BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:umit07 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Thank you,my psychoanalysis is spot on...You have either imbibed the trauma from your parents,or you are a raving,murderous psychopath...The choice is yours...![]()
What the hell is embedded trauma? I'm just pissed that I don't have a frekin homeland to go to, that's how I feel. I remember as a kid I was brought up with constant notions that the TRNC is where my roots are and that the RoC doesn't represent us. After coming back some people also treat me like a foreigner even though I was born here. It just feels weird, I don't know what to call it.
Imbibed (I hope I am spelling it right!) is what you get from your parents without conscious effort...This is how I see it Umit...Your roots are in Cyprus...Not in the political entities engaged in bloody feud,but in the country itself...Australia is your country of birth,but not where you feel you belong...Others pick up on that and treat you like a foreigner...I am luckier. I came to Australia 41 years ago,I was a foreigner then and I am a foreigner now...No internal conflict there...
I was born in Australia and have never felt like a foreigner. I have led a very rich live so far, with many experiences and given opportunities I will never have got anywhere else.
I am an Australian with Cypriot Inheritance.
No conflict here either! How can there be if you live in the best country in the world!
I think BIR doesn't like Australia's one man one vote Federal democracy! Such fairness is an anathema to Bir, as he does not want to see such justice and democracy in Cyprus, but instead wants and desires the methodical Turkification of Cyprus and the destruction of cypriotism!
There can be no other explanation, judging from his posts.
I don't like Australia's worshipping of materialism,their mindless devotion to sport and booze,and their hypocritical assertion that they are the least racist nation on earth...And I have their "it will be all right,mate" attitude which breeds mediocricy ,and their anti-intellectualist tall poppy syndrome...But I can see why you guys would feel right at home here...
Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:umit07 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Thank you,my psychoanalysis is spot on...You have either imbibed the trauma from your parents,or you are a raving,murderous psychopath...The choice is yours...![]()
What the hell is embedded trauma? I'm just pissed that I don't have a frekin homeland to go to, that's how I feel. I remember as a kid I was brought up with constant notions that the TRNC is where my roots are and that the RoC doesn't represent us. After coming back some people also treat me like a foreigner even though I was born here. It just feels weird, I don't know what to call it.
Imbibed (I hope I am spelling it right!) is what you get from your parents without conscious effort...This is how I see it Umit...Your roots are in Cyprus...Not in the political entities engaged in bloody feud,but in the country itself...Australia is your country of birth,but not where you feel you belong...Others pick up on that and treat you like a foreigner...I am luckier. I came to Australia 41 years ago,I was a foreigner then and I am a foreigner now...No internal conflict there...
I was born in Australia and have never felt like a foreigner. I have led a very rich live so far, with many experiences and given opportunities I will never have got anywhere else.
I am an Australian with Cypriot Inheritance.
No conflict here either! How can there be if you live in the best country in the world!
I think BIR doesn't like Australia's one man one vote Federal democracy! Such fairness is an anathema to Bir, as he does not want to see such justice and democracy in Cyprus, but instead wants and desires the methodical Turkification of Cyprus and the destruction of cypriotism!
There can be no other explanation, judging from his posts.
I don't like Australia's worshipping of materialism,their mindless devotion to sport and booze,and their hypocritical assertion that they are the least racist nation on earth...And I have their "it will be all right,mate" attitude which breeds mediocricy ,and their anti-intellectualist tall poppy syndrome...But I can see why you guys would feel right at home here...
After 40 odd years in Australia, you have failed to embrace Australia and its culture. You also have very limited understanding of the Australian psyche, especially since Australians must be amongst the most down to earth people in the world, where everyone is given a fair go, no matter what your race, religion, and/or sexuality. Australians are as egalitarian as they come, where all peoples have achieved an osmosis and have become Australian.
But yes, Australia is a capitalist society and this will never change. It will never change, because this capitalism has given us all the opportunities we could ever desire in an industrialised and resource rich country. It will not change, because the system rewards hard work, innovation and ingenuity. And yes, ALL humans are materialistic. We have a desire to own our own home to start off with, as this is a basic need. But Australians hardly ever flaunt their wealth, or are as materialistic as Europeans, TCs or Greeks are. Their feet are planted firmly on the ground.
