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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby halil » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:10 pm

The TRNC Parliament – which convened at an extraordinary session today – unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning the Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting the guarantorship rights stemming from international agreements.

The resolution says that the Greek Cypriot resolution on the issue of guarantees is an initiative aimed at rendering the Cyprus negotiations meaningless and removing the basis of the talks.

It says that despite of the Turkish Cypriot Side’s positive stance, the Greek Cypriot Side maintained its unacceptable attitude demonstrating once again which side is actually in support of a solution in Cyprus.

It calls on the international actors to see this reality.

Reiterating that the Turkish Cypriot Side would maintain its constructive approach at the talks, it voiced the Turkish cypriot Side’s support to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

It emphasizes that the active and effective guarantee of Turkey – which has been in support of the Turkish Cypriots and has been providing peace and security to the island – is vitally important for the Turkish Cypriots and should be the basic element of a comprehensive solution to be found to the Cyprus problem.
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Postby halil » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:12 pm


The Democrat Party has announced that it will no longer attend the round table meetings organized by the Slovakian Embassy.

This was announced by the DP Foreign Affairs Secretary Bengu Sonya after today’s round table meeting at the Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia.

Leaders and representatives of some Turkish and Greek Cypriot political parties have come together at another round table meeting organized by the Slovakian Embassy.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, the DP Foreign Relations Secretary Bengu Sonya announced that the DP will not be attending the round table meetings in protest of the Greek Cypriot House of Representative’s resolution rejecting the Treaty of Guarantee.

He said the DP believes that it would not be right for it to attend such events supporting the negotiation process at a time when it tabled a motion to the TRNC parliament calling for a withdrawal from the talks.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:13 pm

On other similar shattering news, the Board of Directors of Ethnikos Latsion has decided to buy new nets for its 2 five a side goals. RFP's have been sent to a company in Germany where we hear the same nets are used in a popular High School there!!
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Postby halil » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:13 pm


The National Unity Party General Secretary Irsen Kucuk said that his party does not expect the Cyprus negotiation process to yield a positive result.

Referring to the government crisis in South Cyprus, Mr Kucuk described it as another attempt to change the agenda of the talks.

Mr Kucuk told BRT that the recent government crisis in South Cyprus was the latest of a series of artificial crisis created by the Greek Cypriot Administration with the aim of averting international pressure or changing the agenda of the talks.

Pointing out that the international community is in support of an urgent solution in Cyprus and that has been putting pressures on sides, he said that the UN Chief visited the island within this framework.

He noted that his party does not expect the talks – which are still continuing just before the TRNC Presidential elections – to yield a positive result.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:17 pm

Asteras Vyzakia's FC has also decided on the replacement of one of its Latvian cleaners due to a disagreement between pine and lemon cleaning liquids. The chairman of Asteras Pambos Kshakshourris was quoted as saying "Lemon reminds me of my plot in Astromeritis...whereas the pine just reminds me of the toilets at the crazy horse cabaret in Stasinou."
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:23 pm

halil wrote:The TRNC Parliament – which convened at an extraordinary session today – unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning the Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting the guarantorship rights stemming from international agreements.

The resolution says that the Greek Cypriot resolution on the issue of guarantees is an initiative aimed at rendering the Cyprus negotiations meaningless and removing the basis of the talks.

It says that despite of the Turkish Cypriot Side’s positive stance, the Greek Cypriot Side maintained its unacceptable attitude demonstrating once again which side is actually in support of a solution in Cyprus.

It calls on the international actors to see this reality.

Reiterating that the Turkish Cypriot Side would maintain its constructive approach at the talks, it voiced the Turkish cypriot Side’s support to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

It emphasizes that the active and effective guarantee of Turkey – which has been in support of the Turkish Cypriots and has been providing peace and security to the island – is vitally important for the Turkish Cypriots and should be the basic element of a comprehensive solution to be found to the Cyprus problem.

