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ECHR Decision, what does it mean?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby vaughanwilliams » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:29 pm

Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Somehow the international community vindicates RoC and the blame falls squarely on TR.

For you info, there are UN resolutions fully justifying a Cypriot liberation operation.

Hands up everyone who thinks this man needs serious help.

Thwarting your malicious intentions for Cyprus should upset you...

I'd love to read even one of them. They may justify nearly everything, including the kitchen sink, but war?
Get some therapy, mate.

You must be very stupid! Cyprus is a sovereign UN member state and as such has the right to self defense and the execution of UN resolution 353...

1.Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

3.Demands an immediate end to foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus…

4. Requests the withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel present…

Now you tell us where YOUR country (Britain I assume) attained the right to invade Iraq lying thousands of miles away from British shores!

Can't see where any of those items call for hostilities.

As for the UK in Iraq, we had the right by virtue of the old saying which you are aware of in your relationship with TR.
"Might has Right."
In other words "Don't fuck about with the big boys."
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Postby erolz3 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:41 pm

Kikapu wrote:The IPC cannot force the GCs to accept compensation ONLY and neither is the ECHR. If then their land is not returned as demanded, then they can once again

a) flood the ECHR courts for the return of their land from Turkey

As long as the reasons why the IPC is unable to offer return are 'justifed' in terms the ECHR accepts, namely that doing so would cause a new disporportionate harm, then there will be no recourse at the ECHR. It will be a case of take compensation (either monetary or alternate property) now or later.

Kikapu wrote:b) go through the RoC courts to claim compensation from present users of their land in the north,

Yes they can persue users through RoC courts. However any award for loss of use against the user will I believe and rightly so remove the opportuinty for claiming such against Turkey/TRNC. So as far as compensation for loss of use goes you can choose. Current user or Turkey.

Kikapu wrote:You will find, that this decision by the ECHR will make the GCs less compassionate about not using the Orams ruling on the TCs as they may once thought to only use it against the foreigners, .....

You are joking right ? The idea that what determins currently if a GC with land in the north seeks to go down the 'Orams' route is compassion for TC ? If you think I believe that for one minute you must think I am a fool or be one.

You are free to use the 'Orams' route should you wish to against any user that has EU assets, TC or otherwise. If someone does or not is not down to compassion, its down to how much of any award they might eventualy get will be left for them after they pay the laywers, vs what they give up in terms of compensation via the other route, the IPC.

Personaly I welcome aggressive maximal use of the 'orams' route by GC indivduals and the RoC government itself to seek not just fair redress but vindictive attack on the enconomic sustainablilty of the TC community living in the north. That it has not happend to date is nothing to do with GC compassion and everything to do with the self interest of those concerned that choose to either do this or not.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:28 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Somehow the international community vindicates RoC and the blame falls squarely on TR.

For you info, there are UN resolutions fully justifying a Cypriot liberation operation.

Hands up everyone who thinks this man needs serious help.

Thwarting your malicious intentions for Cyprus should upset you...

I'd love to read even one of them. They may justify nearly everything, including the kitchen sink, but war?
Get some therapy, mate.

You must be very stupid! Cyprus is a sovereign UN member state and as such has the right to self defense and the execution of UN resolution 353...

1.Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

3.Demands an immediate end to foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus…

4. Requests the withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel present…

Now you tell us where YOUR country (Britain I assume) attained the right to invade Iraq lying thousands of miles away from British shores!

Can't see where any of those items call for hostilities.

As for the UK in Iraq, we had the right by virtue of the old saying which you are aware of in your relationship with TR.
"Might has Right."
In other words "Don't fuck about with the big boys."

I’m glad you’ve abandoned the pretence that you are knowledgeable in international law and have finally admitted that “might is right”, just as it would be “right” if I (a 45 year old man) were to slap your aging and feeble body silly! :lol:
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Postby SKI-preo » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:36 pm

Vaughan shit stirring and talking about war is not doing anybody good, except amusing you. I am very much against war, since apart from the pain it will cause it will only delay my restitution to my home. However, if there is a war I do not think it would be a conventional war but a guerilla war for up to 5 years. I think cheap but professional mercenaries will be used as they were used in Croatia. 100 African mercenaries could blow up a couple of dams, power stations or bridges in Kyrenia in 24 hours while the 40,000 18 year old conscripts are in their Ben 10 jam-jams freshly washed and ironed by their mothers.

I agree that the carpet baggers and settlers would be like rats jumping off a sinking ship. The Carpet baggers probably do not really care about Cyprus other than as cheap place for a holiday home and settlers only think of it as a place which pays a little better for fruit picking than Anatolia.