And as a Cypriot born in Australia, I don't see the racism you talk about. Most Europeans have come here and made a life for themselves. We have ethnic politicians, public servants, lawyers, doctors, scientists, tycoons. We even have ethnic RAAF Pilots joining the officer ranks within the conservative and nationalistic Armed Forces. We even had a Jewish Prime Minister, and an Irish Prime Minister.
On top of all this, we are probably the most socialist society on earth, since our social security for the ill, and unemployed are probably second to no other nation on earth that I know of! And I can tell you, that I have been around this world myself, and I haven't found one that offers quite as much as Australia does. Some countries come close though!
The Australian "it will be right mate" denotes how Australians are very down to earth, are not pretentious, and generally have their feet firmly planted on Terra Firma. There are many more colloquialisms, such as "fair go mate" and "you're a stubby or 2 short of a six pack, mate" (and YOU most certainly are Bir). Furthermore, Australia does not have an "anti-intellectual" attitude at all. Most young Aussies these days are university graduates, many with honours, masters and some obtaining PhDs. These people enjoy very lucrative job and employment opportunities within Government or with an Australian multinational. Many Aussies have made astounding achievements in Science and Technology. The Australian defence and mining industry is world class. Australia is also at the forefront of medical science and research. Our universities and academics are world renowned.
Our cities are amongst the best in the world. Our climate, and hence our lifestyle is excellent, which means that Aussies love the great outdoors, adventure, and they love their sport. Why not? Aussie kids are bought up around sport, and as a result, they are encouraged to participate leading to healthy, and happy lives. Sport is fantastic Bir, as well as the other aspect of Australian culture with is of course, the beach, water sports, and surf culture. I mean why not Bir? We are also blessed with the most majestic of coastlines and beaches! We also enjoy our outdoor barbecues, and drinking a few tinnies. I mean why not Bir? We have the weather and the climate. Are Australians alcoholic? No they are not. The myth about "boozing Aussies" is grossly overdone, and such an absolute stereotype, since the Brits, Germans, Dutch, French, Greeks and just about any other nationality drink similar volumes as Aussies do. Aside from the fact that Aussie beer is famous, we also enjoy our wines! I mean why not Bir? Our wines are amongst the best in the world and are even exported to France and Italy. When Aussies do something, anything, you can be sure they will do it very well!
More importantly, Australia is kind of almost the perfect democracy. Australia never hinders your movement, lifestyle and offers you a plethora of opportunity. Voting is compulsory when you register on the roll, and you are allowed to have as much voice or as little as you desire. You can be politically active, and be heard or you can live in abject antipathy. The choice is yours!
What Australia does not do is afford rights based on race. Well, that is not entirely true either. The Aborigines, about 40,000 full bloods, actually have more rights than the average Aussie. They have their land commissions and are the beneficiaries of Billions of Dollars from the mining industry alone. This we do in recognition of their ancestral belonging to the land going back some 40,000 years.
So all in all Bir, Australia is as close to a utopia as you are going to get. If you don't belong here, like our Australian culture, or feel that we Australians are racist towards you, then you have not made the effort to get close to Australians, because you consider their "it will be right" or "fair go mate", their sporting, beach, and laid back earthy outlook to be beneath you. This would have to make you a very silly person I would say, firstly for not making the effort to assimilate within the Aussie culture, since it is beneath you and "racist" and because Aussies are just a bunch of drunk arseholes, and secondly for the fact that you have not left Australia for new shores and horizons, to another country that will meet your "classy"and pretentious outlook on life, which Australians do indeed lack. Yes, Australians are far less materialistic than Cypriots are, and are slightly more level headed and down to earth (please note, that this is not a criticism of any Cypriot since we are all different individuals). Not very important. But what I don't understand is how you can make a judgement on Australians, a culture where you do not belong, and compare them to the TCs who are generally far more materialistic, dishonest, and far less down to earth and hospitable than Australians are!
