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E.O.K.A Greek Cypriot freedom fighers VS TMT

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EPSILON » Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:09 pm

Piratis wrote:
erolz3 wrote:
Piratis wrote: The Mycenaeans came at a time when the island was still mostly uninhabited and they lived together along with other people who also came to Cyprus from elsewhere (it might come as a surprise to you, but nobody grew out of the land of Cyprus).

Mostly uninhabited. Inhabited none the less and with a prior people with a non greek culture.

What a lame argument. Humans existed on this planet for 200.000 years. You are trying to claim that Cyprus is not Greek because a few pre-historic people inhabited the island as it is the case in all other parts of the world. If this argmument makes Cyprus non-Greek then it makes Greece non-Greek, it makes France non French, Germany non-German etc. And yet you will claim that Asia Minor is Turkish just because the Turks occupy it for a few centuries although the same place was not just inhabited by pre-historic people but it was even the center of other very big civilizations.

Piratis wrote: Gradually (over several centuries) the different people mixed together and the result is us, not you, because you were imported to Cyprus several 1000s years later and you showed no desire to assimilate with the locals.

Over time the Greek culture that came from outside Cyprus replaced the prior culture of the people there before.

You are wrong. You are talking as if the "Greek Culture" was something ready made that was imported. This is not the case. The Greek Culture was something that evolved over 1000s of years (and still evolves) and Cyprus was one of the important places where this evolutions accured right from the more early stages.

As far as us and you go we are more geneticaly similar to each other than to either mainland Greeks or Turks. It is only culturaly that we differ.

This is in direct contradiction with historical references that many other TCs present in the forum.

Piratis wrote:Also, the Mycenaeans came to Cyprus several centuries before the creation of the Greek Civilization. Cyprus was not a destination of the Greek Civilization, but in fact one of the origins of this civilization.

How can a culture originate in more than one place ?

If Greek culture did originate in Cyprus then by defnition it did not originate anywhere else and should by rights be called cypriot culture.

The Greek culture originates from Greek world, and the Greek world includes Cyprus.

If by "one place" you mean a single city or village, then you are wrong. Several places within the Greek world contributed to the creation of the Greek Culture over a period of 1000s of years. A culture is not something to be created in a single point in time and space.

When the Mycenaeans came to Cyprus there was not even any "Greek culture" or "Greek civilization" yet. This was something that was created later and gradually with the contribution of many places, including Cyprus.

Piratis wrote:Here we go with more lies created by the butchers who committed the Armenian and several other genocides against millions.

Despite your histironic ranting, what I have said is based on logic and standard definitions of indigenous and originate, nothing more, so please calm down.

Unfortunately your logic is based on your own culture and based on it you are trying to make assumptions about ours.

Yes, the Turks probably never founded a single city. They would just invade and conquer the cities of others. But this is not the case with the Greeks. The Greeks founded their own cities. And in those separate city states, spread over several different locations, is where the Greek Civilization evolved. It was not like the Ottoman empire where there was a single center.

Piratis has no relation with Epsilon- they do not know each other.
This just as clarification

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Postby erolz3 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:28 pm

Piratis wrote: You are trying to claim that Cyprus is not Greek because a few pre-historic people inhabited the island as it is the case in all other parts of the world.

No I saying, prefectly reasonably that if Greek culture did not originate in Cyprus then it can not be said to be the indigenous culture by definition. If it did originate in Cyprus then that means by definition it did not originate in Greece, or anywhere else.

Piratis wrote:You are wrong. You are talking as if the "Greek Culture" was something ready made that was imported. This is not the case. The Greek Culture was something that evolved over 1000s of years (and still evolves) and Cyprus was one of the important places where this evolutions accured right from the more early stages.

Of course Greek culture evolved over time and evolved in various different places, but it had to originate in ONE place. That is what originate means. You can argue where and when represented that origination but you can not argue that it originated in many different places. It evolved in many different places but it originated in one.

French culture can be said to have orginated in France. You are saying that Greek culture originated in Cyprus and if this is true then it means by definition it did not originate in Greece, for example.

