denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:1974 was not a direct consequence of 1571 because the Turks had relinquished any conqueror's interests, to the Brits.
The seeds for 1974 were planted in the 50s when Turkey decided once again it wanted to control and rule Cyprus!
There was no escape once the Turks had extended their talons. If it didn't happen in 1974 (having failed in 1964), then there would have been further attempts at invasion until they succeeded.
Good morning O. It is a pity, the warnings of 1964, 1967 etc were not taken seriously; otherwise Turkey would have not had they lame excuses to occupy the north. Now it seems they are 'superglued' to the island. How will this 'bond' be loosened? It seems the more belligerent one gets (?) the tighter the bonding.
Those were NOT warnings. Those were serious attempts at invasion. 1974 was part of the continuing cycle of Turkey wanting Cyprus! It would never have stopped until it had succeeded with what it has now. An occupation!
However, it WILL be reversed and Turkey WILL be disarmed from this barbaric tendency to invade, forever more!
Hallelujah to that day! ..... and goodbye as I am being forced out of the house for lunch ....
Turkey did not even have - if not any, maybe not enough - landing craft to invade. Only recently I posted my memory of the 'Donations' to the Turkish navy, where all Turkish Cypriots were asked to donate their gold ornaments to the fund. The prupose was to purchase landing craft. I wonder now whether the TC ever thought what the landing craft would be used for? I remember asking that question myself and wondered who would they invade with these. An invasion of Cyprus never occured to me.Needless to say, I had no gold to give. I dont know what happened to the donated material. I think GR suggested it lined some corrupt TCs pockets.
Thank you for revealing the ends to which Turkey resorted in its desperate bid to possess Cyprus ...