I really can't believe that you, as a Turk, see yourself fit to comment on Australia's democracy and "racism" when you in fact are advocating a racial solution to the Cyprus Problem. Perhaps to you, the Annan Plan is the most ideal "democracy" but we Australians would absolutely be horrified if we had such an undemocratic and racist constitution in our country.
Bir, you can stick the Annan Plan up your Bum. Australians would never tolerate it in their own country, and Cypriots will never tolerate it in Cyprus.
And since you don't fit in our egalitarian society, since you have made no effort, then please do the honourable thing, pack your bags, and LEAVE!
Epiktitos wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:umit07 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Thank you,my psychoanalysis is spot on...You have either imbibed the trauma from your parents,or you are a raving,murderous psychopath...The choice is yours...![]()
What the hell is embedded trauma? I'm just pissed that I don't have a frekin homeland to go to, that's how I feel. I remember as a kid I was brought up with constant notions that the TRNC is where my roots are and that the RoC doesn't represent us. After coming back some people also treat me like a foreigner even though I was born here. It just feels weird, I don't know what to call it.
Imbibed (I hope I am spelling it right!) is what you get from your parents without conscious effort...This is how I see it Umit...Your roots are in Cyprus...Not in the political entities engaged in bloody feud,but in the country itself...Australia is your country of birth,but not where you feel you belong...Others pick up on that and treat you like a foreigner...I am luckier. I came to Australia 41 years ago,I was a foreigner then and I am a foreigner now...No internal conflict there...
I was born in Australia and have never felt like a foreigner. I have led a very rich live so far, with many experiences and given opportunities I will never have got anywhere else.
I am an Australian with Cypriot Inheritance.
No conflict here either! How can there be if you live in the best country in the world!
I think BIR doesn't like Australia's one man one vote Federal democracy! Such fairness is an anathema to Bir, as he does not want to see such justice and democracy in Cyprus, but instead wants and desires the methodical Turkification of Cyprus and the destruction of cypriotism!
There can be no other explanation, judging from his posts.
I don't like Australia's worshipping of materialism,their mindless devotion to sport and booze,and their hypocritical assertion that they are the least racist nation on earth...And I have their "it will be all right,mate" attitude which breeds mediocricy ,and their anti-intellectualist tall poppy syndrome...But I can see why you guys would feel right at home here...
After 40 odd years in Australia, you have failed to embrace Australia and its culture. You also have very limited understanding of the Australian psyche, especially since Australians must be amongst the most down to earth people in the world, where everyone is given a fair go, no matter what your race, religion, and/or sexuality. Australians are as egalitarian as they come, where all peoples have achieved an osmosis and have become Australian.
But yes, Australia is a capitalist society and this will never change. It will never change, because this capitalism has given us all the opportunities we could ever desire in an industrialised and resource rich country. It will not change, because the system rewards hard work, innovation and ingenuity. And yes, ALL humans are materialistic. We have a desire to own our own home to start off with, as this is a basic need. But Australians hardly ever flaunt their wealth, or are as materialistic as Europeans, TCs or Greeks are. Their feet are planted firmly on the ground.
And as a Cypriot born in Australia, I don't see the racism you talk about. Most Europeans have come here and made a life for themselves. We have ethnic politicians, public servants, lawyers, doctors, scientists, tycoons. We even have ethnic RAAF Pilots joining the officer ranks within the conservative and nationalistic Armed Forces. We even had a Jewish Prime Minister, and an Irish Prime Minister.
On top of all this, we are probably the most socialist society on earth, since our social security for the ill, and unemployed are probably second to no other nation on earth that I know of! And I can tell you, that I have been around this world myself, and I haven't found one that offers quite as much as Australia does. Some countries come close though!
The Australian "it will be right mate" denotes how Australians are very down to earth, are not pretentious, and generally have their feet firmly planted on Terra Firma. There are many more colloquialisms, such as "fair go mate" and "you're a stubby or 2 short of a six pack, mate" (and YOU most certainly are Bir). Furthermore, Australia does not have an "anti-intellectual" attitude at all. Most young Aussies these days are university graduates, many with honours, masters and some obtaining PhDs. These people enjoy very lucrative job and employment opportunities within Government or with an Australian multinational. Many Aussies have made astounding achievements in Science and Technology. The Australian defence and mining industry is world class. Australia is also at the forefront of medical science and research. Our universities and academics are world renowned.