I also note that the more fanatical Turkish posters seems to focus only on compensation. Most refugees in the diaspora at least would prefer restitution. If you have money why would wouldn't you want to hold onto the property. Compensation would be favored by the more desperate people. Maybe they want to gamble it in a church converted into a Casino in the "TRNC." Refugees should be allowed to sell property directly to foreigners if they wish why stuff around with the commission except to claim for some compensation for loss of use. refugees can keep the title then deal with as they wish including selling if and when its potential is realized. Compensation for legal title or "exchanged" land in the South is for the birds.

Also does anyone know why so many claims are registered as abandoned. Are these the claims dropped once the Cyprus government declared the Commission illegal?
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:37 pm

Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Somehow the international community vindicates RoC and the blame falls squarely on TR.

For you info, there are UN resolutions fully justifying a Cypriot liberation operation.

Hands up everyone who thinks this man needs serious help.

Thwarting your malicious intentions for Cyprus should upset you...

I'd love to read even one of them. They may justify nearly everything, including the kitchen sink, but war?
Get some therapy, mate.

You must be very stupid! Cyprus is a sovereign UN member state and as such has the right to self defense and the execution of UN resolution 353...

1.Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

3.Demands an immediate end to foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus…

4. Requests the withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel present…

Now you tell us where YOUR country (Britain I assume) attained the right to invade Iraq lying thousands of miles away from British shores!

Can't see where any of those items call for hostilities.

As for the UK in Iraq, we had the right by virtue of the old saying which you are aware of in your relationship with TR.
"Might has Right."
In other words "Don't fuck about with the big boys."

I’m glad you’ve abandoned the pretence that you are knowledgeable in international law and have finally admitted that “might is right”, just as it would be “right” if I (a 45 year old man) were to slap your aging and feeble body silly! :lol:

Allow me to also join in as a slightly younger man. 2 young men against one old fart!

Might is right after all! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:51 pm

Btw, to answer some people's (daft) question about Cyprus’ right of self defense…

From the UN Charter:

Article 51

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”
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Postby erolz3 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:13 pm

SKI-preo wrote:Most refugees in the diaspora at least would prefer restitution.

They may well prefer it but if their property falls into the category that the IPC deems in not returnable and the ECHR supports this decision then they will have to settle for something other than what they prefer. Compensation now, compensation later or hold onto to dreams that will never become reality (return).
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:16 pm

Get Real! wrote:Btw, to answer some people's (daft) question about Cyprus’ right of self defense…

From the UN Charter:

Article 51

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

The operative word here being "until".
You've had your until.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:35 pm

SKI-preo wrote:Vaughan shit stirring and talking about war is not doing anybody good, except amusing you. I am very much against war, since apart from the pain it will cause it will only delay my restitution to my home. However, if there is a war I do not think it would be a conventional war but a guerilla war for up to 5 years. I think cheap but professional mercenaries will be used as they were used in Croatia. 100 African mercenaries could blow up a couple of dams, power stations or bridges in Kyrenia in 24 hours while the 40,000 18 year old conscripts are in their Ben 10 jam-jams freshly washed and ironed by their mothers.

I agree that the carpet baggers and settlers would be like rats jumping off a sinking ship. The Carpet baggers probably do not really care about Cyprus other than as cheap place for a holiday home and settlers only think of it as a place which pays a little better for fruit picking than Anatolia.

I also note that the more fanatical Turkish posters seems to focus only on compensation. Most refugees in the diaspora at least would prefer restitution. If you have money why would wouldn't you want to hold onto the property. Compensation would be favored by the more desperate people. Maybe they want to gamble it in a church converted into a Casino in the "TRNC." Refugees should be allowed to sell property directly to foreigners if they wish why stuff around with the commission except to claim for some compensation for loss of use. refugees can keep the title then deal with as they wish including selling if and when its potential is realized. Compensation for legal title or "exchanged" land in the South is for the birds.

Also does anyone know why so many claims are registered as abandoned. Are these the claims dropped once the Cyprus government declared the Commission illegal?

It wasn't me that started the ridiculous suggestion of war, but some silly old sods on cheap booze.
As to your guerilla war idea, do you really think that the UN, EU, etc., etc., couldn't put 2 and 2 together and figure out who was bankrolling your mercs? Even if these august bodies did nothing about it, Turkey would probably react the way Israel does to terrorist attacks on their people. They don't give a shit who's behind it, they just hand out some serious payback.
I fear you've been reading too many comics. :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:44 pm

erolz3 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:The IPC cannot force the GCs to accept compensation ONLY and neither is the ECHR. If then their land is not returned as demanded, then they can once again

a) flood the ECHR courts for the return of their land from Turkey

As long as the reasons why the IPC is unable to offer return are 'justifed' in terms the ECHR accepts, namely that doing so would cause a new disporportionate harm, then there will be no recourse at the ECHR. It will be a case of take compensation (either monetary or alternate property) now or later.

