Admin wrote:magikthrill,
May I ask what is the aim of the "revolution"?
The things that are supposed to be censored or moderated are:
1)personal attacks
2)illegal things
3)posts that take threads way off topic.
Which of the above you believe is wrong?
mr. admin thank you for taking the time to listen to our dislikes.
1) personal attacks i believe would be best censored if the person being attacked makes a special note to you or th emoderator and/or if it is a very offensive insult (subjective so not very efficient input).
2) im not sure about this seeing as there is an 8 page prostituion thread still going strong in the TOURISM (lol) ssectioion - which is fine by me - and a reference to drugs is censored.
3) this is ridiculous to be edited anywhere let alone in the general section. i think that in the non general section area the creator of the thread or the moderators should kindly remind the posters that the thread is going off topiuc (as Alexandros Lordos has kindly done many times in the past) and I believe that will be sufficient.
Do I sound irrational here? Maybe w/ the personal attacs seeing as this is quite subjective. Maybe with that we could create a poll seeing the extent to which the posters are annoyed with personal attacks against them (ie thye have been "Attacked" in the past and did not like it) since i believe most people against these attacks are never actually attacked themselves (for example i have no problem being insulted by viewpoint since that is the only way us 2 communicate)