Our cities are amongst the best in the world. Our climate, and hence our lifestyle is excellent, which means that Aussies love the great outdoors, adventure, and they love their sport. Why not? Aussie kids are bought up around sport, and as a result, they are encouraged to participate leading to healthy, and happy lives. Sport is fantastic Bir, as well as the other aspect of Australian culture with is of course, the beach, water sports, and surf culture. I mean why not Bir? We are also blessed with the most majestic of coastlines and beaches! We also enjoy our outdoor barbecues, and drinking a few tinnies. I mean why not Bir? We have the weather and the climate. Are Australians alcoholic? No they are not. The myth about "boozing Aussies" is grossly overdone, and such an absolute stereotype, since the Brits, Germans, Dutch, French, Greeks and just about any other nationality drink similar volumes as Aussies do. Aside from the fact that Aussie beer is famous, we also enjoy our wines! I mean why not Bir? Our wines are amongst the best in the world and are even exported to France and Italy. When Aussies do something, anything, you can be sure they will do it very well!
More importantly, Australia is kind of almost the perfect democracy. Australia never hinders your movement, lifestyle and offers you a plethora of opportunity. Voting is compulsory when you register on the roll, and you are allowed to have as much voice or as little as you desire. You can be politically active, and be heard or you can live in abject antipathy. The choice is yours!
What Australia does not do is afford rights based on race. Well, that is not entirely true either. The Aborigines, about 40,000 full bloods, actually have more rights than the average Aussie. They have their land commissions and are the beneficiaries of Billions of Dollars from the mining industry alone. This we do in recognition of their ancestral belonging to the land going back some 40,000 years.
So all in all Bir, Australia is as close to a utopia as you are going to get. If you don't belong here, like our Australian culture, or feel that we Australians are racist towards you, then you have not made the effort to get close to Australians, because you consider their "it will be right" or "fair go mate", their sporting, beach, and laid back earthy outlook to be beneath you. This would have to make you a very silly person I would say, firstly for not making the effort to assimilate within the Aussie culture, since it is beneath you and "racist" and because Aussies are just a bunch of drunk arseholes, and secondly for the fact that you have not left Australia for new shores and horizons, to another country that will meet your "classy"and pretentious outlook on life, which Australians do indeed lack. Yes, Australians are far less materialistic than Cypriots are, and are slightly more level headed and down to earth (please note, that this is not a criticism of any Cypriot since we are all different individuals). Not very important. But what I don't understand is how you can make a judgement on Australians, a culture where you do not belong, and compare them to the TCs who are generally far more materialistic, dishonest, and far less down to earth and hospitable than Australians are!
I really can't believe that you, as a Turk, see yourself fit to comment on Australia's democracy and "racism" when you in fact are advocating a racial solution to the Cyprus Problem. Perhaps to you, the Annan Plan is the most ideal "democracy" but we Australians would absolutely be horrified if we had such an undemocratic and racist constitution in our country.
Bir, you can stick the Annan Plan up your Bum. Australians would never tolerate it in their own country, and Cypriots will never tolerate it in Cyprus.
And since you don't fit in our egalitarian society, since you have made no effort, then please do the honourable thing, pack your bags, and LEAVE!
Who knew you had the attention span to write such a polemic - well done! The Empire of the Sheep Stealers applauds you.
Please though tell me more about how the aborigines ancestral ownership of the land is recognised. I remember a few years ago something in the UN about a condemnation of Australia's policies towards the aborigines as a genocide, a condemnation of course refuted by this Utopian, egalitarian democracy. I'm sure this was just a bunch of pesky do-gooder foreigners spreading propaganda, just like a certain other country we know of regularly accused of committing genocides, pogroms, invasions, acts of ethnic cleansing, and following a policy of the dreaded dutch "A" word.
Enjoy your tinnie while watching the aussies thrash the west indies!
