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lidl opening in paphos

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Postby FragnaticDeath » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:37 am

Miltiadis I have to disagree with you. Comparing prices of food IS THE SAME anywhere in Europe. Your talking about bread hmm interesting. What sort of bread are you buying? The Cypriot one? Well its hell different than the ones produced in the northen countries of Europe. Stop comparing food prices if you don't know the background of its making. And Lidl does sell cheap food and when I say cheap I mean it's crap. They sell cheap brands that might look similar to most products but its certainly not. How do I know? I shopped a dozen of times and FAILED to find something WORTH to buy! Value for money Yeah Right!!!
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Postby Kangarooster » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:56 pm

beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

I honestly don't get it. If Cyprus is such a bad country full of "rip off artists" that wanna take your money and "fraud" their way into your pocket, why don't you go back to where you came from? I prefered Cyprus when it was Cyprus and not some kind of mixture of English-Pontios-Arabi-Moulla-Cypriot thing. I'm not a racist and i LOVE mingling with people from other countries but i don't get the people who bitch and moan about Cyprus being dirty, about people being stupid etc etc but still stay here. If it's not broken don't try and fix it. That's all i gotta say. If a foreign chain of anything wants to come to Cyprus it better follow the rules and customs of whatever goes on in this country, good or bad.
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Postby CBBB » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:02 pm

Kangarooster wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

I honestly don't get it. If Cyprus is such a bad country full of "rip off artists" that wanna take your money and "fraud" their way into your pocket, why don't you go back to where you came from? I prefered Cyprus when it was Cyprus and not some kind of mixture of English-Pontios-Arabi-Moulla-Cypriot thing. I'm not a racist and i LOVE mingling with people from other countries but i don't get the people who bitch and moan about Cyprus being dirty, about people being stupid etc etc but still stay here. If it's not broken don't try and fix it. That's all i gotta say. If a foreign chain of anything wants to come to Cyprus it better follow the rules and customs of whatever goes on in this country, good or bad.

There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules, it's all the buggers that want the rules to be the same as they are in the UK that screw things up!

Once again, this is Cyprus, things are done the Cypriot way and not the UK way (thank God)!
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Postby Kangarooster » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:11 pm

CBBB wrote:There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules, it's all the buggers that want the rules to be the same as they are in the UK that screw things up!

Once again, this is Cyprus, things are done the Cypriot way and not the UK way (thank God)!

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Postby magil » Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:32 pm

Kangarooster wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

I honestly don't get it. If Cyprus is such a bad country full of "rip off artists" that wanna take your money and "fraud" their way into your pocket, why don't you go back to where you came from? I prefered Cyprus when it was Cyprus and not some kind of mixture of English-Pontios-Arabi-Moulla-Cypriot thing. I'm not a racist and i LOVE mingling with people from other countries but i don't get the people who bitch and moan about Cyprus being dirty, about people being stupid etc etc but still stay here. If it's not broken don't try and fix it. That's all i gotta say. If a foreign chain of anything wants to come to Cyprus it better follow the rules and customs of whatever goes on in this country, good or bad.

You are just the kind of fool that they hope to have as a victim/customer.
I know who you are, Your the person who donates to the Africa famine appeal, when the cameras are on you, but behind closed doors you couldn't give a toss if they live or die because your all right jack.
i am right am i not? yeah thought so. I hope that you find your title deeds are worthless.
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Postby Gasman » Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:47 pm

'Foreigners'? They are your fellow EU citizens!

What happened to the boast of you all being 'proud, modern EU citizens' now? Hmmm... yeah - where has Oracle got to?

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Postby beverley10 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:27 pm

I do not donate to the Africa appeals as I am a great believer in "charity begins at home" so do not come under your heading of a fool.After working hard all our lives,paying taxes and being self supporting we only want a fair crack of the whip when it comes to value for money and not being told to "go back where we belong".Maybe the UK could say that to all the Cypriots who have moved there,worked hard and are treated the same as everybody else when doing their shopping!The racism in this forum is appalling and please forgive me for having an opinion!Thankyou for your wish that our title deeds will be worthless,it just cofirms my belief that there are some very nasty people in this forum.
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Postby Milo » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:36 pm

If any of you are looking for a job......... ... l/4193.htm

Can,t be choosy in a recession can you, foreign companies pay wages too, I wonder what the rates are? poor or piss poor :lol:

Lucky I,m so rich I don,t have to work, as I would,nt get outta bed for the wages you get here :wink: Then have to spend most of your wages on food!! Thank heaven for Lidl, now let the fun begin..... 7 stores nearly completed and another 8 sites being looked for, sounds very positive.

Anything that is good for the consumer will eventually be good for Cyprus. Consumers over Europe have left overpriced supermarkets and stores in the lurch to buy discounted goods its huge business now, loyalty is no good to an empty pocket, there is a certain snobbery involved with some but they soon cave in. Its called choice, alongside healthy competition, the better stores are the ones that will survive. Those that care little for their customers will hopefully disappear. ... l/5382.htm

Mind you if you have any land they are on the lookout for more sites ... l/6494.htm :lol:

Btw I don,t know anyone from Lidl, I don,t work for them, well I don,t work for anybody anymore. I have no connection or interest whatsoever just know that Cyprus is gonna benefit and thats good enough for me.
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Postby Milo » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:53 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
BOF wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Lidl doesnt sell heinz beans and birds eye fish fingers but it certainly sells good quality food at a price most people can afford unlike the rip off artists in Cyprus who import at a fraction of the price,convert to CY£s and then convert again to euros!That sort of fraud would result in jail in the UK and most other developed nations!May I also point out that Peyia has a huge Cypriot population (the owners of the land sold to developers) so are you suggesting they are all dick heads as well CBBB?

Not everybody wants to eat their food out of a tin or a packet. Oh wait a minute most Anglos do as they can't cook!

you obviously dont know much about the Anglos then do you......
unless you mix with the sort that are at your level :wink:

I think I know more than you since I live in England. :wink:

Watch this film:-

At 2.34 mins we see Gasman wondering why her hair has gone so thin on top. Then at 3.10 mins we see Milo and BOF discussing the price of food. :twisted:

You,ve lost me, I fail to see what 1960,s UK has got to do with 2010 shopping in Cyprus :roll: Thats 43 years ago have you something similar to compare with in Cyprus, no I doubt it! so you who live in England poor you try Cyprus its so much nicer!! but you should know from your much higher wages and very low cost superstores that people are paying thru the nose here and shame on you for not sticking up for the ordinary man/women in Cyprus, well men mostly as they tend to do the shopping here :roll: Why is that??
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Postby CBBB » Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:35 pm

beverley10 wrote:I do not donate to the Africa appeals as I am a great believer in "charity begins at home" so do not come under your heading of a fool.After working hard all our lives,paying taxes and being self supporting we only want a fair crack of the whip when it comes to value for money and not being told to "go back where we belong".Maybe the UK could say that to all the Cypriots who have moved there,worked hard and are treated the same as everybody else when doing their shopping!The racism in this forum is appalling and please forgive me for having an opinion!Thankyou for your wish that our title deeds will be worthless,it just cofirms my belief that there are some very nasty people in this forum.

Have the Cypriots in the UK tried to change the place in to Cyprus? Do they spend all their time complaining about how they are treated by the locals? I don't bloody think so!

Idiots that moved over here without knowing what Cyprus is like have only themselves to blame for the problems they perceive they have here!
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