This is I am at a total loss and there are enough GC's/TC's on this forum to hopefully give me a definitive answer to my question.
Why is it that there are Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots? Please read on before you jump in with the answer.
I was born in England and by definition that makes me English. Not Scots English, nor Irish English, nor Welsh English.
So if a man or woman is born in Cyprus then surely they will be Cypriots. Not GC's or TC's.
It does not really matter that my parents were born in England, Scotland or Wales......I am English.
But, every where that I drive across the island I see Greek flags outside the houses...........not even Cyprus flags and yet I know for a fact that the families with these flags have for several generations all been born on the island of Cyprus. (where I am aquainted with the family of course).
So come on people out there.....amaze me and tell me how you can be born in Cyprus but still be a Greek or a Turk. Greeks don't call themselves Cypriot Greeks................or do they?
From a totally dumbfounded ex pat with no political associations what soever. (nor religious).