Saint Jimmy wrote:But that's not the point.
This has really got me thinking...
You guys really have taken this thing too seriously. It's like, you're trying to break this 'boycott' thing up... um... why exactly? Because a bunch of us may think that you're not doing your job right, or that you shouldn't be doing it at all? And why would you care?
This is what I really don't get.
Why do you care?
If you wish to boycott the forums, that is your decsion and right - as it is mine to express my view that you are barking up the wrong tree and making a mountain out of a molehill. Stay or go as you wish. If you chose to go then so be it. Such action will bring me no happiness but also little discomfort either. It does all seem a little 'over dramtic' to me though I have to say. You claim to be fighting for free speech, yet there has been no change to the policy of the forum re this - only to the how well that policy is implemented. You seem to think there is some sort of effort to break up your botcott and there is none as far as I can see. I know of fora where a thread such as yours would have been removed in minutes by those in control and attempts to restart it elsewhere would have resulted in your being banned. This forum is nothing like that, though judging by the reaction to the introduction of some moderators you might be forgiven for thinking otherwise.