Paphitis wrote:Epiktitos wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:umit07 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Thank you,my psychoanalysis is spot on...You have either imbibed the trauma from your parents,or you are a raving,murderous psychopath...The choice is yours...![]()
What the hell is embedded trauma? I'm just pissed that I don't have a frekin homeland to go to, that's how I feel. I remember as a kid I was brought up with constant notions that the TRNC is where my roots are and that the RoC doesn't represent us. After coming back some people also treat me like a foreigner even though I was born here. It just feels weird, I don't know what to call it.
Imbibed (I hope I am spelling it right!) is what you get from your parents without conscious effort...This is how I see it Umit...Your roots are in Cyprus...Not in the political entities engaged in bloody feud,but in the country itself...Australia is your country of birth,but not where you feel you belong...Others pick up on that and treat you like a foreigner...I am luckier. I came to Australia 41 years ago,I was a foreigner then and I am a foreigner now...No internal conflict there...
I was born in Australia and have never felt like a foreigner. I have led a very rich live so far, with many experiences and given opportunities I will never have got anywhere else.
I am an Australian with Cypriot Inheritance.
No conflict here either! How can there be if you live in the best country in the world!
I think BIR doesn't like Australia's one man one vote Federal democracy! Such fairness is an anathema to Bir, as he does not want to see such justice and democracy in Cyprus, but instead wants and desires the methodical Turkification of Cyprus and the destruction of cypriotism!
There can be no other explanation, judging from his posts.
I don't like Australia's worshipping of materialism,their mindless devotion to sport and booze,and their hypocritical assertion that they are the least racist nation on earth...And I have their "it will be all right,mate" attitude which breeds mediocricy ,and their anti-intellectualist tall poppy syndrome...But I can see why you guys would feel right at home here...
After 40 odd years in Australia, you have failed to embrace Australia and its culture. You also have very limited understanding of the Australian psyche, especially since Australians must be amongst the most down to earth people in the world, where everyone is given a fair go, no matter what your race, religion, and/or sexuality. Australians are as egalitarian as they come, where all peoples have achieved an osmosis and have become Australian.
But yes, Australia is a capitalist society and this will never change. It will never change, because this capitalism has given us all the opportunities we could ever desire in an industrialised and resource rich country. It will not change, because the system rewards hard work, innovation and ingenuity. And yes, ALL humans are materialistic. We have a desire to own our own home to start off with, as this is a basic need. But Australians hardly ever flaunt their wealth, or are as materialistic as Europeans, TCs or Greeks are. Their feet are planted firmly on the ground.
And as a Cypriot born in Australia, I don't see the racism you talk about. Most Europeans have come here and made a life for themselves. We have ethnic politicians, public servants, lawyers, doctors, scientists, tycoons. We even have ethnic RAAF Pilots joining the officer ranks within the conservative and nationalistic Armed Forces. We even had a Jewish Prime Minister, and an Irish Prime Minister.
On top of all this, we are probably the most socialist society on earth, since our social security for the ill, and unemployed are probably second to no other nation on earth that I know of! And I can tell you, that I have been around this world myself, and I haven't found one that offers quite as much as Australia does. Some countries come close though!
The Australian "it will be right mate" denotes how Australians are very down to earth, are not pretentious, and generally have their feet firmly planted on Terra Firma. There are many more colloquialisms, such as "fair go mate" and "you're a stubby or 2 short of a six pack, mate" (and YOU most certainly are Bir). Furthermore, Australia does not have an "anti-intellectual" attitude at all. Most young Aussies these days are university graduates, many with honours, masters and some obtaining PhDs. These people enjoy very lucrative job and employment opportunities within Government or with an Australian multinational. Many Aussies have made astounding achievements in Science and Technology. The Australian defence and mining industry is world class. Australia is also at the forefront of medical science and research. Our universities and academics are world renowned.