And who is going to be the judge and jury as to who decides what is justified and what is not in not returning the property back. Surely it's not going to be the IPC or the courts in the north. It will be at the door steps of the ECHR. If they should deem that it is justified that the property cannot be returned, then at that point, the GC will decide to accept it or not. He will not be forced to accept compensation, in which case, he will wait for the final solution to get his property back either through the settlement or through the courts in the new BBF government. Even if he is unsuccessful in getting his property back after a settlement, at least he would have seen the value of his property rise to a point where he may accept compensation. Who is going to pay the compensation at that times value to the GC, the north state or the person occupying it.? You may find that neither will be able to afford to pay off the GC, in which case he may get his property back through default.

erolz3 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:b) go through the RoC courts to claim compensation from present users of their land in the north,

Yes they can persue users through RoC courts. However any award for loss of use against the user will I believe and rightly so remove the opportuinty for claiming such against Turkey/TRNC. So as far as compensation for loss of use goes you can choose. Current user or Turkey.

Who cares. If he can get restitution from the current user through the RoC courts at premium awards levied against the property of the users property in the south, why not do it. It will be much faster and easier, and he continues to maintain the rights for his property in the north to be acquired at another time. In the meantime, he gets money into his pocket all a while the TC will lose part or all of his land in the south to pay off claims brought on by the GC whose land is used in the north. When all else fails, the GCs will have the Orams judgement to fall back onto.

erolz3 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:You will find, that this decision by the ECHR will make the GCs less compassionate about not using the Orams ruling on the TCs as they may once thought to only use it against the foreigners, .....

You are joking right ? The idea that what determins currently if a GC with land in the north seeks to go down the 'Orams' route is compassion for TC ? If you think I believe that for one minute you must think I am a fool or be one.

So far you have not seen a big rush to go after the TCs, other than perhaps going after the corporations run by the TCs/Turks, but not on individual themselves, but this will all change on a dime if they now believe that the IPC will only offer them compensation on their property at much less value than what it will be once a settlement is found. They will care less at that point where the money will come from in the short term and go after the TCs and their properties in the south, all awhile keeping the ownership of their properties in the north to be resolved at another time. The question is, what will the TCs will be left with after a settlement if some, most or all of their properties in the south have been paid as judgement/penalty for using the Gcs properties in the north.? Would they end up losing their properties in the south and eventually lose the GCs properties they have been using in the north as well.?? Maybe.!!

erolz3 wrote:You are free to use the 'Orams' route should you wish to against any user that has EU assets, TC or otherwise. If someone does or not is not down to compassion, its down to how much of any award they might eventualy get will be left for them after they pay the laywers, vs what they give up in terms of compensation via the other route, the IPC.

I think you will find many will only resort to taking the TCs to the "cleaners" as a last resort by the GCs. If there is a chance for a lasting peace, than I can't see it happening, but if not and the constant "last chance for peace" claims by made the north at every opportunity, then at some point, the GC may take the TCs to the "cleaners" through the RoC courts. Just like in the Orams case, the losing part can be made to pay off most of the legal fees by the losing party, in which case, more value would be lost from the TCs properties in the south at much faster rate. The RoC can tailor the law as it wants that would benefit the plaintiff, in which case it will be the GCs. Of course, the Tcs can also take the same route against the GCs using their properties in the south, but they will not be able to sell off any GCs properties in the north to compensate themselves if any judgement are given to them by the courts in the RoC. The best bet would be to go through the ECHR to seek restitution, but the ECHR may now tell the TCs to first go and seek the RoC courts as their first remedy too, which is what the case is anyway now, is it not.?

erolz3 wrote:Personaly I welcome aggressive maximal use of the 'orams' route by GC indivduals and the RoC government itself to seek not just fair redress but vindictive attack on the enconomic sustainablilty of the TC community living in the north. That it has not happend to date is nothing to do with GC compassion and everything to do with the self interest of those concerned that choose to either do this or not.

According to the ECHR, it is not the TCs and the "trnc" that any and all "vindictive attacks" by the GCs will be against their economy in the north, but it will be against the occupying power, Turkey. The ECHR made it very clear, that the "trnc" does not exists and only the occupying power does, therefore, any and all "vindictive attacks" by the GCs to the North's economy that does not exists anyway, will be directed at Turkey and no one else. Turkey as an occupying power bares ALL responsibility for the welfare of the land and it's people it occupies, therefore the TCs and all those living in the north are at the mercy of Turkey's goodwill to provide for them all in the north, no matter whether the GCs will or will not take any "vindictive attacks" on the economy of the north.
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