I am attending a celebration for the engagement of a Cypriot couple tomorrow. It occurred to me that this is the first engagement or wedding celebration I have attended in for years where the couple are both Cypriot! It is about 7 years since the last time.
Since then I have attended weddings where:
Groom Cypriot father, French mother, Bride had Cypriot mother, father from Oman
Groom Cypriot, bride Russian
Groom Cypriot, bride Russian
Bride Cypriot, groom British
Groom Cypriot, bride Bulgarian
Perhaps, eventually, this will be the answer to the Cy Prob? When there are no true full blooded Cypriots left!
The oldest married couple I know in Cyprus are a TC husband (living in RoC) and a Brit wife. They are in their 80s, she moved here when she was about 15 yrs old. He has a UK passport she has a Cypriot passport!