For th0se of you who may not visit this pro Turkish site (Not C44), here is what our resident scumbag really thinks of us, enjoy;
However I will answer your declarations:
1. I do support the “invasion” as you call it, although I prefer to call it a legal intervention.
2. I do support the “occupation” as I see it still as a safeguard, not to mention a negotiation card.
3. I do support the TRNC state, as it is not my place to criticise any country in which I am a guest.
4. I accept that you lost land and property as part of the status quo in Cyprus after a war which many would say you caused but lost.
5. Once you lost your land and property, it was inevitable that it would start to be bought and sold. Inevitability needs no support, only acceptance.
6. Contrary to many GCs who only see things in black aqnd white, I maintain that the solution to the Cyprus problem will need to be very grey, i.e. a compromise.