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lidl opening in paphos

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Postby magil » Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:18 pm

beverley10 wrote:I do not donate to the Africa appeals as I am a great believer in "charity begins at home" so do not come under your heading of a fool.After working hard all our lives,paying taxes and being self supporting we only want a fair crack of the whip when it comes to value for money and not being told to "go back where we belong".Maybe the UK could say that to all the Cypriots who have moved there,worked hard and are treated the same as everybody else when doing their shopping!The racism in this forum is appalling and please forgive me for having an opinion!Thankyou for your wish that our title deeds will be worthless,it just confirms my belief that there are some very nasty people in this forum.

Thank for confirming what i said in the previous post, you are the type of person who would gladly let people die of starvation, because your alright jack...
what a lovely woman you are, in fact a perfect role model for any young woman, keep what you have and don't share it even if you don't really need or want it.
now i have only a little money, but i would gladly share the little i do have with others that may need it, if you regard me as being a nasty person, and class yourself as a good person , it just goes to show how narrow minded you are.
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Postby bsharpish » Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:45 pm

Ok i've been lurking for a while and its about time I added my 2c worth -

Like it or not Europe is coming to Cyprus and this will be a "double edged sword" in the context we are talking about.

At the moment the inconsistent and sometimes laughable pricing of the major supermarkets here leaves plenty of room for small traders to offer quality local produce and imported goods at market competitive prices .

Once Lidl open the door who's next ..... better hope its not Walmart\Asda, Tesco et al !!!! , because if this happens ( based around my experiences in the US\UK), kiss goodbye to your local butcher, fruit\veg shop, wine supplier etc.

Now I think this make take longer here as many Cypriots seem to favour long held "shopping relationships", but times change and people eventually vote with there wallet.

I for one will continue to use my local butcher, fruit and veg market and bakery as its great to get food that actually has taste ... but for other stuff...... HELLO LIDL :D :D :D :D
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:03 am

Milo wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
BOF wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

Not everybody wants to eat their food out of a tin or a packet. Oh wait a minute most Anglos do as they can't cook!

you obviously dont know much about the Anglos then do you......
unless you mix with the sort that are at your level :wink:

I think I know more than you since I live in England. :wink:

Watch this film:-

At 2.34 mins we see Gasman wondering why her hair has gone so thin on top. Then at 3.10 mins we see Milo and BOF discussing the price of food. :twisted:

You,ve lost me, I fail to see what 1960,s UK has got to do with 2010 shopping in Cyprus :roll: Thats 43 years ago have you something similar to compare with in Cyprus, no I doubt it! so you who live in England poor you try Cyprus its so much nicer!! but you should know from your much higher wages and very low cost superstores that people are paying thru the nose here and shame on you for not sticking up for the ordinary man/women in Cyprus, well men mostly as they tend to do the shopping here :roll: Why is that??

If only Spitalfields market was still open you could still get your fruit and veg for free at the end of the day. :lol:
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Postby Milo » Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:54 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
Milo wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
BOF wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

Not everybody wants to eat their food out of a tin or a packet. Oh wait a minute most Anglos do as they can't cook!

you obviously dont know much about the Anglos then do you......
unless you mix with the sort that are at your level :wink:

I think I know more than you since I live in England. :wink:

Watch this film:-

At 2.34 mins we see Gasman wondering why her hair has gone so thin on top. Then at 3.10 mins we see Milo and BOF discussing the price of food. :twisted:

You,ve lost me, I fail to see what 1960,s UK has got to do with 2010 shopping in Cyprus :roll: Thats 43 years ago have you something similar to compare with in Cyprus, no I doubt it! so you who live in England poor you try Cyprus its so much nicer!! but you should know from your much higher wages and very low cost superstores that people are paying thru the nose here and shame on you for not sticking up for the ordinary man/women in Cyprus, well men mostly as they tend to do the shopping here :roll: Why is that??

If only Spitalfields market was still open you could still get your fruit and veg for free at the end of the day. :lol:

Sorry never heard of Spitalfields either :roll: My fab farmer nieghbour has given me lots of free veg, and I grow me own fruit, you can here you know :lol: :lol: :lol: by the barrow load :shock:

When I sell my gaff to a retired Brit Cyp in about 5 yrs time they will not have to bother going out for anything but milk!! 8)

I am gobsmacked at what grows in the soil here without very much help from me, and so quickly, its a veg/fruit gardeners paradise thinking about it very soon I won,t need much from any supermarket. Mind you was surprised to learn an individual is not allowed to grow their own potatoes in Cyprus, and have already done so twice :oops:
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Postby CBBB » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:04 am

Milo wrote:Mind you was surprised to learn an individual is not allowed to grow their own potatoes in Cyprus, and have already done so twice :oops:

Who told you that BS?
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Postby Milo » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:24 am

CBBB wrote:
Milo wrote:Mind you was surprised to learn an individual is not allowed to grow their own potatoes in Cyprus, and have already done so twice :oops:

Who told you that BS?

This is going to sound a bit naive now, and me being so clever :roll: it was the farmer :oops: :oops: he is so adament, said its an old rule so the potatoes farmers can survive etc etc. Anyway I,ve done it twice now but not that successfull as you can,t buy seed potatoes here anywhere, which I thought was because of the law :oops:

I even asked at Solomou,s in Nicosia (great garden centre) they too said the same thing that seed potatoes are not available in Cyprus. I would love to know the truth, as I have loads of space to grow a crop.
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Postby CBBB » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:04 am

Milo wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Milo wrote:Mind you was surprised to learn an individual is not allowed to grow their own potatoes in Cyprus, and have already done so twice :oops:

Who told you that BS?

This is going to sound a bit naive now, and me being so clever :roll: it was the farmer :oops: :oops: he is so adament, said its an old rule so the potatoes farmers can survive etc etc. Anyway I,ve done it twice now but not that successfull as you can,t buy seed potatoes here anywhere, which I thought was because of the law :oops:

I even asked at Solomou,s in Nicosia (great garden centre) they too said the same thing that seed potatoes are not available in Cyprus. I would love to know the truth, as I have loads of space to grow a crop.

I'd talk to this lot about getting seed potatoes. ... enDocument
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Re: lidl opening in paphos

Postby carhirecyprus » Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:46 am

Well, finally Lidl comes to Paphos. Might open even ahed of time - end of June
Construction of Lidl in Paphos is completed
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Re: lidl opening in paphos

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:43 pm

Hope it does not suffer from what happened to the Lidl at Protaras -
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Re: lidl opening in paphos

Postby loadsatime » Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:09 pm

not lived in U K for 10yrs an only in Cyprus for 2 Lidel didn't scratch the surface of other major eu countries supermarkets ,
we shopped at all.agreed not all products to everyone's liking but that goes for all shops weather m&S e&s OR CARREFORE.
its fear.the unions don't like competition, but they will lose more jobs than any supermarket loses via good an honest sales.
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