Our cities are amongst the best in the world. Our climate, and hence our lifestyle is excellent, which means that Aussies love the great outdoors, adventure, and they love their sport. Why not? Aussie kids are bought up around sport, and as a result, they are encouraged to participate leading to healthy, and happy lives. Sport is fantastic Bir, as well as the other aspect of Australian culture with is of course, the beach, water sports, and surf culture. I mean why not Bir? We are also blessed with the most majestic of coastlines and beaches! We also enjoy our outdoor barbecues, and drinking a few tinnies. I mean why not Bir? We have the weather and the climate. Are Australians alcoholic? No they are not. The myth about "boozing Aussies" is grossly overdone, and such an absolute stereotype, since the Brits, Germans, Dutch, French, Greeks and just about any other nationality drink similar volumes as Aussies do. Aside from the fact that Aussie beer is famous, we also enjoy our wines! I mean why not Bir? Our wines are amongst the best in the world and are even exported to France and Italy. When Aussies do something, anything, you can be sure they will do it very well!
More importantly, Australia is kind of almost the perfect democracy. Australia never hinders your movement, lifestyle and offers you a plethora of opportunity. Voting is compulsory when you register on the roll, and you are allowed to have as much voice or as little as you desire. You can be politically active, and be heard or you can live in abject antipathy. The choice is yours!
What Australia does not do is afford rights based on race. Well, that is not entirely true either. The Aborigines, about 40,000 full bloods, actually have more rights than the average Aussie. They have their land commissions and are the beneficiaries of Billions of Dollars from the mining industry alone. This we do in recognition of their ancestral belonging to the land going back some 40,000 years.
So all in all Bir, Australia is as close to a utopia as you are going to get. If you don't belong here, like our Australian culture, or feel that we Australians are racist towards you, then you have not made the effort to get close to Australians, because you consider their "it will be right" or "fair go mate", their sporting, beach, and laid back earthy outlook to be beneath you. This would have to make you a very silly person I would say, firstly for not making the effort to assimilate within the Aussie culture, since it is beneath you and "racist" and because Aussies are just a bunch of drunk arseholes, and secondly for the fact that you have not left Australia for new shores and horizons, to another country that will meet your "classy"and pretentious outlook on life, which Australians do indeed lack. Yes, Australians are far less materialistic than Cypriots are, and are slightly more level headed and down to earth (please note, that this is not a criticism of any Cypriot since we are all different individuals). Not very important. But what I don't understand is how you can make a judgement on Australians, a culture where you do not belong, and compare them to the TCs who are generally far more materialistic, dishonest, and far less down to earth and hospitable than Australians are!
I really can't believe that you, as a Turk, see yourself fit to comment on Australia's democracy and "racism" when you in fact are advocating a racial solution to the Cyprus Problem. Perhaps to you, the Annan Plan is the most ideal "democracy" but we Australians would absolutely be horrified if we had such an undemocratic and racist constitution in our country.
Bir, you can stick the Annan Plan up your Bum. Australians would never tolerate it in their own country, and Cypriots will never tolerate it in Cyprus.
And since you don't fit in our egalitarian society, since you have made no effort, then please do the honourable thing, pack your bags, and LEAVE!
Who knew you had the attention span to write such a polemic - well done! The Empire of the Sheep Stealers applauds you.
Please though tell me more about how the aborigines ancestral ownership of the land is recognised. I remember a few years ago something in the UN about a condemnation of Australia's policies towards the aborigines as a genocide, a condemnation of course refuted by this Utopian, egalitarian democracy. I'm sure this was just a bunch of pesky do-gooder foreigners spreading propaganda, just like a certain other country we know of regularly accused of committing genocides, pogroms, invasions, acts of ethnic cleansing, and following a policy of the dreaded dutch "A" word.
Enjoy your tinnie while watching the aussies thrash the west indies!
You can read all about it here! ... ights.html
umit07 wrote:@ Bir, I think that when Cyprus comes into your mind you still imagine it the way you left. You mentioned that you don't like the general Aussies attitude towards life, their overcompensation and value towards material possessions. Mate, I'll tell you what all those traits you don't like are apparent in Cypriots (TC or GC) to a degree that makes Aussies look like angels.
