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Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

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Postby Gasman » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:34 pm

As for Larnaca Airport. If you've used the new terminal you will have noticed the huge floor standing ashtrays all in a row either side of the main entrance doors.

And, if you need a member of the airport staff to assist you with anything or answer a question - that's where you'll find them all - clustered round - 3 to an ashtray!
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:36 pm

lol yes when i was there thats what it was like all the staff surrounding the ash tray, well there was only 3 the times i went not that many people but its good they are kept outside. i smoke and i have always gone otuside even before the ban, not that i smoke more then 1 or 2 a week
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:39 pm

miltiades wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The only issue that I have is with passive smoking. As one who has never smoked a single cigarette in my life, I object to having to inhale the foul-smelling, toxic fumes emitted by smokers. Is modern technology incapable of devising a cigarette that does not emit smoke when consumed? Then smokers can poison themselves to their hearts' content without casuing any annoyance or danger to non-smokers.

There is no evidence WHATSOEVER that passive smoking is dangerous to your health - only lies and spin from those we can supposedly trust...

And as Gasman points out, the same chemicals that are supposedly deadly in second-hand smoke are also in all sorts of other fire, BBQs, bonfires, etc. yet nobody complains about them...

Lastly, you should consider why the anti-smoking lobby wants to BAN 'electronic cigarettes', devices which emit only steam and can not possibly cause any 'annoyance or danger to non-smokers' while promoting the use of nicotine patches and gum.

Could it be that nicotine patches and gum are produced by Big Pharma - the paymasters of anti-smokers and e-fags are not...?

Cyprusgrump , dont talk shit .
You will soon be telling us that driving at 100 miles per hour on a byke is safe !! ... 34025.html

The truth is that big tobacco has for years used the muscle that its big bucks give it to supress this kind of information.
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:41 pm

people getting cancer because they breath in other peoples smoke who have never smoked a day in their life. making people breath in the sick toxic fumes from the smokes, people shouldent have to breath it in. keep it outside
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:43 pm

miltiades wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The only issue that I have is with passive smoking. As one who has never smoked a single cigarette in my life, I object to having to inhale the foul-smelling, toxic fumes emitted by smokers. Is modern technology incapable of devising a cigarette that does not emit smoke when consumed? Then smokers can poison themselves to their hearts' content without casuing any annoyance or danger to non-smokers.

There is no evidence WHATSOEVER that passive smoking is dangerous to your health - only lies and spin from those we can supposedly trust...

And as Gasman points out, the same chemicals that are supposedly deadly in second-hand smoke are also in all sorts of other fire, BBQs, bonfires, etc. yet nobody complains about them...

Lastly, you should consider why the anti-smoking lobby wants to BAN 'electronic cigarettes', devices which emit only steam and can not possibly cause any 'annoyance or danger to non-smokers' while promoting the use of nicotine patches and gum.

Could it be that nicotine patches and gum are produced by Big Pharma - the paymasters of anti-smokers and e-fags are not...?

Cyprusgrump , dont talk shit .
You will soon be telling us that driving at 100 miles per hour on a byke is safe !! ... 34025.html

I've just actually read the results of every single scientific study of passive smoking....

I was absolutely staggered by the lies and spin applied by those that want smoking banned.


Time and time again the results of scientific studies are announced the the press before the research has even begun! Inevitably, headlines scream how dangerous passive smoking is...

Later when the researchers discover that the results aren't what they want the results are quietly let out and largely ignored by the mainstream media...

The whole process is staggering and indeed frightening for all of us... If they can lie and cheat over smoking, what else can we believe...?
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:54 pm

So, cigarette smoke is toxic when it enters the throat of the chump who choses to smoke it, but some chemical reaction takes place in that chump's lungs that makes the same smoke safe after that chump exhales it for the poor b*stards around him who are forced to inhale it in the simple act of attempting to breathe in fresh air and continue to live!
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Re: Pro-smoking lobby hopes to repeal ban by April

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:56 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
The Cyprus Mail wrote:THE BAN on smoking inside public spaces came under renewed attack by pro-smoking MPs yesterday, who maintain that the law violates human rights.

DISY Deputy Andreas Themistocleous has so far enlisted six MPs from different parties in a bid to repeal the “harmful” law, which he says “goes against our culture and our human rights.”

Themistocleous told the Cyprus Mail yesterday, “This law does not just attack the tourist trade and bar and restaurant owners: it attacks all Cypriots. We hope to change the law by April and in any case before July.”

The pro-smoking group, which includes Phitos Constantinou (DIKO), Zacharias Koulias (DIKO), Andreas Kyprianou (DISY), Socratis Hasikos (DISY), Soteris Sampson (DISY) and Ritos Erotocritou (European Party), intends to raise the matter in the House Health Committee in the coming weeks.


Sense at last...

Velvel Glove Iron Fist wrote:Which is why a growing number of countries including Croatia, Portugal, Liectenstein, the Czech Republic, Greece, much of Germany and now Macedonia and Bulgaria have either voted against a ban or have amended it. As I reported recently, the ban in the Netherlands is being widely flouted, while the Spanish are going cold on bringing in "comprehensive" legislation.


Such debate brings me to respect the level of democracy in the RoC and its maturity at debating such matters from both perspectives.

Cyprus must never succumb to British or EU political correctness!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:40 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:So, cigarette smoke is toxic when it enters the throat of the chump who choses to smoke it, but some chemical reaction takes place in that chump's lungs that makes the same smoke safe after that chump exhales it for the poor b*stards around him who are forced to inhale it in the simple act of attempting to breathe in fresh air and continue to live!

I think we still don't understand the masochisms that cause lung cancer, although smokers undeniably increase their risk of getting it.

However, studies on hundreds of thousands of non-smoking lung cancer patients around the world can prove no link between 'passive smoking' and cancer.

the only definitive proof we have is Roy Castle's word on it! :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:48 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:So, cigarette smoke is toxic when it enters the throat of the chump who choses to smoke it, but some chemical reaction takes place in that chump's lungs that makes the same smoke safe after that chump exhales it for the poor b*stards around him who are forced to inhale it in the simple act of attempting to breathe in fresh air and continue to live!

I think we still don't understand the masochisms that cause lung cancer, although smokers undeniably increase their risk of getting it.

However, studies on hundreds of thousands of non-smoking lung cancer patients around the world can prove no link between 'passive smoking' and cancer.

the only definitive proof we have is Roy Castle's word on it! :lol:

My dear friend, if we accept that the smoke from burning tobacco is cancerogenic, then it is irrelevant whether it is first or second hand - it is all toxic. Even if it could be shown that some sort of reaction is taking place in smokers' lungs that renders the smoke harmless when exhaled, there is still the smoke emitted that is not inhaled by the smoker but instead spreads directly into the enivironment. I am all for people being able to smoke but I will absolutely not tolerate the concept that I have to inhale any of this smoke simply because I have a biological need to breathe.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:09 pm

My late sister , passed away 4 years ago , she did not smoke , my brother in law did and all through her life was a passive smoker .
My late wife passed away 3 months ago , she did not smoke , I did for 38 years she was a passive smoker.
I wonder if my brother in laws smoking and mine might have been contributory factors ...
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