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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby T_C » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:03 pm

No way man!! Talats OUT........ :shock:
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Postby turkkan » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:08 pm

Eroğlu yüzde 49,79, Talat yüzde 43,03
KKTC'de bugün yapılan cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimine ilişkin, KKTC genelindeki 629 sandıktan 350 sandığın sonuçları açıklandı.

KKTC Yüksek Seçim Kurulu'nun (YSK) açıklamasında, KKTC genelinde açılan 350 sandığın sonucuna göre Derviş Eroğlu'nun yüzde 49,79, Mehmet Ali Talat'ın ise yüzde 43,03 oranında oy aldığı görünüyor.

Bir adayın seçimi kazanabilmesi için yüzde 50'nin üzerinde oy alması gerekiyor.

YSK'nın açıklamasına göre ilk sonuçlar şöyle:

Toplam Sandık Sayısı: 629

Toplam Seçmen Sayısı: 164.072

Açılan Sandık Sayısı: 350

Açılan Sandıklardaki Toplam Seçmen Sayısı: 87.387

Oy Kullanan Seçmen Sayısı: 66.401

Secime Katılım Oranı: Yüzde 75,98

Aday Toplam Oy Yüzde

Dr Derviş Eroğlu 32.291 49,79

M. Kemal Tümkan 479 0,74

Arif Salih Kırdağ 289 0,45

Mehmet Ali Talat 27.925 43,03

Zeki Beşiktepeli 1.111 1,71

Ayhan Kaymak 86 0,13

Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu 2.670 4,12

The results from 350 ballot boxes out of 629 shows eroglu with 49.79 and talat with 43.03. Eroglu ofcourse needs to get over 50% to win straight out or it goes to a second round.
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Postby halil » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:09 pm

from now on 84 % of the voting completed.

with latest results shows that Eroğlu will win the election from first round.


Talat: 42.9

looks like new era will start in history of the Cyprus.
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Postby B25 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:14 pm

I wonder how many TVs and washine machines Turkey had to buy, TO BUY the vote she wanted???

Note for the famous Bir:

enosis is happening right under your crooked nose. Your motherland is doing it with my country whilst you constantly whinge about a idiology some 60 years ago.

You need to F wake up and take a look what you beloved motherland is doing.

Bloody Cheek.
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Postby turkkan » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:19 pm

turkey didnt buy any votes, turkish cypriots have become fed up of talat, he has not delivered anything which may not be completely his fault but in terms of job allocations he has made sure only people close to him or to his party were given positions and fired everyone else. I know its hard to believe but these elections had very little to do with the cyprus problem.
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Postby halil » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:23 pm

94.75 % of the votings completed

Eroğlu: 50.37 %

Talat: 42.82 %
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Postby B25 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:29 pm

turkkan wrote:turkey didnt buy any votes, turkish cypriots have become fed up of talat, he has not delivered anything which may not be completely his fault but in terms of job allocations he has made sure only people close to him or to his party were given positions and fired everyone else. I know its hard to believe but these elections had very little to do with the cyprus problem.

fyi turkey did buy the votes, you only have to look at the voter split ratio Settlers:TCs and the settlers outweight them more than 2:1. So now tell me who is calling the shots??

Then you are right in your last sentence. these pseudo elections is Turkeys attempt to get the occupied areas recognised by holding mickey mouse pseudo elections and try to broadcast worldwide as if they are a de jure state.

Bottom line is, 'TRNC' only exists, legally and politically, in the minds of the idiot Turks, anyone else can see it for what it is.

Sure they may have it de facto, but that was the easy part when you are as powerfull as Turkey is. Any idiot can see that. I bet she (turkey) woudn't have the same success in israel, do you???

Turkey is trying to change, grap, occupy northern Cyprus with money.
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Postby turkkan » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:38 pm

Your assuming that it was the settlers who voted for eroglu and the turkish cypriots for talat. You are quite wrong. Eitherway tonight when the ballots show who got what in what area we will know for sure.
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Postby B25 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:54 pm

turkkan wrote:Your assuming that it was the settlers who voted for eroglu and the turkish cypriots for talat. You are quite wrong. Eitherway tonight when the ballots show who got what in what area we will know for sure.

Mate, you are seriously missing the point. When turks from turkey are voting in cyprus for the future of it and the few remainig TCs, what chance do the TCs have.

Come on lets be honest, why are they even voting in cyprus. They should not even be here.

The TCs voice has been systematically diminished by turkey with the blessing of the TCs (Bir is prrof of this), they did a much better job than the so called EOKA-B thugs and guess what, they didn't even have to fire a single bullet.

The day your motherland began bringing in the settlers is the day the north was lost for ever. I say ever, bacause I don't see our side being in a position the evict them any time soon.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:10 pm

turkkan wrote:Your assuming that it was the settlers who voted for eroglu and the turkish cypriots for talat. You are quite wrong. Eitherway tonight when the ballots show who got what in what area we will know for sure.

what tcs? there are none left in the north
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