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A victim of the Turkish Cypriot 'exchange' scam asks…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby apc2010 » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:56 pm

Not being given your title deeds is a scam in any country
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:59 pm

apc2010 wrote:Not being given your title deeds is a scam in any country

Feel free to start a dedicated thread on that but forget it here.
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Postby apc2010 » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:02 pm

Sorry i forgot any post not comfortable with you is ended ...
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:11 pm

apc2010 wrote:Sorry i forgot any post not comfortable with you is ended ...

Look mate/matess, some of us are offering to help out those conned by the Tnucland/Turkey Land Scam and who risk losing their life savings, so please clear off, stop distracting, and start your own thread. Thank You.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:13 pm

apc2010 wrote:Sorry i forgot any post not comfortable with you is ended ...

Be a big boy by starting a dedicated thread to tell us all about it and show us what you've got! :wink:
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Postby Gasman » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:02 am

In the UK, people looking for property to buy do not go to the 'UK Authorities' for advice. I know of no 'UK Authority' that exists to advise people about buying property abroad.

The usually deal solely with developers and estate agents. And might also talk to their bank manager. They cannot use a UK solicitor to buy the Cyprus property so would be unlikely to talk to a solor either.

I've said many times that I don't understand why there is not more condemnation of the property developers and estate agents who told all the lies (and continue to do so) when selling the property in question.

I agree that most buyers did not buy GC owned property. The vast majority of ex pat Brits bought new developments 'off plan' based on an artist's impression, in much the same way as they do here in the South.

In fact, if property dealings had not been so sloppy in the south, more alarm bells might have gone off - but almost everyone has heard the old chestnut 'no one gets their deeds in Cyprus for about 10 yrs blah blah' and 'that's just how it is in Cyprus' and how it won't stop them selling it on, that there are ways round it.

I don't know anyone who would buy a UK property knowing they would not be getting the deeds to it, especially not when paying cash as most of the buyers of the property in the North did.

Perhaps to some it didn't look very different to the set up in the RoC. Developer says he has the title to the land the complex is built on. Promises deeds later when he has sold them all and split the deed into separate ones for the purchasers. Doesn't make good on the promise. then remortgages based on the title he holds and on and on.

In fact, you could say that, in the TRNC, at least they were being offered some sort of (mickey mouse) deeds!

I know a couple who bought there almost 10 yrs ago. They've had 10 years to gen up on what the 'reality' is. They STILL won't believe their 'exchange land' property is at any risk! Even pressing home to them the point that the Orams gaff was on 'exchange land' has no effect.

One thing I do find a bit odd is that it seems to have had the effect of making a lot of the so called 'carpet baggers' hate the GCs! You would have thought they'd have some sympathy with them, bearing in mind that they have both sort of been 'swindled' in the realm of property?

I've asked several how they'd feel if they spent time in their TRNC home and then returned to the UK (because a lot of them have homes in both) to find that someone had flogged their UK dwelling off to a foreigner because 'they were not using it'.

The usual response is to do with the length of time the GCs haven't used their property for. No amount of impressing upon them that they didn't really have any CHOICE in that matter seems to sink in either.

Definitely a question of only hearing what they want to hear and only believing what they want to believe.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:07 am

Gasman wrote:In the UK, people looking for property to buy do not go to the 'UK Authorities' for advice. I know of no 'UK Authority' that exists to advise people about buying property abroad.

The usually deal solely with developers and estate agents. And might also talk to their bank manager. They cannot use a UK solicitor to buy the Cyprus property so would be unlikely to talk to a solor either.

I've said many times that I don't understand why there is not more condemnation of the property developers and estate agents who told all the lies (and continue to do so) when selling the property in question.

I agree that most buyers did not buy GC owned property. The vast majority of ex pat Brits bought new developments 'off plan' based on an artist's impression, in much the same way as they do here in the South.

In fact, if property dealings had not been so sloppy in the south, more alarm bells might have gone off - but almost everyone has heard the old chestnut 'no one gets their deeds in Cyprus for about 10 yrs blah blah' and 'that's just how it is in Cyprus' and how it won't stop them selling it on, that there are ways round it.

I don't know anyone who would buy a UK property knowing they would not be getting the deeds to it, especially not when paying cash as most of the buyers of the property in the North did.