Piratis wrote:
As far as us and you go we are more geneticaly similar to each other than to either mainland Greeks or Turks. It is only culturaly that we differ.

This is in direct contradiction with historical references that many other TCs present in the forum.

Whoever present arguments to the contrary, the scientific evidence for us being more geneticaly similar to each as GC and TC than either Greeks or Turks is compelling and devoid of political, racial or ethnic bias and ideologies.

Piratis wrote:The Greek culture originates from Greek world, and the Greek world includes Cyprus.

You just refuse to accept what originate actually means.

Piratis wrote:Unfortunately your logic is based on your own culture and based on it you are trying to make assumptions about ours.

My logic is in fact based on logic and standard definitions of what indigenous and originate mean. You are the one that appears to want to distort the plain meaning of the words for some sort of ideological reason, not me.

French cultre can be said to have orginated in France. It may have and has evolved in many locations outside of france but it can be sensibly said to have originated in France.

You claim that Greek culture originated in Cyprus AND it also originated in many other locations. This is just a distortion of what originate means.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:34 pm

EPSILON wrote:Piratis has no relation with Epsilon- they do not know each other.
This just as clarification


:shock: And here I was thinking you were Spartan sisters! :?
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Postby georgios100 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:14 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Georgios wrote:Thanks for your comments Bir. I have been reading all your posting and responses carefully... you are an excellent debater indeed.

Al of the above items can be "fair game" for discussion. Clearly, all this would never happen if EOKA never existed. The TMT was a counter to EOKA's objectives, a way to defend the TC minority existence. You guys had to respond fearing the worst... I totally understand it. Needless to say both GCs and TCs committed violent crimes against each other, a "normal" necessary evil in an uprising situation of any nation in the world (history has many examples). Despite all this, a fragile independence and the ousting of the Brits was a real fact. The "new" RoC was born but with many defects... definitely not perfect. EOKA was dissolved soon after.

So here is the problem.

The TCs maintained fear of more attacks from the GCs. As a result, the TMT kept growing on that fear. At first it would seem to be the right thing to do, strengthen TMT to counter the GCs "aggression" and protect the TC minority. No one would imagine that TMT was a bad idea. As the years went by, the TCs realized that TMT is the enemy within but it was too late. TMT was calling the shots then and still does, to this day. TMT was born to counter fear but now thrives on imposing fear to it's own people.
Furthermore, TMT plays an important role in Turkish politics and has great influence in every day life ot the TCs. Truly, I am convinced TMT is a major obstacle to a fair solution of the Cyprus problem. As far as Enosis is concerned, we all know now this target is "dead in the water".

I invite you to elaborate on the above, particularly on the TMT as an entity. I have the impression that any TMT related threads may be "out of bounds" on this forum. If this is true your silence to this issue is perfectly understood.


And I thank you sincerely,Georgio,for your sensible and measured response...You are open and constructive,and I have no doubt if all the GCs here were like you,we would be a lot closer to mutual understanding and respect...

To be honest,i think you are overestimating the TMT's role in the past and now...these days they are little more than an 'association'trying to influence things politically...I am not sure how much real support or influence they have...In the past they did their best to keep the TCs away from the GCs and on the path of Taksim (Partition),but even then the average TC had little fear of them...They were our heroes,our protectors from the feared EOKA...As a child I was more afraid of my grandmother than of the TMT... :) I've told this story a few times...The TMT via their Youth Association (Genclik Teskilati) tried to stop people from speaking Cypriot Greek...There was a fine of 20 shillings for each Greek word uttered...And the children were supposed to spy on their families and report to the local TMT man...well,my grandmothers first language was Greek,(I still havent figured out how that came about,most probably her family descended from converted GCs!) and she spoke only Greek at home,but i wouldn't dream of dobbing her in...She had a special punishment for dobbers,made them eat red hot chillies... :)

There was of course a serious,menacing side to the TMT,and they did assassinate those they considered a danger to their cause (they called them traitors of course!). But there was also a lot of thugs in the TMT who used their position to get even with their personal enemies...I feel the TMT was more of a psychological force for both the TCs and the GCs...They often grandstood and bluffed their ways out of corners,and was not as effective as people now believe...It is a shame of course that the criminal elements among them went unpunished,and some even acquired hero status,very much like the original EOKA members...


