BirKibrisli wrote:Stop wasting Oracle and GR's valuable time...There could never be any "credible" link they would accept which might suggest that the GCs and TCs share a gene pool ,which makes them blood brothers/sisters (in common parlance...) Ask them and they will tell you the GCs belong to the highest echelons of humanity while the TCs are somewhat less than subhuman....
Next thread please...
Bir, is Dante your nick?
Hucking Fell, I have been misreading you all this time.
This is where credible links are crap. Just listen to the older generation. They will tell you the truth. They are the ones that remember who married whom; as I found out two yeaers ago. I asked my GC cousins - we share same great grand parents - about Linobambaki too, they said definitely noooo. If one whether Greek speaking or Turkish speaking wanted to marry a GC or TC, they would do just that; whether male or female. To me that is credible evidence of intermarriage.
Pure Turk in Cyprus? Light as candle and look for one as they wont to say in the good olde days.
Try that in Turkey, you would be hard pressed to find a Pure Turk. The, what is a 'Pure Turk'? Anyone care to elaborate? Oracle is exempt from aswering this difficult question.
Her hands are full with Paphitis. ( I sure hope they sort their differences soon as it is having an adverse effect on the CF.
Its even got me abusing ADMIN.