Georgios wrote:Counter to your lenient testimony about the TMT status in Cyprus, the Greek Cypriots still see TMT as a threat to peace. Many are convinced that TMT was behind the "Solomos incident". What is your take of the Solomos incident? Who was behind this? Was this killing "the right thing to do"? What is the general feeling amongst the TC community? Is this kind of behaviour tolerated in your society?
I really don't see how the TMT is a threat to peace or anything else these days...Volkan newspaper is reflecting the voice of the old TMT for sure,Denktash is one of their columnists,but I would be very surprised if they have much sway these days...TMT could not have been behind the Solomos killing,simply because nobody knew he was planning to climb the flag pole...It was a waste of a life,and a shameful incident for the TC society as a whole,Georgio...I am sure they know who the killer was,but like most of our 'Killers" this one too will get away with murder,I am afraid..Which is a pity,because unless we deal with these issues openly and honestly,we cannot truly expect to have mutual trust and understanding...We need a truth and reconciliation commission badly in Cyprus,I believe...The sooner the better...
There are probably a minority of fanatical nationalists who would say "any hand that is raised to tear down our flag should be cut off" or some such nonsense,but I am sure the majority of the people would be appauled at such a pointless and tragic loss of a life...