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Armenian Genocide

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:04 am

runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Cyprus is an Independent country and should remain so.

And yet you can't explain why there are Greece flags all over the place in south cyprus.

national Guard loves that flag :D
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Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:17 am

Oracle wrote:The Greek flags represent the Greek Orthodox religion, in Cyprus!

This just proves that Enosis still exists.
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:21 am

EPSILON wrote:
aussieturk wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:Turks can lie to the world, lie to their people, lie about genocides and invasions and ethnic cleansing, but what they dont understand and probably never will, "....ONE CAN COVER UP THE TRUTH, TRY AND BURY THE TRUTH, HIDE THE TRUTH BUT THE TRUTH ALWAYS SHOWS UP"

Turks enjoy yourselves, the whole nation of America has seen this recently, and they know wht the rest of the world knows minus the Turks.....

The truth can be distorted and there are always two sides to every story.

Yes, of course you are right-Armenians may was been killed themselves because of a parania, Greeks of Istanbul may decided to return to Greece because their bussiness in Pera (Sumeinanoglu) were not good enough !!!Maybe you think that the rest World is stupid!!!!

Maybe I think lobbying and propaganda is being carried out well by Armenians. Just like the Jews winning influence in the USA with their lobbying and propaganda, meanwhile the poor old Palestinians don't know how to play the game. In Turkey's case, she does not need to play these games.
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Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:27 am

Gasman wrote:Who needs a translation? Substitute any one of her posts. They are interchangeable.

As for the US standing in judgment morally on other countries? lol!

Yeah they are your friends Oracle.

Translation - proud to be Greek,

not sure what happened to being a Cypriot :wink:
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:54 am

aussieturk wrote:
GreekForumer wrote:
aussieturk wrote:The truth can be distorted and there are always two sides to every story.

Everybody knows the Turkish Government drafted hundreds of thousands of Armenian males into the unarmed labour battalions. Some survivors of these battalions say that they were worked and starved to death. Others say they were marched out of town where no witness could see or hear..... and then massacred by Turkish troops under the command of Turkish officers. These survivors can only account for the fate of their own units. But what about the other thousands of Armenian males. What was their fate ?

The Armenians say that because the Turkish government never discharged any of these Armenian men from the Army at the end of the World War, they must have met the same fate as the survivors witnessed.

So aussieturk, the Armenians say all of these draftees must have been murdered because they were never seen again. Is that true ? How many Armenians survived the labour battalions ? Of those hundreds of thousands, how many Armenians did the Turkish army discharge at the end of the war ? What's your side of this story ?.

say the Armenians, with no proof.

I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly :roll:
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:07 am

ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly

Did he apologize? or did he say thats part of war?
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:13 am

aussieturk wrote:
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly

Did he apologize? or did he say thats part of war?

Mustafa Condemed it and said it was carried out by criminals.
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:15 am

aussieturk wrote:
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly

Did he apologize? or did he say thats part of war?

Mustafa Condemed it and said it was carried out by criminals.

So it was carried out by criminals and not modern Turkey
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby Epiktitos » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:17 am

aussieturk wrote:
aussieturk wrote:
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly

Did he apologize? or did he say thats part of war?

Mustafa Condemed it and said it was carried out by criminals.

So it was carried out by criminals and not modern Turkey

What's the difference?
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Re: Armenian Genocide

Postby aussieturk » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:28 am

Epiktitos wrote:
aussieturk wrote:
aussieturk wrote:
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote: I have posted archived tons of archived letters from Ottoman Allies during ww1 stating the complete opposite of what you have stated. Even a National Georaphic interview of Kemal Ataturk condemning these horrid crimes purpotrated against the Armenians and Assyrians but what would he know??? :roll: I am sure he must have made it up since he didnt live through this period and loved the ottomans blindly

Did he apologize? or did he say thats part of war?

Mustafa Condemed it and said it was carried out by criminals.

So it was carried out by criminals and not modern Turkey

What's the difference?

What I am saying is these deaths occurred during war. The number of casualties during WW1 for the Ottomans were:

Military - 771,844
Civilians - 2,150,000 - that is a lot of innocent people.

Has any one apologized for killing all these civilians when Allies attacked Anatolia. I believe Turkey's response is that yes Armenians were killed, but it was all part of war. There was no deliberate policy by the central government to commit genocide. If there were some mass killings, they were committed by criminals within the army.

All these deaths occurred under the rule of the Ottoman Sultan. Modern Turkey, today's government is a democracy and has nothing to do with any policies of the Ottomans.

Study of the Armenian Genocide - both sides of the story

Historical work on the genocide has been almost entirely pro-Armenian or pro-Turkish and therefore implicated in a political conflict still unresolved today. Armenian historians seek to exorcise the trauma experienced by earlier generations, to pass on the memory of this trauma, and to present the genocide of the Armenians as the founding element of contemporary Armenian identity.
British historian Arnold Toynbee, whose 1917 report remains a critical primary source, changed his evaluation later in life, concluding, "These…Armenian political aspirations had not been legitimate....Their aspirations did not merely threaten to break up the Turkish Empire; they could not be fulfilled without doing grave injustice to the Turkish people itself."[114]
For Turkish historians, supporting the national republican myth is essential to preserving Turkish national unity. The usual Turkish argument is that the deportations were necessary because the Armenians had allied themselves with Russian invaders in wartime, and "some 100,000 Armenians...may have died between 1915 and 1918, but this was no greater a percentage than that of the Turks and other Muslims who died as a result of the same conditions in the same places at the same time." "There was no genocide committed against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire before or during World War I." [115] Dissident historians in Turkey are trying to reclaim the Armenians as part of Ottoman and Turkish history and acknowledge the wrongs done to the Armenians as a condition for reconciliation with them on the basis of confidence in Turkish national unity.[116]

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