danny23 wrote:Reading the history books and goverment papers on the invasion turkey invaded for a reason to protect its people which any country would do but then that was a long time ago and im afraid the Gc are unforgiving. atrosities were comitted on both sides. We only hear the GC side of the story but there is another side like it or not there was cleansing going on here and someone has to answer to that
Piratis wrote:I gave you more than just a link. I gave you a video.
The TCs attacked GCs and started burning the shops and homes of innocent people on the 7th of June 1958. A few days later, on the 12th of June 1958, innocent GCs were massacred near Gyonelly.
This was the first time that people were attacked and murdered just because of their ethnicity, and these are the events which started the inter-communal conflict.
But since you like links, here is a good one:In the event, it was Turkey that took the first practical steps. In June 1958, repeating the operation in Salonica, its intelligence agents set off an explosion in the Turkish Information Office in Nicosia. Once again, a fabricated outrage – no one was actually hurt – was the signal for orchestrated mob violence against Greeks. Security forces stood by as houses were set on fire and people killed, in the first major communal clashes since the Emergency was declared. The upshot, clearly planned in advance, was the eviction of Greeks from Turkish areas in Nicosia and other cities, and the seizure of municipal facilities, to create self-contained Turkish enclaves: piecemeal partition, on the ground. Its organisers could be sure of British complaisance. The day before the rampage – Harding was now out of it – the new governor, Labour’s future Lord Caradon, had assured its leaders that the Turkish community would enjoy ‘a specially favoured and specially protected state’ under future British arrangements. A few months later, the colonial secretary was publicly referring to Cyprus as ‘an offshore Turkish island’.
http://www.lrb.co.uk/v30/n08/perry-ande ... -of-cyprus
EricSeans wrote:only me wrote:Piratis, what is so sad is, that you actually believe what you have written.
Any independent history book or notes of the time will tell you that what you have been told is utter lies. I have had this conversation put to me so many times and when the other party (often a British citizen) actually studies real history they are staggered at the truth. A Greek Cypriot History book in school has very few pages for the period 1960 to 1974 yet independent books have many chapters.............I wonder why. As I said before nobody is in denial that Greek Cypriots died in 1974, but as with all other GC's you certainly are in denial (or don't know) about the murderous events of the 60's particularly 1963. I will post no further comment as I know you won't accept the FACTS unless you take an independent view.I too at one time hated everything the North stood for, but managed to study the subject and it opened my eyes along with many others.
In that case quote the texts and references to back up your incredible claims. Without evidence your comments are worthless. Quoting the Genocide Files will reduce your credibility even further.
danny23 wrote:beware of greeks bearing gifts a ver famous saying and how true
danny23 wrote:beware of greeks bearing gifts a ver famous saying and how true
YFred wrote:EricSeans wrote:only me wrote:Piratis, what is so sad is, that you actually believe what you have written.
Any independent history book or notes of the time will tell you that what you have been told is utter lies. I have had this conversation put to me so many times and when the other party (often a British citizen) actually studies real history they are staggered at the truth. A Greek Cypriot History book in school has very few pages for the period 1960 to 1974 yet independent books have many chapters.............I wonder why. As I said before nobody is in denial that Greek Cypriots died in 1974, but as with all other GC's you certainly are in denial (or don't know) about the murderous events of the 60's particularly 1963. I will post no further comment as I know you won't accept the FACTS unless you take an independent view.I too at one time hated everything the North stood for, but managed to study the subject and it opened my eyes along with many others.
In that case quote the texts and references to back up your incredible claims. Without evidence your comments are worthless. Quoting the Genocide Files will reduce your credibility even further.
Eric Baby, see the official GC History book and ask yourself one very simple question. Whay is there so little information on the years 1960 to 1974.
You keep going on about links. Really there more to life than the internet. Do you reaaly expect to find links to murderers activities especially when they were untouchables? The roc is guilty as sin and Muhtaro X saying sorry from the side of his mouth is just compounding the situation to the nth degree. Now, where is may percentage calculating gavuruis today to work out the percentage accuracy of this situation.
EricSeans wrote:YFred wrote:EricSeans wrote:only me wrote:Piratis, what is so sad is, that you actually believe what you have written.
Any independent history book or notes of the time will tell you that what you have been told is utter lies. I have had this conversation put to me so many times and when the other party (often a British citizen) actually studies real history they are staggered at the truth. A Greek Cypriot History book in school has very few pages for the period 1960 to 1974 yet independent books have many chapters.............I wonder why. As I said before nobody is in denial that Greek Cypriots died in 1974, but as with all other GC's you certainly are in denial (or don't know) about the murderous events of the 60's particularly 1963. I will post no further comment as I know you won't accept the FACTS unless you take an independent view.I too at one time hated everything the North stood for, but managed to study the subject and it opened my eyes along with many others.
In that case quote the texts and references to back up your incredible claims. Without evidence your comments are worthless. Quoting the Genocide Files will reduce your credibility even further.
Eric Baby, see the official GC History book and ask yourself one very simple question. Whay is there so little information on the years 1960 to 1974.
You keep going on about links. Really there more to life than the internet. Do you reaaly expect to find links to murderers activities especially when they were untouchables? The roc is guilty as sin and Muhtaro X saying sorry from the side of his mouth is just compounding the situation to the nth degree. Now, where is may percentage calculating gavuruis today to work out the percentage accuracy of this situation.
Both sides massage the facts to suit their own position but independent credible references show the objective view, which is always going to be closer to reality than a partisan version of events. Sources and links are crucial to the debate.
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