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Davutoglu's Turkey: All Vice and No Virtue!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Me Ed » Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:41 pm

You may not see the fuss about this law, but Cyprus aside, its laws like this that make Turkey's EU ascension problematic.

Its an indication of a particular mind-set that passes laws like this and if you read the BBC article, what is worse is the way in which the law was passed.

This should give you an insight in the type of perception Turkey gives to wider Europeans, let alone Cypriot citizens, particularly when Turks take the moral high ground when it comes to human rights.

With a slight change of attitude, Turkey could be in the EU in the next 5-10 years.
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Postby boomerang » Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:43 pm

i am all for turkey getting in the EU...not because of cyprus but for raising the turks standars to a more comfortable life style...i can see the tremendous advantages with turkey in the doubt...

but what i do see is turkey giving plenty of ammunition to the turkey haters...fact

on another point i can't for the life of my in the 21st century...why doesn't turkey let go of cyprus and try influencing cyprus from the close proximity via bussiness the japs and the germans ...

on the red carpet issue, dektash did nothing when cyprus applied from membership....apart from turkey threatening annexation...

on the turkey rising the standard of the eu with turkey joining i think you got it wrong...the eu standard is high and getting higher...while turkey's standard of living is moving at a snail's pace...coz the eu is using turkey with all the cheap labour today...this won't change as turkey is being exploited to the max via the low wages of turkish labourers...sooner or later turkey will not be able to compete with cheaper markets, ie, china and the turkey advantage as the eu enjoys today will evaborate...don't forget big bussiness are always on the hunt for higher margins...they wouldn't blink an eyelid in switching markets...i have met plenty of turks during my travels to china...if chinese bussiness are looking to export from china this tells me that turkey is uncompetitive in certain markets...if this trend continues, it might be too late to reverse the trend...

don't see turkey through the 3 main cities, but see turkey as a whole...

anyway i am going back to watching hurt locker...not impressed so far... :lol:
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Postby YFred » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Me Ed wrote:You may not see the fuss about this law, but Cyprus aside, its laws like this that make Turkey's EU ascension problematic.

Its an indication of a particular mind-set that passes laws like this and if you read the BBC article, what is worse is the way in which the law was passed.

This should give you an insight in the type of perception Turkey gives to wider Europeans, let alone Cypriot citizens, particularly when Turks take the moral high ground when it comes to human rights.

With a slight change of attitude, Turkey could be in the EU in the next 5-10 years.

Doesn't Ireland and Italy have laws against human rights?
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Re: Davutoglu's Turkey: All Vice and No Virtue!

Postby Epiktitos » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:09 pm

Oracle wrote:However, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Turkey's accession talks should not be upset by "political problems that have no direct link to the EU process".

I love how he both thinks that it is up to him to set the agenda for accession negotiations and conclude that his nation's occupation of an EU member state does not have a direct link to "EU process".

Can't blame him for trying.
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Re: Davutoglu's Turkey: All Vice and No Virtue!

Postby YFred » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:13 pm

Epiktitos wrote:
Oracle wrote:However, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Turkey's accession talks should not be upset by "political problems that have no direct link to the EU process".

I love how he both thinks that it is up to him to set the agenda for accession negotiations and conclude that his nation's occupation of an EU member state does not have a direct link to "EU process".

Can't blame him for trying.

Really, I was under the impression that the accession agenda was set and the GCs are trying to change them get the upper hand in the negotiations. In your dreams.
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Re: Davutoglu's Turkey: All Vice and No Virtue!

Postby DT. » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:17 pm

YFred wrote:
Epiktitos wrote:
Oracle wrote:However, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Turkey's accession talks should not be upset by "political problems that have no direct link to the EU process".

I love how he both thinks that it is up to him to set the agenda for accession negotiations and conclude that his nation's occupation of an EU member state does not have a direct link to "EU process".

Can't blame him for trying.

Really, I was under the impression that the accession agenda was set and the GCs are trying to change them get the upper hand in the negotiations. In your dreams.

Rule No1 in the agenda. In order to join this club you need to recognise and deal with all its members.

If the CYprob is not solved, then Turkey needs to sit down with the government of this island and solve the issues between these 2 countries some other way.

Otherwise Turkey will have to go on its merry way.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:21 pm

Me Ed wrote:I think the impartial BBC article says it all and it also states other laws that violate human rights:

Problem is, the only time the “impartial” BBC opens its mouth about HR abuses is when they’re not being committed by Brits so it does tend to miss a fair amount of them! :wink:
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Re: Davutoglu's Turkey: All Vice and No Virtue!

Postby YFred » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:26 pm

DT. wrote:
YFred wrote:
Epiktitos wrote:
Oracle wrote:However, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Turkey's accession talks should not be upset by "political problems that have no direct link to the EU process".

I love how he both thinks that it is up to him to set the agenda for accession negotiations and conclude that his nation's occupation of an EU member state does not have a direct link to "EU process".

Can't blame him for trying.

Really, I was under the impression that the accession agenda was set and the GCs are trying to change them get the upper hand in the negotiations. In your dreams.

Rule No1 in the agenda. In order to join this club you need to recognise and deal with all its members.

If the CYprob is not solved, then Turkey needs to sit down with the government of this island and solve the issues between these 2 countries some other way.

Otherwise Turkey will have to go on its merry way.

You would be wise to remember those too and stop trying to use eu to get a better deal. It's doin your reputation in the eu no good at all.
In fact GC has become a swear word these days I'll have you know, you GC.
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Postby Me Ed » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:30 pm

YFred wrote:
Me Ed wrote:You may not see the fuss about this law, but Cyprus aside, its laws like this that make Turkey's EU ascension problematic.

Its an indication of a particular mind-set that passes laws like this and if you read the BBC article, what is worse is the way in which the law was passed.

This should give you an insight in the type of perception Turkey gives to wider Europeans, let alone Cypriot citizens, particularly when Turks take the moral high ground when it comes to human rights.

With a slight change of attitude, Turkey could be in the EU in the next 5-10 years.

Doesn't Ireland and Italy have laws against human rights?

I don't know.

What I do know is that Turkey is not going to improve its HR record by pointing at other countries.
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Postby YFred » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:33 pm

Me Ed wrote:
YFred wrote:
Me Ed wrote:You may not see the fuss about this law, but Cyprus aside, its laws like this that make Turkey's EU ascension problematic.

Its an indication of a particular mind-set that passes laws like this and if you read the BBC article, what is worse is the way in which the law was passed.

This should give you an insight in the type of perception Turkey gives to wider Europeans, let alone Cypriot citizens, particularly when Turks take the moral high ground when it comes to human rights.

With a slight change of attitude, Turkey could be in the EU in the next 5-10 years.

Doesn't Ireland and Italy have laws against human rights?

I don't know.

What I do know is that Turkey is not going to improve its HR record by pointing at other countries.

I am not excusing what Turkey does. I am merely pointing at the inadequecy of this super club that everybody keeps going on about.
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