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New limited access section

Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our forums?

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Postby demetriou_74 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:30 pm

magikthrill wrote:Maybe you should entitle your new group "The Civilized Section." And you should have a monarch. And create lords as well. And we'll let ourselves be in the peasant forums.

shall we start a revolution in there too. King Demetriou. thrill you can be chief peasant
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Postby brother » Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:41 pm

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: New limited access section

Postby Sarah McD » Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:22 pm

turkcyp wrote:This forum is getting out of hand. Sorry to say this but everyday I am less and less inclined to participate in the stupid low quality discussions that is taking place in this forum. It is becoming a forum where people attack each other on personal basis, swearing, insults, provocation and name calling like 10 year old kids

I am against anybody being deported from this forum, even the people who knows nothing but insults, swearing and provocation because I am for the free speech and to let everybody express their views even if it is personal attack. At the end they are just words, and opinions and this is an electronic forum environment where no physical action can take place. So no thought or language (including insults) should be banned.

On the other hand sometimes the above mentioned ills are making forum reduce its quality and loose it’s once had aura. We have to find a way of balancing this free speech and also be able to keep people like me who wants to participate in discussions without the above ills still attached to the forum. Otherwise this forum will keep on loosing its posters, starting with me. WE should be able to let people free their opinions (even if how low quality those opinions are) but at the same time let other people who do not want to hear those low quality posts to be able to close the door and not hear those opinions.

So I suggest to admin to open a section in this site that only accepts posts from people that satisfy certain criteria in the quality of posts. Who would decide who satisfy those criteria? WE can decide ourselves by voting.

Please consider this limited access section because we are (at least I am) getting fed up with these name calling, insults, swearing and provocation.

By this way i the other forums people can be free to swear and insult to whoever they want without any cencorship


Captain Yawn, get off your high horse!

I bet you're a laugh riot at a party!


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Re: New limited access section

Postby magikthrill » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:59 pm

Sarah McD wrote:
Captain Yawn, get off your high horse!

I bet you're a laugh riot at a party!



interested in joining the revolution sarah?
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Re: New limited access section

Postby Sarah McD » Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:12 pm

magikthrill wrote:
Sarah McD wrote:
Captain Yawn, get off your high horse!

I bet you're a laugh riot at a party!



interested in joining the revolution sarah?


Okay, count me in.
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Postby city » Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:01 pm

erolz wrote:If you decide to stop conributing to the forum it will be a sad loss imo. Forums evolve. As they become bigger then often the atmosphere changes. I for one want a forum that allows and promotes serious and respectful discussion. I believe you want the same. For me leaving he forum because some posters behave in ways that undermine this objective is to simply give up. Can you not continue to have discussions and making your (valued - by me and others I suspect) contributions and just ignore the 'noise'. It is inevitable that in fora like this there is a high signla to noise ratio and the more members there are the worse this gets. That does not mean there is no longer any value in the signal, even if it can become harder to detect amongst the noise, as I see it.

I fully agree with erolz. There is no way to avoid such disturbance, the problem simply lies in the nature of a forum and the internet itself. Imo the best and easiest way is to simply ignore those people. If noone replies to their posts they will pretty quick being bored and just leave. Of course this aimed ignorance needs a bit of personal strenght and an "agreement" among the serious contributors to really ignore those posts however offensive they may be.
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Postby turkcyp » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:10 pm

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Last edited by turkcyp on Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby erolz » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:14 pm

turkcyp wrote:Non only this forum become low quality because of swearing, name calling and insults but also "racist" as well because of the actions of the few. :(

Imo its a sad fact that creation (of a forum / community like this and in general) needs effort from many but destruction only minimal effort from a few or even lone indivduals :(
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Postby brother » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:21 pm

Will you guys cut out the defeatist attitude and just get on with debating on the forum, the only way the racist few or whatever can hurt the forum is when regular members like yourselves who are appreciated by the many decide to bury their heads in the sand and let these undesirable few run amok.

So pick yourselves up and all will be fine, i promise :wink:
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