Halil, is so simple. Ask these actors playing the role of "TRNC" parliament to apply to EU and ask them to accept a guarantoor on an EU country/land.Then ask them to eat their biftek and go for sleeping.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:51 pm

EPSILON wrote:
halil wrote:The TRNC Parliament – which convened at an extraordinary session today – unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning the Greek Cypriot resolution rejecting the guarantorship rights stemming from international agreements.

The resolution says that the Greek Cypriot resolution on the issue of guarantees is an initiative aimed at rendering the Cyprus negotiations meaningless and removing the basis of the talks.

It says that despite of the Turkish Cypriot Side’s positive stance, the Greek Cypriot Side maintained its unacceptable attitude demonstrating once again which side is actually in support of a solution in Cyprus.

It calls on the international actors to see this reality.

Reiterating that the Turkish Cypriot Side would maintain its constructive approach at the talks, it voiced the Turkish cypriot Side’s support to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

It emphasizes that the active and effective guarantee of Turkey – which has been in support of the Turkish Cypriots and has been providing peace and security to the island – is vitally important for the Turkish Cypriots and should be the basic element of a comprehensive solution to be found to the Cyprus problem.

Halil, is so simple. Ask these actors playing the role of "TRNC" parliament to apply to EU and ask them to accept a guarantoor on an EU country/land.Then ask them to eat their biftek and go for sleeping.

Epsilon dont you get it TC's and Turkey expect the EU to rip and and start again so they can keep all they have stolen. Turks are naturally greedy so they must have caviet which states if a turk lives abroad we have the right to invade. You must know that right.

Turks & Turks of Cyprus are very special people. So rightly so they should have everything they want.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:12 pm

The importance that has to be understood by all is that the overwhelming percentage of Cypriot people , not just G/Cs but also T/Cs , see Turkeys role in Cyprus as one of occupier and invader. It is unfathomable as what Turkey should insist that she is granted guarantor status by an EU member state . I think the EU would most certainly not endorse an agreement which stipulates that a part of its territory has a foreign nation acting as a guarantor.What is clear here , and lets be honest about it , is that Turkey has known all along that her demands of guarantor status would be strongly rejected by the RoC so convening an " emergency " meeting by the "trnc" was indeed a total waste of time .
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Postby YFred » Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:21 pm

miltiades wrote:The importance that has to be understood by all is that the overwhelming percentage of Cypriot people , not just G/Cs but also T/Cs , see Turkeys role in Cyprus as one of occupier and invader. It is unfathomable as what Turkey should insist that she is granted guarantor status by an EU member state . I think the EU would most certainly not endorse an agreement which stipulates that a part of its territory has a foreign nation acting as a guarantor.What is clear here , and lets be honest about it , is that Turkey has known all along that her demands of guarantor status would be strongly rejected by the RoC so convening an " emergency " meeting by the "trnc" was indeed a total waste of time .

If in a referendum in the north that was the case I would go along with that but sadly I think you will find that the northern lot have got differing views to yours.
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Postby B25 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:25 pm

halil wrote:

It says that despite of the Turkish Cypriot Side’s positive stance,

Halil, can you please tell us and the International community exactly what these positive stances are, because so far you have offered jack shit to the talks. Or do you consider you very presence at the talks to be positive??

It calls on the international actors to see this reality.

Yes we welcome this, they will see how pathetic and intransigent you Turks actually are spitting out your dummies. It was always know that we would not accept such a condition, why are you kicking up a stink now.

Reiterating that the Turkish Cypriot Side would maintain its constructive approach at the talks,

Again, what is this constructive approach you are dreaming about. So far zilch from you guys. Come on tell us, we are all ears!

It emphasizes that the active and effective guarantee of Turkey – which has been in support of the Turkish Cypriots and has been providing peace and security to the island

You mean to say, that after the Turkish invasion amd mass slaughter of thousands of GC, rapes galore and ethnic cleansing of 200,000 GCs from their homes has brought peace. well no doubt, we were not in a position to take on Natos best, with a handful of farmers with peashooters. bet you felt real tough huh? arsehole.
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