Echelon is a global network of wiretaps, data-sniffing and general eavesdropping systems enables the U.S. government and the U.K too intercept digital communications.This means that ECHELON is capable of recording all email messages and all telephone conversations - regardless of who is making them.The ECHELON system is fairly simple in design: position intercept stations all over the world to capture all satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic communications traffic, and then process this information through the massive computer capabilities of the NSA, including advanced voice recognition and optical character recognition (OCR) programs.
A more detailed description can be found using google

Now that you know what echelon is and what it does i'll get to my point.
This global spy network has monitoring stations around the world.The main stations are at Buckley Field, Denver, Colorado; Pine Gap, Australia; Menwith Hill, England;Bad Aibling, Germany and Cyprus. The satellites and their processing facilities are exceptionally costly (of the order of $1 billion US each)
I imagine cypriots can guess where this monitoring station is in Cyprus and who runs it.At the Akrotiri Military Base at Dekeleia of course,operated by the British.This is why they installed that 500.000 WATTS gigantic antenna.The area which they installed it is one of the most important ecosystems of Cyprus and the meditterrenean and the antenna is destroying it.
This system is in violaton of all basic human rights and the victims are you ,me and every single person on this planet that uses Telephones (ground lines and digital cell phones).internet and im pretty sure they can zoom in on you where ever you are from those state-of-the art multi milllion dollar satellites that surround our planet.
I dont know what we the people can do to fight back,i dont think there is anything to do,the world is ruled by terrorists,and no one can do anything about it.Not by Al qaueda or Bin laden or whatever but from those who are our leaders and who claim they want world peace but all they do is create wars and kill innocent people including there OWN PEOPLE.
Peace out.