Perhaps to some it didn't look very different to the set up in the RoC. Developer says he has the title to the land the complex is built on. Promises deeds later when he has sold them all and split the deed into separate ones for the purchasers. Doesn't make good on the promise. then remortgages based on the title he holds and on and on.

In fact, you could say that, in the TRNC, at least they were being offered some sort of (mickey mouse) deeds!

I know a couple who bought there almost 10 yrs ago. They've had 10 years to gen up on what the 'reality' is. They STILL won't believe their 'exchange land' property is at any risk! Even pressing home to them the point that the Orams gaff was on 'exchange land' has no effect.

One thing I do find a bit odd is that it seems to have had the effect of making a lot of the so called 'carpet baggers' hate the GCs! You would have thought they'd have some sympathy with them, bearing in mind that they have both sort of been 'swindled' in the realm of property?

I've asked several how they'd feel if they spent time in their TRNC home and then returned to the UK (because a lot of them have homes in both) to find that someone had flogged their UK dwelling off to a foreigner because 'they were not using it'.

The usual response is to do with the length of time the GCs haven't used their property for. No amount of impressing upon them that they didn't really have any CHOICE in that matter seems to sink in either.

Definitely a question of only hearing what they want to hear and only believing what they want to believe.

Interesting Gasman. Two things that strike a chord with me from the above. There is still an urgent need for the RoC to sort out the deeds problem. It does the cause of the Republic no good when the deed situation is so easily dragged up time and time again and compared (albeit wrongly and maliciously) to that in Tnucland. Secondly this hatred for anything to do with the Republic from the Carpetbaggers, something that others have posted about in the past.

Anyway, enough foreplay, tell us, with the benefit of your inside view, what's seen as the way out of their predicament?

So many, many have thrown in their lot with the Tnucland regime, effectively buying in to the scammy system. Are they prepared to sink or swim with the Occupation Regime? Hoping that dubious guarantees will be honoured? Hoping for a settlement that would allow them to stay in some shape or form?
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Postby Jimski999 » Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:57 am

I've been waiting for my deeds for just over four years; it's not a scam it's just a very slow procedure and there are many more locals in the same position as me. To even try to compare it with the land situation in the North is just a Red Herring.

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Re: A victim of the Turkish Cypriot 'exchange' scam asks…

Postby vaughanwilliams » Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:11 pm

Malapapa wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:All this time 'the carpetbaggers' have been classified as 'thieves' and have comitted 'criminal acts' etc. Are you now saying that the RoC are to aid these 'criminals' in their quest for 'compensation'?

You know my stance on property rights.

A carpetbagger is a carpetbagger, but there is no reason why an “alliance” cannot be formed to fight the REAL enemy which is the “TRNC” and those that keep it afloat; predominantly the Turkish Cypriots, because after all “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”!

I think we should assist all carpetbaggers in getting their money back thus removing them from the Cyprus problem, while concurrently bringing down the “TRNC”.

Absolutely mate/matess.

There are some strange alliances to be made, focused on common enemies .... Tnucland, Turkey and the dealers in dodgy scammy "deeds".

I want to know which side vaughan williams is on.

Which side do you think I am on? :wink:
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Re: A victim of the Turkish Cypriot 'exchange' scam asks…

Postby Malapapa » Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:17 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:All this time 'the carpetbaggers' have been classified as 'thieves' and have comitted 'criminal acts' etc. Are you now saying that the RoC are to aid these 'criminals' in their quest for 'compensation'?

You know my stance on property rights.

A carpetbagger is a carpetbagger, but there is no reason why an “alliance” cannot be formed to fight the REAL enemy which is the “TRNC” and those that keep it afloat; predominantly the Turkish Cypriots, because after all “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”!

I think we should assist all carpetbaggers in getting their money back thus removing them from the Cyprus problem, while concurrently bringing down the “TRNC”.

Absolutely mate/matess.

There are some strange alliances to be made, focused on common enemies .... Tnucland, Turkey and the dealers in dodgy scammy "deeds".

I want to know which side vaughan williams is on.

Which side do you think I am on? :wink:

I think secretly you're on the side of justice and freeing Cyprus from Turkey's bandits; but you got scammed by some outlaw in the north to trespass on land belong to a displaced person. So you're caught between Aphrodite's rock and a hard place.
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