Nice to hear from you Bir, thanks.

Actually I spent a couple of hours researching TMT on the Internet. It would appear TMT is involved in numerous international activities, not just Cyprus. These guys are everywhere, Europe, Asia & the Mid-East. By many accounts TMT is active.

Considering Denktas was one of the TMT founders, one would think the situation could have been different without a possible influence or "flavour"
coming from TMT supporters.

Having said that, I am wondering about the legality of TMT when the northern part of Cyprus joins the EU. What is your gut feeling about this? Would it be fair to assume you would like to see TMT out of the picture?

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Postby ozlala » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:26 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Piratis wrote:
erolz3 wrote:
Piratis wrote: The Mycenaeans came at a time when the island was still mostly uninhabited and they lived together along with other people who also came to Cyprus from elsewhere (it might come as a surprise to you, but nobody grew out of the land of Cyprus).

Mostly uninhabited. Inhabited none the less and with a prior people with a non greek culture.

What a lame argument. Humans existed on this planet for 200.000 years. You are trying to claim that Cyprus is not Greek because a few pre-historic people inhabited the island as it is the case in all other parts of the world. If this argmument makes Cyprus non-Greek then it makes Greece non-Greek, it makes France non French, Germany non-German etc. And yet you will claim that Asia Minor is Turkish just because the Turks occupy it for a few centuries although the same place was not just inhabited by pre-historic people but it was even the center of other very big civilizations.

Piratis wrote: Gradually (over several centuries) the different people mixed together and the result is us, not you, because you were imported to Cyprus several 1000s years later and you showed no desire to assimilate with the locals.

Over time the Greek culture that came from outside Cyprus replaced the prior culture of the people there before.

You are wrong. You are talking as if the "Greek Culture" was something ready made that was imported. This is not the case. The Greek Culture was something that evolved over 1000s of years (and still evolves) and Cyprus was one of the important places where this evolutions accured right from the more early stages.

As far as us and you go we are more geneticaly similar to each other than to either mainland Greeks or Turks. It is only culturaly that we differ.

This is in direct contradiction with historical references that many other TCs present in the forum.

Piratis wrote:Also, the Mycenaeans came to Cyprus several centuries before the creation of the Greek Civilization. Cyprus was not a destination of the Greek Civilization, but in fact one of the origins of this civilization.

How can a culture originate in more than one place ?

If Greek culture did originate in Cyprus then by defnition it did not originate anywhere else and should by rights be called cypriot culture.

The Greek culture originates from Greek world, and the Greek world includes Cyprus.

If by "one place" you mean a single city or village, then you are wrong. Several places within the Greek world contributed to the creation of the Greek Culture over a period of 1000s of years. A culture is not something to be created in a single point in time and space.

When the Mycenaeans came to Cyprus there was not even any "Greek culture" or "Greek civilization" yet. This was something that was created later and gradually with the contribution of many places, including Cyprus.

Piratis wrote:Here we go with more lies created by the butchers who committed the Armenian and several other genocides against millions.

Despite your histironic ranting, what I have said is based on logic and standard definitions of indigenous and originate, nothing more, so please calm down.

Unfortunately your logic is based on your own culture and based on it you are trying to make assumptions about ours.

Yes, the Turks probably never founded a single city. They would just invade and conquer the cities of others. But this is not the case with the Greeks. The Greeks founded their own cities. And in those separate city states, spread over several different locations, is where the Greek Civilization evolved. It was not like the Ottoman empire where there was a single center.

