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Guarantees - a suggestion...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boulio » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:27 am

We do not trust the EU with our security.

what about a joint EU/nATO FORCE with turkish,greek,cypriot participation?

4,000 men

8 battalions of 500 men

four eu/nato countries battalions
2 cypriot,one turkish,one greek
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Postby B25 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:37 am

boulio wrote:
We do not trust the EU with our security.

what about a joint EU/nATO FORCE with turkish,greek,cypriot participation?

4,000 men

8 battalions of 500 men

four eu/nato countries battalions
2 cypriot,one turkish,one greek

Why don't you just pack it in and stop playing VP's mind games.

We on't need guarantees from anyone and least of all turkey the invader.

No other country in the world is forced to have such racists, discriminatory systems imposed on them. It the Cyprus Turks feel unsafe in Cyprus, let them go home to turkey. Simple, case closed.

If anyone needs guarantees is it us from the initial murderers who are only 40 miles away.

period. this is 2010 not 1950 wake the hell up.
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:16 am

Viewpoint wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Guys, Guys... now listen

Why don't we look at Europe as a guarantor! Let's put Russia, USA, Chine aside for now.

Europe can assemble a force from a blend of it's members (Swedish, Finnish, Danish etc) and assign them in 4-6 sectors of the island to keep the peace.

What better guarantor than Europe it self. After all, Cyprus is European land now!!! Perhaps Europe can pick-up the bill too or part of it.

Why would Turkey intervene? The European troops can handle it!!!

Security for all Cypriots is done. Move on to the next issue please...


We do not trust the EU with our security.

Viewpoint, this is your personal opinion... yes? I am sure other TC's may not share this. Your leaders may not agree with you either.

You want to join EU but don't trust EU? Turkey wants to join the EU but don't trust the EU? I don't get it... Am I missing something here? Later, when Turkey joins the EU will dare to invade Cyprus again? In essence, invade Europe? Do you think Europe is going to stand idle to this action?

Be serious. If you want to join EU you must trust EU. The European force stationed in Cyprus will guarantee real and unbiased security, will not take sides or discriminate amongst Cypriots.

Think "European" when trying to become European...


Do you know the difference between economic stability and security? they are two totally different issues. The EU doesn't even have an army or any mechanism that could or would intervene in times of crisis. (Plus I am not personally a fan of the EU).

You don't like EU. Fine. Does this means you are going to cast a "NO" vote on the next referendum?

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Postby Liontaroui » Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:12 am

Russia as a guarantor? Are we smoking Crystal Meth today gentlemen?
Todays quiz:
Kissinger allowed Turkey to intervene because
a) He hates us
b) He had his period
c) He thought Greco-Turkish tensions and our regime were opening the door to the USSR in the Eastern Mediterranean.

And someone mentioned the Bases. They CANNOT let them go strategically so they won't. Remember the US having to bully Turkey into allowing them Iraq access in Gulf War II? The UK doesnt need that, plus theres US personnel in Akrotiri. It costs them plenty to run. As soon as they can go, they will of their own volition, but pushing now will end up in an own goal. It sucks, I want them gone as much as anyone else, but its not happening.
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Postby observer » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:22 am

Turkey is a member of NATO. Article 5 of the NATO Treaty says:

"The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area."

If Russia "intervenes" in Turkey, the rest of NATO is treaty bound to take action against Russia to restore and secure Turkey's borders.

If that were not enough, Russia already has enough problems with Moslems that it retained within its borders on the breakup of the Soviet Union, so probably wouldn't want to take on any more.
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Postby Malapapa » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:30 am

observer wrote:Turkey is a member of NATO. Article 5 of the NATO Treaty says:

"The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area."

If Russia "intervenes" in Turkey, the rest of NATO is treaty bound to take action against Russia to restore and secure Turkey's borders.

If that were not enough, Russia already has enough problems with Moslems that it retained within its borders on the breakup of the Soviet Union, so probably wouldn't want to take on any more.

This is great. NATO's treaty obligations to Turkey will make the Turks feel safe too. And Greece, Turkey's closest NATO ally can rush to her assistance. So now everyone can "feel safe"; the Cyprus Turks, the free Cypriots and the Turkey Turks.
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Postby insan » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:06 pm

paliometoxo wrote:last time un had to aprove? how much did that stop turkey

As much as it stopped Greece's invasion attempt of Cyprus, China's invasion of Vietnam, Tibet and Uyguristan; Russia's invasion of Georgia etc etc.. :lol:

Ohhh :shock: Are they all UN members? :lol: It seems like they all act how it suits their national interests... they don't even need to sign a guarantorship agreement... Get used with it... even prepare yourself for the worse after the food riots and rebellions...

The new dark age of the world is knocking on your doors and u still keep running around the same vicious circle...

United politicians of the world are digging our graves... Could it be stopped? Most probably no... but at least YOU, stop running around the same vicious circles and feeding their needs to explode the world with your help.

Watch your tribe chiefs and tribe members... watch yourselves... in below video... :lol:

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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:59 pm

exactly halil...

we dont need garantore powers in cyprus thats a stupid idea the gc government will never accept it
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:18 pm

Malapapa wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I agree each side should be allowed to choose their own guarantor country.

Brilliant. I choose all five permanent members of the UNSC to guarantee Cyprus against Turkey. But failing that I'd live with just Russia, which shares a border with Turkey, has interests in Cyprus, and who would relish the opportunity to kick Turkey's butt if it ever Turkey dared to over-step the mark in Cyprus again.

So clearly it would be in TRs and TCs interest to have a guarantor who was itching for an excuse to "...kick Turkeys butt." :roll:
Guaranteed to come to the rescue when/if they're needed, then? :shock:
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Postby SKI-preo » Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:14 pm

Each side should be allowed to choose the guarantor of the other. For the Turkish Cypriots we choose....Vatican City. WHo do you choose for us?
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