DT. wrote:runaway wrote:miltiades wrote:My own wife never spoke Greek and yet she related to me 100%.
What is your problem , is it that you want the G/Cs to all learn Turkish ?
It would be good if they did but why should they be forced to learn Turkish any more than the T/Cs be forced to learn Greek.
We are talking the possibility of re-establishing a partnership of 2 equal societies. Unfortunately as a moderate GC, you are at the very beginning of integration stage. You just have the will to live under the same roof with TCs. Yes you have to speak basic Turkish. You have to have language lessons in your schools. Just like in Wallonia and Flanders.
From what I've seen from the forum, even the "partitionist" TCs speak/write (at least try to) Greek whereas GCs are not even beginners. Only Turkish word you seem to know is pasha.
assiktir, pezzevengi, orospucocugu
They don't count as you use them in your language as well.Try harder south cypriot. Oh wait pashalis comes from pasha no? You basically don't know any Turkish at all!!!!