Piratis has no relation with Epsilon- they do not know each other.
This just as clarification


You are probably right in saying Turks have not founded a city. but found a lot. that is called conquering.
You say you want Constantinople back. by the way It is Istanbul . It is the Greeks that named it Istanbul. The name Istanbul came from the saying istin boli the Greeks now what that means for those of you that don't what it means. Is going to the city.
And as to giving it back. Give it back to who? the people in there were probably Greeks and was forced to become Turks and Muslims. Turkey isn't stopping you visiting it, it is still there but more then 100 time bigger. you can not take it to Greece.
We have a lot to thank the Greek civilization for. No one can deny history.

If we were Greeks or any other nationals and converted to Turks. we are happy to be.

I wish there was a sensible discussions on how to solve our differences.
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Postby ozlala » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:29 pm

georgios100 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Georgios wrote:Thanks for your comments Bir. I have been reading all your posting and responses carefully... you are an excellent debater indeed.

Al of the above items can be "fair game" for discussion. Clearly, all this would never happen if EOKA never existed. The TMT was a counter to EOKA's objectives, a way to defend the TC minority existence. You guys had to respond fearing the worst... I totally understand it. Needless to say both GCs and TCs committed violent crimes against each other, a "normal" necessary evil in an uprising situation of any nation in the world (history has many examples). Despite all this, a fragile independence and the ousting of the Brits was a real fact. The "new" RoC was born but with many defects... definitely not perfect. EOKA was dissolved soon after.

So here is the problem.

The TCs maintained fear of more attacks from the GCs. As a result, the TMT kept growing on that fear. At first it would seem to be the right thing to do, strengthen TMT to counter the GCs "aggression" and protect the TC minority. No one would imagine that TMT was a bad idea. As the years went by, the TCs realized that TMT is the enemy within but it was too late. TMT was calling the shots then and still does, to this day. TMT was born to counter fear but now thrives on imposing fear to it's own people.
Furthermore, TMT plays an important role in Turkish politics and has great influence in every day life ot the TCs. Truly, I am convinced TMT is a major obstacle to a fair solution of the Cyprus problem. As far as Enosis is concerned, we all know now this target is "dead in the water".

I invite you to elaborate on the above, particularly on the TMT as an entity. I have the impression that any TMT related threads may be "out of bounds" on this forum. If this is true your silence to this issue is perfectly understood.


And I thank you sincerely,Georgio,for your sensible and measured response...You are open and constructive,and I have no doubt if all the GCs here were like you,we would be a lot closer to mutual understanding and respect...

To be honest,i think you are overestimating the TMT's role in the past and now...these days they are little more than an 'association'trying to influence things politically...I am not sure how much real support or influence they have...In the past they did their best to keep the TCs away from the GCs and on the path of Taksim (Partition),but even then the average TC had little fear of them...They were our heroes,our protectors from the feared EOKA...As a child I was more afraid of my grandmother than of the TMT... :) I've told this story a few times...The TMT via their Youth Association (Genclik Teskilati) tried to stop people from speaking Cypriot Greek...There was a fine of 20 shillings for each Greek word uttered...And the children were supposed to spy on their families and report to the local TMT man...well,my grandmothers first language was Greek,(I still havent figured out how that came about,most probably her family descended from converted GCs!) and she spoke only Greek at home,but i wouldn't dream of dobbing her in...She had a special punishment for dobbers,made them eat red hot chillies... :)

There was of course a serious,menacing side to the TMT,and they did assassinate those they considered a danger to their cause (they called them traitors of course!). But there was also a lot of thugs in the TMT who used their position to get even with their personal enemies...I feel the TMT was more of a psychological force for both the TCs and the GCs...They often grandstood and bluffed their ways out of corners,and was not as effective as people now believe...It is a shame of course that the criminal elements among them went unpunished,and some even acquired hero status,very much like the original EOKA members...


Nice to hear from you Bir, thanks.

Actually I spent a couple of hours researching TMT on the Internet. It would appear TMT is involved in numerous international activities, not just Cyprus. These guys are everywhere, Europe, Asia & the Mid-East. By many accounts TMT is active.

Considering Denktas was one of the TMT founders, one would think the situation could have been different without a possible influence or "flavour"
coming from TMT supporters.

Having said that, I am wondering about the legality of TMT when the northern part of Cyprus joins the EU. What is your gut feeling about this? Would it be fair to assume you would like to see TMT out of the picture?


