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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby halil » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:23 pm

President Mehmet Ali Talat has said that the TRNC Parliament has given the necessary response to the Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting guarantorship rights in Cyprus.

Speaking on his return to the Presidential Palace after his discussions with Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias yesterday, President Talat said all aspects of the negotiations were taken up during the meeting.

The President said that the meeting started with discussions on the issue of economy and that the experts held further talks on the topic while he and the Greek Cypriot leader – together with their senior aides – took up several issues on the agenda.

He said that the two sides agreed on the need for the experts to continue their discussions on the topic of economy, adding that the experts will hold their next meeting on Friday.

He added that the senior aides will also continue their work in support of the efforts of their leaders.

Responding to a question, President Talat said that the Republic’s Assembly gave the necessary answer to the Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting guarantorship rights in Cyprus.

`The issue was brought to the agenda during our conversations but there isn’t much we can do on that issue. It happened and it was bad. It poisoned the positive atmosphere at the talks`, the President said.


Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting guarantorship rights continues to draw strong reaction from civil society organizations in the TRNC.

Members of the National Resistance Council visited the Speaker of the Parliament Hasan Bozer before yesterday’s extraordinary session of the Republic’s Assembly to voice their concerns on the issue.

Members of the Council said that it should be made clear that `Turkey’s active and effective guarantee, sovereignty rights, political equality, bi-state system and the sovereignty of the TRNC will not be abandoned.

Another reaction came from Saglik-Sen trade union which strongly condemned the Greek Cypriot resolution, stressing that Turkey’s guarantorship rights cannot be debated.

The Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union General Secretary Sener Elcil, for his part, claimed that the debate started in the North and the South over the issue of guarantees was a game being played by those wanting to sabotage the negotiation process.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:29 pm

This is the ONLY guarantee Cyprus will ever need...
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