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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby YFred » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:40 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:YFRED be bold enough and answer the question on how a true federation with two constituent states is capitulation on the part of the Tc?
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Your trick was to camaflouge the dangers TCs would face if they were foolish enough to adopt Kikapus capitulation plan. So basically you tried to sell us out.

VP, Kickapu is more decent then that. He was not selling us, he was giving us away. What was his reccomendation? 5% for the TRNC? Yeah right.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh dear ol dear. We got the classic case of Blind leading the Blind here.! :lol:

Hi seeeeeeeeeee, said the blind man, What?

It depends on the rules of the federation and the power distribution between the two levels of government. If the Higher level is allowed to dominate the lover level, then capitulation is a real possibility. If the two states are allowed to govern themselves without interference from the other, then there is no danger. But the real danger lies not in the governments but the economic domination by the GC as they have had a free hand for the past 47 years and TC economy has been suffocated. To put it simply you cannot put a dog and a lamb in a cage and expect the lamb to survive unless the fence between them is strong enough to resist the dog.
All the effort put in by the roc to suffocate the TRNC in the last 47 years has a price and will cost till the TRNC economy recovers.
Unfortunately the GCs who have been lead down that blind alley will pay the prcice of that one. You got the gain, now you will suffer the pain.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:54 pm

Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:55 pm

Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.
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Postby YFred » Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:07 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.

You see the moment you start talking about Turkey imposing embargoes I stop listening, becasue it is beyond doubt that it is roc that apllies them and there are no excuses for them whilst the roc uses TC property. Everything else is bullshit cover for all the legal wrong doings of the roc. Sooner later the Int. Com. will wake up and the TCs will no longer wish to live with you guys. Simple really even a 2 year old child can see that one, but never mind we live in hope.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:12 pm

YFred wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.

You see the moment you start talking about Turkey imposing embargoes I stop listening, becasue it is beyond doubt that it is roc that apllies them and there are no excuses for them whilst the roc uses TC property. Everything else is bullshit cover for all the legal wrong doings of the roc. Sooner later the Int. Com. will wake up and the TCs will no longer wish to live with you guys. Simple really even a 2 year old child can see that one, but never mind we live in hope.

It's self imposed just as your brain implant.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:03 pm

YFred wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.

You see the moment you start talking about Turkey imposing embargoes I stop listening, becasue it is beyond doubt that it is roc that apllies them and there are no excuses for them whilst the roc uses TC property. Everything else is bullshit cover for all the legal wrong doings of the roc. Sooner later the Int. Com. will wake up and the TCs will no longer wish to live with you guys. Simple really even a 2 year old child can see that one, but never mind we live in hope.
Forget the typical nonsense you keep spewing when your back is up against the wall, Who allowed the green line to be opened and why wasnt it opened 30 years ago? Answer the question put to you.....and stop acting like a typical linobambakovillo
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:09 pm

YFred, In what matters do you think the Federal government has over the two constituent states that will force the Tc to capitulate?
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:39 pm

YFred wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:Dont you think that the self imposed embargo by Turkey on the Tc is to blame for the economic plight of the Tc....Why would you punish a nation for protecting the property rights of its citizens, your logic doesnt make sense The UN EU have passed resolutions and judgements on the illegality of the occuppying troops on Cyprus, The distirbution of power between the governments Federal and state, in a Federation are that the Federal govt has control over post, income tax the Federal police and all ports....The Annan plan was basically a loose Federation with Federal powers over the constituent state in certain matters.....namely the above stated.

You see the moment you start talking about Turkey imposing embargoes I stop listening, becasue it is beyond doubt that it is roc that apllies them and there are no excuses for them whilst the roc uses TC property. Everything else is bullshit cover for all the legal wrong doings of the roc. Sooner later the Int. Com. will wake up and the TCs will no longer wish to live with you guys. Simple really even a 2 year old child can see that one, but never mind we live in hope.
So basically what you are saying is that the Tc want equal say in governmnent so one day they can wrestle away power and money from the Gc, because they need to be punished for Turkey occuppying Cyprus. Again your logic in ass backwards, why do you take your constituent state build it up economically by yourselves, while respecting the laws of the federal state, so one day you can be on the same par with the Gc state...Why do you feel you need to take rights fromt the Gc's in order for you to do that in a federal system.....??????
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:11 am

YFred...You are one stubborn son of a gun...Why don't you just see the world as some of our GC compatriots see it on this Forum...It will make their life so much easier...Now repeat after me...Enosis was good....Taksim was bad...1960 agreements were bad,so bad even the TCs run away from it...Although the GCs were begging for them to come back...Eoka was good,TMT bad...The Turkish Cypriots were afraid of the TMT not EOKA...They left their villages and huddled into enclaves for 11 years because TMT told them to do so...Turkey is bad,big bad wolf...She has territorial ambitions...She likes waking up on sunny summer days and going to invade helpless neighbouring countries...Turkey likes ethnic cleansing...Look they have even cleansed the TCs of their Cypriotness...
The isolations and the embargoes do not exist...If they do they are selfimposed...Or imposed by Turkey...Everything you think you know or believe is wrong...Everything some of our GC compatriots tell us here is right...When will you see the light...???You are one stubborn son-of-a-gun...You are making everybody's life impossible...Come to your senses now...You know you want to... :) :)
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Postby B25 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:17 am

BirKibrisli wrote:YFred...You are one stubborn son of a gun...Why don't you just see the world as some of our GC compatriots see it on this Forum...It will make their life so much easier...Now repeat after me...Enosis was good....Taksim was bad...1960 agreements were bad,so bad even the TCs run away from it...Although the GCs were begging for them to come back...Eoka was good,TMT bad...The Turkish Cypriots were afraid of the TMT not EOKA...They left their villages and huddled into enclaves for 11 years because TMT told them to do so...Turkey is bad,big bad wolf...She has territorial ambitions...She likes waking up on sunny summer days and going to invade helpless neighbouring countries...Turkey likes ethnic cleansing...Look they have even cleansed the TCs of their Cypriotness...
The isolations and the embargoes do not exist...If they do they are selfimposed...Or imposed by Turkey...Everything you think you know or believe is wrong...Everything some of our GC compatriots tell us here is right...When will you see the light...???You are one stubborn son-of-a-gun...You are making everybody's life impossible...Come to your senses now...You know you want to... :) :)

wellI commend you dear Bir on your excellent summation of the Cyprus problem. You have answered it in a nut shell.

We have been telling you guys this for over 36 years and you have only just realised. Well at least you now admit your failings and this is the frst step to solving the cyprus problem.

Now be a good boy and go tell the rest of your MF groupies this so they understand and stop feed us shit and crying like bitches on heat.

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