YFred wrote:RichardB wrote:Oracle wrote:Whatever figures you look at it makes me wonder why the TCs think they have a right to own a bigger percentage than the GCs. Their Ottoman land-grabs, perhaps? In fact, why should they think they "own" anything.
It ALL belongs to the RoC!
Re Ottoman land grabs ...I prefer the term Anatolian demographic changing settlers as my prefered wording
and, I also believe the land is the property of the person named on the pre 74 title deeds be they TC, GC or Other , The only true and legal owner is the person on these deeds
Don't be silly Richard. It all belongs to them. Yeap, you'll get all of it dearest Oracle.
Ela gori en galon braman.
Very mature Fred
Guess thats why you're gradually losing any credability on forum