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CYPRUS-FORUM 48 hour boycott

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Will you participate in the 2 day boycott?

Poll ended at Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:41 pm

Evit/ Nai/ Oui
Hayir/ Oxi/ Non
Total votes : 18

Postby magikthrill » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:04 pm


yes to you i am the master sinc eyou enjoy calling me that so much so please refer to me as that only from now on ?

grazie mille
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Postby Saint Jimmy » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:04 pm

Eh, wtf? A couple of hours never killed anyone. :lol:

It's assessment time, now, non?
At first, I was inclined to believe that our Revolution had no impact whatsoever.
But then brother started posting in here, going on about how you posted before our boycott was due, and obviously trying to break the bond between the Comrades. And I ask myself 'why is he doing that?'.

Well, it's obvious!

THEY ARE AFRAID THEY'LL BE OUT OF A JOB, and thus out of power. I mean, what's a king without his subjects, eh? So, the bourgeois Moderator clique sent brother to do their dirty work.

But we will not falter, you Capitalists!

Our next demand is that moderators edit other moderators' posts, as well.
The reason we had moderators was because Admin doesn't have enough time to go through and moderate all the posts, right?
But does he have time to go through Moderators' posts? I don't think he does. But, anyway, for argument's sake, if he does keep an eye on Moderators' posts, then why can he not Moderate everything? He's practically doing it, anyway!

But I think he doesn't (moderate the moderators). So, there should either be a kind of hierarchy among moderators (perhaps to be determined through open voting among forum members), or all moderators should be allowed to moderate other moderators.

We are awaiting the Mods' response before we announce our new measures.
Last edited by Saint Jimmy on Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby magikthrill » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:04 pm

also thanks for making this thread one of the biggest the general chat section has seen in a while ;)
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Postby Saint Jimmy » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:06 pm

No thanks before we get our way! :P
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Postby magikthrill » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:10 pm

Saint Jimmy wrote:
Our next demand is that moderators edit other moderators' posts, as well.
The reason we had moderators was because Admin doesn't have enough time to go through and moderate all the posts, right?
But does he have time to go through Moderators' posts? I don't think he does. But, anyway, for argument's sake, if he does keep an eye on Moderators' posts, then why can he not Moderate everything? He's practically doing it, anyway!

But I think he doesn't (moderate the moderators). So, there should either be a kind of hierarchy among moderators (perhaps to be determined through open voting among forum members), or all moderators should be allowed to moderate other moderators.

We are awaiting the Mods' response before we announce our new measures.

im starting to think we're holding someone for ransom? either way its a logical demand. you organize the next boycott. i havent slept in 3 days so im gonna need to recover for now.
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Postby brother » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:10 pm

It's assessment time, now, non?
At first, I was inclined to believe that our Revolution had no impact whatsoever.
But then brother started posting in here, going on about how you posted before our boycott was due, and obviously trying to break the bond between the Comrades. And I ask myself 'why is he doing that?'.

Well, it's obvious!

THEY ARE AFRAID THEY'LL BE OUT OF A JOB, and thus out of power. I mean, what's a king without his subjects, eh? So, the bourgeois Moderator clique sent brother to do their dirty work.

But we will not falter, you Capitalists!

Our next demand is that moderators edit other moderators' posts, as well.
The reason we had moderators was because Admin doesn't have enough time to go through and moderate all the posts, right?
But does he have time to go through Moderators' posts? I don't think he does. But, anyway, for argument's sake, if he does keep an eye on Moderators' posts, then why can he not Moderate everything? He's practically doing it, anyway!

But I think he doesn't (moderate the moderators). So, there should either be a kind of hierarchy among moderators (perhaps to be determined through open voting among forum members), or all moderators should be allowed to moderate other moderators.

We are awaiting the Mods' response before we announce our new measures.

hahahaha....breathe...hahahahaha..what a conspiracy theory but you guys must do what you have to, but remember 'Brother' is watching you. :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby brother » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:12 pm


yes to you i am the master sinc eyou enjoy calling me that so much so please refer to me as that only from now on ?

Now you pushing your luck thrill.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby magikthrill » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:14 pm

thats master to you ;)
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Postby Saint Jimmy » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:21 pm


*puts on serious (and mildly threatening) face*

No more laughs brother (and other mods). We mean business.

This is a serious matter. If moderators can't be moderated, we have a point, non? And if Admin won't moderate them (you), then you can pretty much do as you please, right? I stand behind my 'moderator hierarchy' idea. See how you like being moderated by your peers. Forum members vote for their preferred hierarchy in a topic (not a poll), in the following form:

1. ABC
2. DEF
3. GHI
etc., with no.1 being the Head-Moderator of their choice.

Then, all the votes are counted, by means of a 'reverse point' system (if there are 8 moderators in total, then no.1 gets 8 points, no.2 gets 7 and so on), and a final hierarchy is created. Then all moderators can edit other moderators who are lower in the hierarchy (of course, only in each moderator's topic, not everywhere, as that's not possible, correct?) but not the other way around. The last one can only moderate members' posts only.

Anything wrong with this idea?
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Postby brother » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:24 pm

Dear Saint jimmy,

a- Your idea is so confusing

b- If you do not behave i will inform your mum and 3 sisters and you will be in soooo much trouble.

regards Brother

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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