As one who also lived in the "Smoke" for many years and travelled the tubes on a regular basis I think I would now find it very difficult to be "calm" and carry on as normal.
I hear the politicians remembering the Tally Ho spirit of WW2 but I am unable to draw any consolation. At least there were air raid warnings, somewhere to shelter and you at least knew your enemy.
These cowards, and I really do mean cowards, pray on the innocent in the name of religion.............what a load of bullshit. I am no saint and I am certainly not brave but I would rather stand face to face with one of them and then kill or be killed.
I would quite enjoy taking one of their lives, but I would have to look him in the eyes first.
So he could see the smile on my face as I also shouted "Die you B.......d".
Such a pity that even now we contrinue to see religion tearing the world apart.
Thank goodness I am an athiest.