Epiktitos wrote:Paphitis wrote:Epiktitos wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:umit07 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Thank you,my psychoanalysis is spot on...You have either imbibed the trauma from your parents,or you are a raving,murderous psychopath...The choice is yours...![]()
What the hell is embedded trauma? I'm just pissed that I don't have a frekin homeland to go to, that's how I feel. I remember as a kid I was brought up with constant notions that the TRNC is where my roots are and that the RoC doesn't represent us. After coming back some people also treat me like a foreigner even though I was born here. It just feels weird, I don't know what to call it.
Imbibed (I hope I am spelling it right!) is what you get from your parents without conscious effort...This is how I see it Umit...Your roots are in Cyprus...Not in the political entities engaged in bloody feud,but in the country itself...Australia is your country of birth,but not where you feel you belong...Others pick up on that and treat you like a foreigner...I am luckier. I came to Australia 41 years ago,I was a foreigner then and I am a foreigner now...No internal conflict there...
I was born in Australia and have never felt like a foreigner. I have led a very rich live so far, with many experiences and given opportunities I will never have got anywhere else.
I am an Australian with Cypriot Inheritance.
No conflict here either! How can there be if you live in the best country in the world!
I think BIR doesn't like Australia's one man one vote Federal democracy! Such fairness is an anathema to Bir, as he does not want to see such justice and democracy in Cyprus, but instead wants and desires the methodical Turkification of Cyprus and the destruction of cypriotism!
There can be no other explanation, judging from his posts.
I don't like Australia's worshipping of materialism,their mindless devotion to sport and booze,and their hypocritical assertion that they are the least racist nation on earth...And I have their "it will be all right,mate" attitude which breeds mediocricy ,and their anti-intellectualist tall poppy syndrome...But I can see why you guys would feel right at home here...
After 40 odd years in Australia, you have failed to embrace Australia and its culture. You also have very limited understanding of the Australian psyche, especially since Australians must be amongst the most down to earth people in the world, where everyone is given a fair go, no matter what your race, religion, and/or sexuality. Australians are as egalitarian as they come, where all peoples have achieved an osmosis and have become Australian.
But yes, Australia is a capitalist society and this will never change. It will never change, because this capitalism has given us all the opportunities we could ever desire in an industrialised and resource rich country. It will not change, because the system rewards hard work, innovation and ingenuity. And yes, ALL humans are materialistic. We have a desire to own our own home to start off with, as this is a basic need. But Australians hardly ever flaunt their wealth, or are as materialistic as Europeans, TCs or Greeks are. Their feet are planted firmly on the ground.
And as a Cypriot born in Australia, I don't see the racism you talk about. Most Europeans have come here and made a life for themselves. We have ethnic politicians, public servants, lawyers, doctors, scientists, tycoons. We even have ethnic RAAF Pilots joining the officer ranks within the conservative and nationalistic Armed Forces. We even had a Jewish Prime Minister, and an Irish Prime Minister.
On top of all this, we are probably the most socialist society on earth, since our social security for the ill, and unemployed are probably second to no other nation on earth that I know of! And I can tell you, that I have been around this world myself, and I haven't found one that offers quite as much as Australia does. Some countries come close though!
The Australian "it will be right mate" denotes how Australians are very down to earth, are not pretentious, and generally have their feet firmly planted on Terra Firma. There are many more colloquialisms, such as "fair go mate" and "you're a stubby or 2 short of a six pack, mate" (and YOU most certainly are Bir). Furthermore, Australia does not have an "anti-intellectual" attitude at all. Most young Aussies these days are university graduates, many with honours, masters and some obtaining PhDs. These people enjoy very lucrative job and employment opportunities within Government or with an Australian multinational. Many Aussies have made astounding achievements in Science and Technology. The Australian defence and mining industry is world class. Australia is also at the forefront of medical science and research. Our universities and academics are world renowned.
