YFred wrote:Kikapu wrote:YFred wrote:Your thinking is warped. The question you should be asking is why do TCs wish to be guaranteed by Turkey and nobody else?
Perhaps in the past they were rather let down? could that be a reason?
Didn't Turkey let down the TCs from 1963-1974 by allowing them to be in enclaves when they should have fulfilled their guarantor obligations to restore the RoC government with the involvement of the TCs. No, they just looked from a distance and made few bombing runs instead, so don't preach to us that Turkey had the TCs best interest in their hearts then or now. The fact that Turkey NEVER had a mandate to ONLY secure the TCs interest in Cyprus, but rather the best interest of ALL Cypriots along with Greece and Britain, which they have ALL failed to do with flying colours I may add, stands the reason why the TCs cannot choose who they want as a guarantor for their community in a unified Cyprus, in a sovereign nation. It is the sovereign nation of unified Cyprus who will decide if they want any guarantors from anyone and not the individual communities themselves. If you have any examples where such practices takes place in other countries, feel free to show us, otherwise stop making a fool of yourself over and over again by telling us what the TCs want for the north in a unified country. If and when the TCs get their own country anywhere in the world, then they can ask Turkey to provide all the guarantees they want. Until then, the next best thing for those TCs who want Turkey to be their guarantor, is best that they move to Turkey.!
Kicks baby you really have to grow up some time in your life. Restore what? it was the roc government that was doing the plotting not some external entity. How could it possibly restore the government that plotted enosis ( Akritas plan).
Put your thinking head on for once. There was only one way to protect the TCs and that was the plan that was implemented.
You didn't live it, some of us did.
Answer the damn question regarding my post and don't give me no double talk..
What difference does it make why the RoC government needed restoring with the TCs in there.? It needed restoring with the TCs there, end of story. Turkey took the role as a guarantor to protect the integrity of the RoC as a whole, so why did Turkey let the TCs suffer for 11 years if they felt that the RoC was not functioning as a government, and if not, why did Turkey continue to recognise the RoC up until 1974 when they invaded and occupied northern part of Cyprus.?