I like these responses. We need more like it
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:38 pm

ozlala wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Georgios wrote:Thanks for your comments Bir. I have been reading all your posting and responses carefully... you are an excellent debater indeed.

Al of the above items can be "fair game" for discussion. Clearly, all this would never happen if EOKA never existed. The TMT was a counter to EOKA's objectives, a way to defend the TC minority existence. You guys had to respond fearing the worst... I totally understand it. Needless to say both GCs and TCs committed violent crimes against each other, a "normal" necessary evil in an uprising situation of any nation in the world (history has many examples). Despite all this, a fragile independence and the ousting of the Brits was a real fact. The "new" RoC was born but with many defects... definitely not perfect. EOKA was dissolved soon after.

So here is the problem.

The TCs maintained fear of more attacks from the GCs. As a result, the TMT kept growing on that fear. At first it would seem to be the right thing to do, strengthen TMT to counter the GCs "aggression" and protect the TC minority. No one would imagine that TMT was a bad idea. As the years went by, the TCs realized that TMT is the enemy within but it was too late. TMT was calling the shots then and still does, to this day. TMT was born to counter fear but now thrives on imposing fear to it's own people.
Furthermore, TMT plays an important role in Turkish politics and has great influence in every day life ot the TCs. Truly, I am convinced TMT is a major obstacle to a fair solution of the Cyprus problem. As far as Enosis is concerned, we all know now this target is "dead in the water".

I invite you to elaborate on the above, particularly on the TMT as an entity. I have the impression that any TMT related threads may be "out of bounds" on this forum. If this is true your silence to this issue is perfectly understood.


And I thank you sincerely,Georgio,for your sensible and measured response...You are open and constructive,and I have no doubt if all the GCs here were like you,we would be a lot closer to mutual understanding and respect...

To be honest,i think you are overestimating the TMT's role in the past and now...these days they are little more than an 'association'trying to influence things politically...I am not sure how much real support or influence they have...In the past they did their best to keep the TCs away from the GCs and on the path of Taksim (Partition),but even then the average TC had little fear of them...They were our heroes,our protectors from the feared EOKA...As a child I was more afraid of my grandmother than of the TMT... :) I've told this story a few times...The TMT via their Youth Association (Genclik Teskilati) tried to stop people from speaking Cypriot Greek...There was a fine of 20 shillings for each Greek word uttered...And the children were supposed to spy on their families and report to the local TMT man...well,my grandmothers first language was Greek,(I still havent figured out how that came about,most probably her family descended from converted GCs!) and she spoke only Greek at home,but i wouldn't dream of dobbing her in...She had a special punishment for dobbers,made them eat red hot chillies... :)

There was of course a serious,menacing side to the TMT,and they did assassinate those they considered a danger to their cause (they called them traitors of course!). But there was also a lot of thugs in the TMT who used their position to get even with their personal enemies...I feel the TMT was more of a psychological force for both the TCs and the GCs...They often grandstood and bluffed their ways out of corners,and was not as effective as people now believe...It is a shame of course that the criminal elements among them went unpunished,and some even acquired hero status,very much like the original EOKA members...


Nice to hear from you Bir, thanks.

Actually I spent a couple of hours researching TMT on the Internet. It would appear TMT is involved in numerous international activities, not just Cyprus. These guys are everywhere, Europe, Asia & the Mid-East. By many accounts TMT is active.

Considering Denktas was one of the TMT founders, one would think the situation could have been different without a possible influence or "flavour"
coming from TMT supporters.

Having said that, I am wondering about the legality of TMT when the northern part of Cyprus joins the EU. What is your gut feeling about this? Would it be fair to assume you would like to see TMT out of the picture?


I like these responses. We need more like it

You mean a bunch of Tourkous exchanging daydreams?
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Postby Malapapa » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:43 pm

Georgios isn't a Turkish name.
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Postby georgios100 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:53 pm

Oracle wrote:
ozlala wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Georgios wrote:Thanks for your comments Bir. I have been reading all your posting and responses carefully... you are an excellent debater indeed.