Our cities are amongst the best in the world. Our climate, and hence our lifestyle is excellent, which means that Aussies love the great outdoors, adventure, and they love their sport. Why not? Aussie kids are bought up around sport, and as a result, they are encouraged to participate leading to healthy, and happy lives. Sport is fantastic Bir, as well as the other aspect of Australian culture with is of course, the beach, water sports, and surf culture. I mean why not Bir? We are also blessed with the most majestic of coastlines and beaches! We also enjoy our outdoor barbecues, and drinking a few tinnies. I mean why not Bir? We have the weather and the climate. Are Australians alcoholic? No they are not. The myth about "boozing Aussies" is grossly overdone, and such an absolute stereotype, since the Brits, Germans, Dutch, French, Greeks and just about any other nationality drink similar volumes as Aussies do. Aside from the fact that Aussie beer is famous, we also enjoy our wines! I mean why not Bir? Our wines are amongst the best in the world and are even exported to France and Italy. When Aussies do something, anything, you can be sure they will do it very well!
More importantly, Australia is kind of almost the perfect democracy. Australia never hinders your movement, lifestyle and offers you a plethora of opportunity. Voting is compulsory when you register on the roll, and you are allowed to have as much voice or as little as you desire. You can be politically active, and be heard or you can live in abject antipathy. The choice is yours!
What Australia does not do is afford rights based on race. Well, that is not entirely true either. The Aborigines, about 40,000 full bloods, actually have more rights than the average Aussie. They have their land commissions and are the beneficiaries of Billions of Dollars from the mining industry alone. This we do in recognition of their ancestral belonging to the land going back some 40,000 years.
So all in all Bir, Australia is as close to a utopia as you are going to get. If you don't belong here, like our Australian culture, or feel that we Australians are racist towards you, then you have not made the effort to get close to Australians, because you consider their "it will be right" or "fair go mate", their sporting, beach, and laid back earthy outlook to be beneath you. This would have to make you a very silly person I would say, firstly for not making the effort to assimilate within the Aussie culture, since it is beneath you and "racist" and because Aussies are just a bunch of drunk arseholes, and secondly for the fact that you have not left Australia for new shores and horizons, to another country that will meet your "classy"and pretentious outlook on life, which Australians do indeed lack. Yes, Australians are far less materialistic than Cypriots are, and are slightly more level headed and down to earth (please note, that this is not a criticism of any Cypriot since we are all different individuals). Not very important. But what I don't understand is how you can make a judgement on Australians, a culture where you do not belong, and compare them to the TCs who are generally far more materialistic, dishonest, and far less down to earth and hospitable than Australians are!
I really can't believe that you, as a Turk, see yourself fit to comment on Australia's democracy and "racism" when you in fact are advocating a racial solution to the Cyprus Problem. Perhaps to you, the Annan Plan is the most ideal "democracy" but we Australians would absolutely be horrified if we had such an undemocratic and racist constitution in our country.
Bir, you can stick the Annan Plan up your Bum. Australians would never tolerate it in their own country, and Cypriots will never tolerate it in Cyprus.
And since you don't fit in our egalitarian society, since you have made no effort, then please do the honourable thing, pack your bags, and LEAVE!
Who knew you had the attention span to write such a polemic - well done! The Empire of the Sheep Stealers applauds you.
Please though tell me more about how the aborigines ancestral ownership of the land is recognised. I remember a few years ago something in the UN about a condemnation of Australia's policies towards the aborigines as a genocide, a condemnation of course refuted by this Utopian, egalitarian democracy. I'm sure this was just a bunch of pesky do-gooder foreigners spreading propaganda, just like a certain other country we know of regularly accused of committing genocides, pogroms, invasions, acts of ethnic cleansing, and following a policy of the dreaded dutch "A" word.
Enjoy your tinnie while watching the aussies thrash the west indies!
You can read all about it here! ... ights.html
I read some stuff regarding Cyprus and certain other matter of interest from here:
There seemed to be some untruths and omissions...I don't suppose by analogue the apparatus of the Australian government might utter some untruths and leave out some truths regarding past and present treatment of aborigines?
Surely a true aussie would not let slip the second last cricket match of the australian summer!!
Paphitis wrote:And comparing things from 200 years ago, and attributing it to Australia's nationhood in 1901, is quite foolish as times were very different then, and can't be compared with the modern enlightenment of today. In Cyprus, there was inter communal violence as recent as 1963-1967.
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