Are there any components which I can take out of a HP Pavilion laptop that I can put into a Sony Vaio??
My HP is out of warranty and the screen is dead. Its totally useless unless I go out and buy a monitor...
T_C wrote:Its a DV9700.
I was having issues with it a few months after buying it. It would make soo much noise when I was doing a few things at once like it was about to take off, then it would overheat and switch off so I'd have to wait for it to cool down.
Then one day the screen just went blank and hasn't come back on since...
I've had a look online and a lot of people have had similar problems but I didn't bother sending it to HP because of how unhelpful they were on the phone and to other people who did send theirs in.
I was hoping I could take RAM and the like out the HP and into my Vaio....Its not worth fixing, I didn't like using it anyways...if it was cheap I'd fix then sell it...HP were asking people for hundreds of pounds though...
T_C wrote:It seems like a hardware problem. The laptop comes on but nothing what so ever comes on the screen. It doesn't sound like its loading either, it just purrs really quietly...the caps and num locks won't light up that becuase there's no screen?
Its dv9820ea..
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