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Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

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Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

Postby georgios100 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:28 pm

It's no secret divorces can be ugly, messy and uncomfortable in so many ways... but now there's research that suggests divorce is also one of the top reasons for suicide among men.

AOL News reports that the stress and sadness associated with divorce take a much tougher toll on men than women.
Experts say suicide rates are higher among divorced men - and lowest among those who are still married. Single men fall in between.
One sociologist who studies family structure and suicide rates says divorced men are almost 40 percent more likely to commit suicide than those who are still married. That number jumps to 50 percent for a man who is widowed.
Yet for women there's a statistically insignificant difference when it comes to the risk for suicide among those who are married, divorced or widowed.
Some think it's because marriage provides a support system that men rely on much more than women. There are also studies that show married men take fewer risks and are healthier - less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.

Another reason why women might be less suicidal is because of the children. Women often remain the primary caretakers for kids after divorce; and research shows that for every additional child in a home, the adult is less and less likely to commit suicide.
Overall - men in the US are four times more likely than women to take their own lives.

Here’s my question to you: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

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Postby Svetlana » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:31 pm

Because there is no-one left who can cook, clean the house or wash clothes :-)
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Re: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

Postby YFred » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:40 pm

georgios100 wrote:It's no secret divorces can be ugly, messy and uncomfortable in so many ways... but now there's research that suggests divorce is also one of the top reasons for suicide among men.

AOL News reports that the stress and sadness associated with divorce take a much tougher toll on men than women.
Experts say suicide rates are higher among divorced men - and lowest among those who are still married. Single men fall in between.
One sociologist who studies family structure and suicide rates says divorced men are almost 40 percent more likely to commit suicide than those who are still married. That number jumps to 50 percent for a man who is widowed.
Yet for women there's a statistically insignificant difference when it comes to the risk for suicide among those who are married, divorced or widowed.
Some think it's because marriage provides a support system that men rely on much more than women. There are also studies that show married men take fewer risks and are healthier - less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.

Another reason why women might be less suicidal is because of the children. Women often remain the primary caretakers for kids after divorce; and research shows that for every additional child in a home, the adult is less and less likely to commit suicide.
Overall - men in the US are four times more likely than women to take their own lives.

Here’s my question to you: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?


The woman takes the kids and the house
The man takes the mortgage and ends up paying the cow half his wages for the rest of his life.
There is only one two ways out of it. One of them is to commit suicide and I'll leave you guessing to figure out the second.
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Postby fig head » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:42 pm

Svetlana wrote:Because there is no-one left who can cook, clean the house or wash clothes :-)

SPOT ON.. men are useless
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:44 pm

fig head wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Because there is no-one left who can cook, clean the house or wash clothes :-)

SPOT ON.. men are useless

some women dont even do that anyway ;p some men do the cooking, i personally love cooking.

some women are usless some men are usless its not just men are usless and women are perfect.. far from it both are usless.. or can be usless
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:53 pm

Svetlana wrote:Because there is no-one left who can cook, clean the house or wash clothes :-)

tell me what cypriot girl does that now anyway? lol and not the old women who think thats what they have to do, now days cypriot women dont even do that, infact i cook for my gf all the time.

thats the last thing i would think about if i got married to my gf and they we separated, and of course IF she did all those things which i wouldent ask her to id always help do everything or maybe even together to do it..

the women i have been meeting and have as friends are the carrier type who hate the idea of cooking or doing house work. and my aunties and grandmothers only do it because they feel its their job and that they have to

and some of them hire help a indian woman to go live with them and they do all the work
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:55 pm

i hate these men vs women thing its stupid women and men are just as bad as each other ;p
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Re: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

Postby georgios100 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:57 pm

YFred wrote:
georgios100 wrote:It's no secret divorces can be ugly, messy and uncomfortable in so many ways... but now there's research that suggests divorce is also one of the top reasons for suicide among men.

AOL News reports that the stress and sadness associated with divorce take a much tougher toll on men than women.
Experts say suicide rates are higher among divorced men - and lowest among those who are still married. Single men fall in between.
One sociologist who studies family structure and suicide rates says divorced men are almost 40 percent more likely to commit suicide than those who are still married. That number jumps to 50 percent for a man who is widowed.
Yet for women there's a statistically insignificant difference when it comes to the risk for suicide among those who are married, divorced or widowed.
Some think it's because marriage provides a support system that men rely on much more than women. There are also studies that show married men take fewer risks and are healthier - less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.

Another reason why women might be less suicidal is because of the children. Women often remain the primary caretakers for kids after divorce; and research shows that for every additional child in a home, the adult is less and less likely to commit suicide.
Overall - men in the US are four times more likely than women to take their own lives.

Here’s my question to you: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?


The woman takes the kids and the house
The man takes the mortgage and ends up paying the cow half his wages for the rest of his life.
There is only one two ways out of it. One of them is to commit suicide and I'll leave you guessing to figure out the second.

There's a difference. Guys usually get stuck with debt, alimony etc, while the woman isn't and can find another bread winner without past relationship troubles following them as often.

Here is my buddy’s story…
Him – left with debt and shock
Her – happy as a pea with her personal trainer
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Re: Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

Postby Oracle » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:28 pm

Why does divorce make men more suicidal than women?

Georgios, the article provides a pretty comprehensive list of reasons why this may be so.

This one in particular is the most likely ...

georgios100 wrote:Some think it's because marriage provides a support system that men rely on much more than women.

Men generally don't like talking about worries and allow stress to build up. Good wives find a way to force their worries to surface and this is a positive contribution to the husband's well-being. When the wife, as a crutch, is removed, this subsection of particularly vulnerable men is left floundering ...

Talk, open up! Stop being sensitive to maintaining a macho image.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:38 pm

As for your women-bashing views that women are carefree after divorce simply because they get alimony, well that's just shear baloney.

All the data proves that women are financially worse off by entering marriage and this becomes worse the more children she has. Yet wives don't rush off to commit suicide (as your report suggests too) just because they have given up studies, careers, financial success and independence.

Alimony is given out to help support the children which should be a joint commitment for life, anyway, and not one that men can walk away from scot-free.

So stop resenting any perceived happiness by women because suddenly they are wealthy with alimony. Often they still have the kids to support and always they have to accept worse paying jobs than if they had never married!

I'm not speaking from first-hand experience by the way.
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