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CYPRUS-FORUM 48 hour boycott

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Will you participate in the 2 day boycott?

Poll ended at Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:41 pm

Evit/ Nai/ Oui
Hayir/ Oxi/ Non
Total votes : 18

Postby erolz » Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:57 pm

Saint Jimmy wrote:But that's not the point.
This has really got me thinking...
You guys really have taken this thing too seriously. It's like, you're trying to break this 'boycott' thing up... um... why exactly? Because a bunch of us may think that you're not doing your job right, or that you shouldn't be doing it at all? And why would you care?

This is what I really don't get.
Why do you care?

If you wish to boycott the forums, that is your decsion and right - as it is mine to express my view that you are barking up the wrong tree and making a mountain out of a molehill. Stay or go as you wish. If you chose to go then so be it. Such action will bring me no happiness but also little discomfort either. It does all seem a little 'over dramtic' to me though I have to say. You claim to be fighting for free speech, yet there has been no change to the policy of the forum re this - only to the how well that policy is implemented. You seem to think there is some sort of effort to break up your botcott and there is none as far as I can see. I know of fora where a thread such as yours would have been removed in minutes by those in control and attempts to restart it elsewhere would have resulted in your being banned. This forum is nothing like that, though judging by the reaction to the introduction of some moderators you might be forgiven for thinking otherwise.
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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:18 pm

erolz wrote:
magikthrill wrote:this is about returning freedom of speech to the forum. :roll:

Have you lost free speech or have you lost the ability to behave in anyway you want regardless of the impact on the forum and others?

Do you have free speech in the UK? Libel and slander laws, incitment to racial hatred laws etc etc. You have free speech but not without any responsibilites. The situation here is no different. If you stick to the rules then you have total fre speech. If you refuse to abide by the rules then you are not demanding free speech but the right to ignore the rules. At least thats how I see it.

If the rules were upheld there wouldnt be a problem. You break a rule you are warned / suspended, that hasnt happened.

You dont break a rule and you get suspended.

Please explain the logic?
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Postby Admin » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:26 pm

Also the demand we have for now is no censorship in the general chat area or the creation of a Free Speech section.

Ok, how about this:

A brand new forum with much much less rules and no moderator. The forum will be hidden from the general public and will be visible only to those that believe that fewer rules and no moderators are necessary.

What do you think?
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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:30 pm

Admin wrote:
Also the demand we have for now is no censorship in the general chat area or the creation of a Free Speech section.

Ok, how about this:

A brand new forum with much much less rules and no moderator. The forum will be hidden from the general public and will be visible only to those that believe that fewer rules and no moderators are necessary.

What do you think?

Since ur online, any chance of that apology for me?

You remember. You suspended me for NOT being offensive!
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Postby Svetlana » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:16 am

Hi Saint Jimmy and MT

My posting of 9am on 23 July was meant merely to be amusing; sorry you did not take it that way.


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Postby magikthrill » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:44 pm

city wrote:erm, supposingly 9 people take part, but there are only 7 "oui" votes.
Not very convincing...

moose and Liza are not technically participating but since they will be absent weve decided to recruit them ;)
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Postby 2fan » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:04 am

magikthrill wrote:
brother wrote:I suggest the 29 February :lol: :lol:

Mr. Moderator

Given the level you attain in this hierarchical forum we would appreciate it if you could attain a level of seriousness that comes with your position on this specific thread.

the CF comrades

Boy aren't we serious. Che poser, take that berret off your head. It's cutting off the circulation to your brain. Geez man chill out! Mr. Anti Establishment

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Postby magikthrill » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:41 am

this is the correct thread for the reminder. whether you voted or not you can still particpate or not.


oh and 2fan welcome to the forum by the way. and climb off your high horse. we dont take kind to strangers around here.
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Postby petethegreek » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:48 am

magikthrill wrote:this is the correct thread for the reminder. whether you voted or not you can still particpate or not.


oh and 2fan welcome to the forum by the way. and climb off your high horse. we dont take kind to strangers around here.

U cant take 2fan serious. If u dont beleive me then check out his "funny" jokes!

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Postby Yiannis » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:39 am

U cant take 2fan serious. If u dont beleive me then check out his "funny" jokes!

:? For some reason i was thinking that its her all this time.
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