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Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

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Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:25 am

The Cyprus Mail wrote:THE BAN on smoking inside public spaces came under renewed attack by pro-smoking MPs yesterday, who maintain that the law violates human rights.

DISY Deputy Andreas Themistocleous has so far enlisted six MPs from different parties in a bid to repeal the “harmful” law, which he says “goes against our culture and our human rights.”

Themistocleous told the Cyprus Mail yesterday, “This law does not just attack the tourist trade and bar and restaurant owners: it attacks all Cypriots. We hope to change the law by April and in any case before July.”

The pro-smoking group, which includes Phitos Constantinou (DIKO), Zacharias Koulias (DIKO), Andreas Kyprianou (DISY), Socratis Hasikos (DISY), Soteris Sampson (DISY) and Ritos Erotocritou (European Party), intends to raise the matter in the House Health Committee in the coming weeks.


Sense at last...

Velvel Glove Iron Fist wrote:Which is why a growing number of countries including Croatia, Portugal, Liectenstein, the Czech Republic, Greece, much of Germany and now Macedonia and Bulgaria have either voted against a ban or have amended it. As I reported recently, the ban in the Netherlands is being widely flouted, while the Spanish are going cold on bringing in "comprehensive" legislation.

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Postby Gasman » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:04 am

The Radisson Blu, a 5* hotel in Berlin, where I stayed during the Xmas break, solved the problem by having whole smoking and non smoking floors. Your room key card is required to operate the lifts and you can only exit it on your designated floor, or on communal floors - the lobby or basement gym and pool. All communal areas were non smoking but there was plenty of space, under cover, with huge ornate ashtrays outside the hotel. As rooms on all floors were fully booked, I'd say they had it sorted.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:06 am

They must be out of the minds !!
Against our culture they say !!! What a bunch of first class Plonkers !
Smoking is harmful , its smelly and it belongs to the third world.
Are these guys for real , I think I would drop them an email to remind them of the human rights of those men women and children who do not wish to breath in their smelly tobacco fumes . Resign I say !
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Postby Gasman » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:20 am

Trying to imagine a 'smoke free' Cyprus here! Perhaps they could ban the filthy smelly outdoor BBQs too?

In the market last weekend, there was so much foul smoke emanating from a couple of them that the goods on the surrounding stalls - clothing, towels, bedding, must have absolutely reeked of it and you could hardly see where you were walking for the smoke! It's the same if you walk by the old man pavement cafe near my place on a Saturday night. Your hair reeks of the stink of burned meat - well worth a detour round the block to avoid it!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:27 am

The only issue that I have is with passive smoking. As one who has never smoked a single cigarette in my life, I object to having to inhale the foul-smelling, toxic fumes emitted by smokers. Is modern technology incapable of devising a cigarette that does not emit smoke when consumed? Then smokers can poison themselves to their hearts' content without casuing any annoyance or danger to non-smokers.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:40 am

The fumes that entered your nostrils as you entered Larnaca airport were overpowering.
You knew you arrived in Cyprus by the stale smell of tobacco. The pro smokers need their heads examined , I was a smoker for 38 years , I understand the power of this horrid addiction , it took three trips to the hospital each trip thinking was my last , to realize that this disgusting habit was causing my slow death. Arrhythmia was diagnosed , heart racing and stopping scaring the shit out of me because I did not have the will power to give it up. I did after the third trip , 11 years ago , arrhythmia has gone , I smell good and my taste buds are something else.
All you smokers , don't be plonkers all your lives , your time will come , always does and when it may be too late.
Kick this nasty habit , its not cool , its third worldish , I'm told that Osama SMOKES 60 A DAY !! As much as his number one fan , you all know who this one is !!!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:38 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:The only issue that I have is with passive smoking. As one who has never smoked a single cigarette in my life, I object to having to inhale the foul-smelling, toxic fumes emitted by smokers. Is modern technology incapable of devising a cigarette that does not emit smoke when consumed? Then smokers can poison themselves to their hearts' content without casuing any annoyance or danger to non-smokers.

There is no evidence WHATSOEVER that passive smoking is dangerous to your health - only lies and spin from those we can supposedly trust...

And as Gasman points out, the same chemicals that are supposedly deadly in second-hand smoke are also in all sorts of other fire, BBQs, bonfires, etc. yet nobody complains about them...

Lastly, you should consider why the anti-smoking lobby wants to BAN 'electronic cigarettes', devices which emit only steam and can not possibly cause any 'annoyance or danger to non-smokers' while promoting the use of nicotine patches and gum.

Could it be that nicotine patches and gum are produced by Big Pharma - the paymasters of anti-smokers and e-fags are not...?
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Re: Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

Postby SSBubbles » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:43 pm

:( I was sooooooooo enjoying the smoke-free zones! :cry:
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Re: Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:47 pm

SSBubbles wrote::( I was sooooooooo enjoying the smoke-free zones! :cry:

Then perhaps you should campaign for smokers and non-smokers to have their own areas... instead of applauding draconian laws which punish one side unfairly... :wink:
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Re: Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

Postby SSBubbles » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:52 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
SSBubbles wrote::( I was sooooooooo enjoying the smoke-free zones! :cry:

Then perhaps you should campaign for smokers and non-smokers to have their own areas... instead of applauding draconian laws which punish one side unfairly... :wink:

If I thought it would work and be strictly adhered to, I would - but we both know that it is never going to happen in our lifetime. Let's face it - the new law has already been broken - I have been into places and the smoke hits you as soon as you walk in! No smokers in sight though, crafty beggars!

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