wyoming cowboy wrote:YFRED be bold enough and answer the question on how a true federation with two constituent states is capitulation on the part of the Tc?YFred wrote:Kikapu wrote:YFred wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Your trick was to camaflouge the dangers TCs would face if they were foolish enough to adopt Kikapus capitulation plan. So basically you tried to sell us out.
VP, Kickapu is more decent then that. He was not selling us, he was giving us away. What was his reccomendation? 5% for the TRNC? Yeah right.
Oh dear ol dear. We got the classic case of Blind leading the Blind here.!
Hi seeeeeeeeeee, said the blind man, What?
It depends on the rules of the federation and the power distribution between the two levels of government. If the Higher level is allowed to dominate the lover level, then capitulation is a real possibility. If the two states are allowed to govern themselves without interference from the other, then there is no danger. But the real danger lies not in the governments but the economic domination by the GC as they have had a free hand for the past 47 years and TC economy has been suffocated. To put it simply you cannot put a dog and a lamb in a cage and expect the lamb to survive unless the fence between them is strong enough to resist the dog.
All the effort put in by the roc to suffocate the TRNC in the last 47 years has a price and will cost till the TRNC economy recovers.
Unfortunately the GCs who have been lead down that blind alley will pay the prcice of that one. You got the gain, now you will suffer the pain.