron laoman, ehasesda piriluthga bale? Eyo etho bolla thelis na orasis gadi?


Ame mavro yirevge rhe vromo shilla.

Na bas na gamitheis pushto-Yfronts, what?
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