Oracle wrote:DTA wrote:Oracle wrote:DTA wrote:Oracle wrote:yorgozlu wrote:Get Real! wrote:yorgozlu wrote:Get Real! wrote:I guess that’s the end of that mysterious horror story… could the rest please refrain from posting any further so we can get on with facts? Thanks! ... icle28.htm
I'll be more then happy to guide you to that "mystrious" place myself.
the question is;ARE YOU UP FOR IT
The real questions you couldn't answer...
You mean,"you" dont want to beleive,because it doesnt suit you?
My offer still stands to guide you or anyone else for that matter.Dont worry,it is no more then 10 miles from the board.
Go on,prove to me that you have a heart of an ANGEL as an OUTLAW.
Yorgozlu ... your task is very simple, if you really wish to be compliant.
Whilst we respect the memory of all those who died, their names are not essential. Too many thousands on the GC side and too many hundreds on the TC side for us to be concerned with anything more than "too many Cypriots died in Cyprus' history".
Where you do a great injustice to the memory of all those who died, is to exaggerate the facts.
Not only did you claim 11 lost members from your family, acceptable even at that since Cypriots have large families and my second cousin thrice removed on my godparents' side is still part of my extended family and so I too could number losses in the hundreds by those criteria ... nope, the essence of our inquisitiveness lay in the second half of your statement which you have very craftily chosen to ignore by embellishing the fact you respect the "memory of the names" of you relatives.
So, forget the names. Even forget the number 11 (out of the 10 referred to as killed in the article Deniz supplied) ... and think back to your accusation that these 11 were BURIED ALIVE.
The question posed to you by B25, then me, then GR was how do you know they were buried alive?
If you wish to respect the memory of all the dead, and not take part in the exaggerations which have harmed our country, then please give us some idea of how you know (forensics?) these people were BURIED ALIVE ... not gruesome details, just clinical reports.
If you made a mistake, please say so and move on .....
Hiya how you doing today? now you say this: "I too could number losses in the hundreds" So tell us and then prove this, just as you are asking him to do otherwise stop being a hypocrite.
unless of course you dont " wish to respect the memory of [b]all the dead, and not take part in the exaggerations which have harmed our country, then please give us some idea of how you know"[/b]
Read what I said!
I did and quoted you on it... so either confirm to your own standards or cease your heartless quest... You are proving yourself a true hypocrite.
Then you clearly missed the absurd parallel ("by those criteria") I was drawing to help Yorgozlu get out of his claim of losing 11 members of his family when Deniz said only 10 died.
Hey I asked you how you were? you did not answer that is not polite to your fellow cypriot is it?
I will confirm to your criteria so tell us what your hundreds (as in more than a hundred) losses are or cease your heartless questioning unless you admit to being a hypocrite and therefore an enemy to cyprus? the chose is yours. BTW if you reply anything apart from your hundred of losses (which you will have to prove) I suggest to both TCs and GCs you are full of poo (see I was polite there)