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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby halil » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:34 pm

The TRNC Parliament will convene an extraordinary session tomorrow to prepare a resolution in response to a decision taken by the Greek Cypriot House of Representatives rejecting guarantorship rights.

In a statement on the issue, Parliamentary Speaker Hasan Bozer said the Turkish Cypriot Side will announce to the world that it will never give up the Treaties of Guarantee and Alliance. The Speaker of the Republic's Assembly Hasan Bozer held a press conference today during which he announced that the Parliament will convene in an extraordinary session tomorrow to prepare a counter resolution to declare the Turkish Side’s position regarding the guarantorship rights.

Stressing that the Treaties of Guarantee and Alliance are within the Turkish Cypriot Side’s `indispensable red lines`, Mr Bozer said that all political parties are working on a common paper which will be discussed at tomorrow’s extraordinary session.

The speaker complained that the Greek Cypriot Side has been undertaking initiatives that could sabotage and lead to the collapse of the talks at a time when the negotiations are continuing and the Turkish Cypriot Side shows political will towards a solution.

`We, the Turkish Cypriot Side, had serious concerns over whether the Greek Cypriot Side wants an ethical agreement or not. And now, we face a resolution which sabotages the talks and reflects the Greek Cypriot Side’s philosophy`, he said.

The speaker said that the Turkish Cypriot Side is sincere about the talks and all political parties are supporting the negotiation process in order to bring the talks to a conclusion.
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TRNC Parliament :Yes to talks !

Postby halil » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:38 pm

A motion tabled by the Democrat Party at the TRNC Parliament’s legal and political affairs committee for the suspension of the ongoing negotiations with the start of the election restrictions was rejected by a majority in parliament. Only the Democrat Party voted in favor of the motion.

Addressing parliament yesterday, the leader of the Democrat Party Serdar Denktas argued that there was nothing left to negotiate following the adoption of the resolution on guarantor rights by the Greek Cypriot Administration.

Pointing out that the Turkish Cypriots received blow after blow with the ruling on the Orams Case being one of these, the DP leader said it was out of the question to accept the removal of Turkey’s effective and active guarantees.

Ferdi Sabit Soyer, the leader of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party which rejected the motion, said that the Democrat Party’s proposal was not realistic and would damage the ongoing negotiations process.
Also speaking, the Secretary General of the National Unity Party said that the resolution was an example of the Greek Cypriot Side’s insincerity in the talks.

The UBP rejected the proposal on the grounds that there was no unanimity on the issue.
The leader of the opposition Social Democracy Party Mehmet Cakici for his part said that the resolution adopted by the Greek Cypriot parliament was in violation of international law.
He however added that it was essential to continue negotiating and to reach an urgent solution to the Cyprus Problem.

For his part, the leader of the Freedom and Reform Party Turgay Avci said that the Greek Cypriot Side had aimed to get the Turkish Side to walk away from the negotiating table with its resolution.
He said that it would not be right to withdraw from the table under the current conditions.
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:38 pm

this i fear is something the sides will never agree on, why turkey is pushing so hard for garantore rights, i dont believe its for the safety of tcs because they basically killed off the tcs anyway so what the army is now protecting is mainland turks they now brought from turkey which imo is stupid move by turkey
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Postby fwnh » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:46 pm

All of the EU and the UN accepts the fact that no guarantors should be needed for an EU state, and yet there you go again declaring that you would not accept any solution without guarantees. Christofias has been saying over and over again that this should be a solution made by cypriots for cypriots and you don't accept that.
To me it only shows that you don't want a solution that will finally unify this troubled island you just want to be a protectorate of turkey.
In doing so any chances of finding a solution are vaporised in thin air, turkey doesn't join the EU and you never become EU citizens. Now this proposal was made by the DP (no surprise there) it remains to see what the 'parliament' will vote
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:49 pm

i dont think turkey will get their way on this issue but there has to be a middle ground to keep both sides happy
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:05 pm

Why do you GCs want to get rid of our security?
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Postby apc2010 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:08 pm

Why do you want security ? this is not the 1960s
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:13 pm

As one who has always steadfastly supported the unification of our island and of our people I position my self firmly against a foreign country be it Turkey , Greece or Britain granted legal guarantor rights .
There is nothing to stop Turkey intervening or interfeering with any matters that affect adveresly the T/Cs , but to be given the legitimate authority to intervene at its pleasure has always been strongly rejected by the overwhelming majority of the islanders who consider Turkey to be an occupying power. It is inconceivable to think that Turkey is not and has not been aware of this non- negotiable position of the RoC.
Cyprus as an EU member must insist that its territorial integrity is respected not guarantied by the violator .
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:14 pm

apc2010 wrote:Why do you want security ? this is not the 1960s

if that is the case and you have No intention of attaking us discriminating or Trying to push us to one side then why are you afraid of us having security surely Over time if you do nothing wrong the this arrangement Will become redundent.
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Postby fwnh » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:15 pm

you have 3 times more troops in cyprus right now? maybe more? why don't i feel insecure and you do in a demilitarised state?
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