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Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

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Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

Postby Gasman » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:03 am

Serious question. The majority of 'past middle age' Cypriot women I see are very thin on top.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is it genetic or what?
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Re: Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

Postby karma » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:10 am

Gasman wrote:Serious question. The majority of 'past middle age' Cypriot women I see are very thin on top.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is it genetic or what?

nope, not must be the result of many Russian women walking around lately :?
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Postby Oracle » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:23 am

I agree with Karma.

It's very much a British trait too judging form the thinning my friends have been complaining about since their 30s ... bulked up with lots of "Voluminous Shampoos" (you are "worth it" etc) and expensive hair extensions.
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Postby Gasman » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:30 am

Nope. Haven't noticed this anywhere else in the world. Every day I see older Cypriot women whose hair is so thin on top you can see their scalp clearly.

I've seen groups of them having 'coffee in Debenhams' and they were ALL going bald. If it was something I'd been used to seeing in other countries, I would not be asking about it in relation to Cyprus!

I know some of them have beards and moustaches (there is a shop near me that everyone calls 'the bearded lady shop' because the owner has almost a full beard and tash), and are very hairy all over, arms, legs, bum. I did wonder if it was related to that? Seriously. Don't they say the men who go bald have the most body hair?
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Postby Oracle » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:36 am

Don't have the foggiest about the type of world you live in Gassy or what is wrong with your mental and optical outlook but you need to learn to tell the blokes apart from the women. Funny things happen to male hormones as they get older and anything seems fair game to them.

Are you sure you're not just turning GAY and looking for excuses! :?
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Re: Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:48 am

Actually its funny you mention this, my aunt has the same problem i sent her some for women Rogaine and her problem was solved....if any one wants a good business start importing ladies
rogaine into Cyprus....
Gasman wrote:Serious question. The majority of 'past middle age' Cypriot women I see are very thin on top.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is it genetic or what?
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Re: Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

Postby SSBubbles » Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:23 am

Gasman wrote:Serious question. The majority of 'past middle age' Cypriot women I see are very thin on top.
Does anyone know what causes this? Is it genetic or what?

I hadn't noticed but I will be more observant from now on................
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Re: Why are so many Cypriot women going bald?

Postby B25 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:05 am

Gasman wrote:Serious question. The majority of 'past middle age' Cypriot women I see are very thin on top.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is it genetic or what?


in case no one has ever told you mate, when you are out, you are supposed to looking at their arses, not their heads, geddit? :wink:
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Postby Gasman » Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:12 am

lol B25!

Well maybe Cypriot blokes don't notice it because most of them are not very tall!

Next time you are out (if you ever go out), have a look at some of the older ladies. It is more noticeable because of the very dark dye most of them seem to use on their hair.

I have asked about this elsewhere (where others acknowledged it) because I wondered if it was anything to do with all the hair dye or maybe the strong sunshine. I was told it was a genetic thing - but not given any details.

To deny it is as daft as to deny that the Cypriot women (and blokes) are some of the hairiest in the world.

And I can tell the difference. When at the beach, the blokes are the ones who have the hair ALL OVER them (assuming the women have shaved).

My Cypriot neighbour is in her twenties and tells me she has to shave not just her legs, but the length of her arms from her wrists upwards. She said in the winter she doesn't bother because she wears long sleeves and the 'fur' helps keep her warm lol!

I am fairly hairless everywhere but on my fine head of white hair! But then lots of very fair skinned, blue eyed people are.

Perhaps I should take some photos of these balding women? I could pretend to be focussing on something beyond their heads? Better still, I will ask my hairdresser pal - he reckons he knows everything on account of him being the chairman of the CAB!
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Postby Gasman » Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:15 am

Actually, the hairdresser pal will be the ideal person to ask. He answered another puzzling question I had. Why are there so many small hairdresser shops (you know - the ones that put all their towels on a clothes horse on the pavement outside the shop?) sometimes 3 in the same street, when there are often hardly any customers in any of them? He said it's because when their daughters cannot find jobs, daddy buys them a 'little hairdresser shop' and then all the relatives have to go there to have their hair done to ensure they have customers!
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