Al of the above items can be "fair game" for discussion. Clearly, all this would never happen if EOKA never existed. The TMT was a counter to EOKA's objectives, a way to defend the TC minority existence. You guys had to respond fearing the worst... I totally understand it. Needless to say both GCs and TCs committed violent crimes against each other, a "normal" necessary evil in an uprising situation of any nation in the world (history has many examples). Despite all this, a fragile independence and the ousting of the Brits was a real fact. The "new" RoC was born but with many defects... definitely not perfect. EOKA was dissolved soon after.

So here is the problem.

The TCs maintained fear of more attacks from the GCs. As a result, the TMT kept growing on that fear. At first it would seem to be the right thing to do, strengthen TMT to counter the GCs "aggression" and protect the TC minority. No one would imagine that TMT was a bad idea. As the years went by, the TCs realized that TMT is the enemy within but it was too late. TMT was calling the shots then and still does, to this day. TMT was born to counter fear but now thrives on imposing fear to it's own people.
Furthermore, TMT plays an important role in Turkish politics and has great influence in every day life ot the TCs. Truly, I am convinced TMT is a major obstacle to a fair solution of the Cyprus problem. As far as Enosis is concerned, we all know now this target is "dead in the water".

I invite you to elaborate on the above, particularly on the TMT as an entity. I have the impression that any TMT related threads may be "out of bounds" on this forum. If this is true your silence to this issue is perfectly understood.


And I thank you sincerely,Georgio,for your sensible and measured response...You are open and constructive,and I have no doubt if all the GCs here were like you,we would be a lot closer to mutual understanding and respect...

To be honest,i think you are overestimating the TMT's role in the past and now...these days they are little more than an 'association'trying to influence things politically...I am not sure how much real support or influence they have...In the past they did their best to keep the TCs away from the GCs and on the path of Taksim (Partition),but even then the average TC had little fear of them...They were our heroes,our protectors from the feared EOKA...As a child I was more afraid of my grandmother than of the TMT... :) I've told this story a few times...The TMT via their Youth Association (Genclik Teskilati) tried to stop people from speaking Cypriot Greek...There was a fine of 20 shillings for each Greek word uttered...And the children were supposed to spy on their families and report to the local TMT man...well,my grandmothers first language was Greek,(I still havent figured out how that came about,most probably her family descended from converted GCs!) and she spoke only Greek at home,but i wouldn't dream of dobbing her in...She had a special punishment for dobbers,made them eat red hot chillies... :)

There was of course a serious,menacing side to the TMT,and they did assassinate those they considered a danger to their cause (they called them traitors of course!). But there was also a lot of thugs in the TMT who used their position to get even with their personal enemies...I feel the TMT was more of a psychological force for both the TCs and the GCs...They often grandstood and bluffed their ways out of corners,and was not as effective as people now believe...It is a shame of course that the criminal elements among them went unpunished,and some even acquired hero status,very much like the original EOKA members...


Nice to hear from you Bir, thanks.

Actually I spent a couple of hours researching TMT on the Internet. It would appear TMT is involved in numerous international activities, not just Cyprus. These guys are everywhere, Europe, Asia & the Mid-East. By many accounts TMT is active.

Considering Denktas was one of the TMT founders, one would think the situation could have been different without a possible influence or "flavour"
coming from TMT supporters.

Having said that, I am wondering about the legality of TMT when the northern part of Cyprus joins the EU. What is your gut feeling about this? Would it be fair to assume you would like to see TMT out of the picture?


I like these responses. We need more like it

You mean a bunch of Tourkous exchanging daydreams?

It would appear you are a senior poster on this board (18292 posts). Your comment above is not contributing nor amusing either. You are welcome to join the conversation armed with answers that suit the topic. We are ready to listen, go ahead.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:55 pm

georgios100 wrote:
Oracle wrote:
ozlala wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Georgios wrote:Thanks for your comments Bir. I have been reading all your posting and responses carefully... you are an excellent debater indeed.

Al of the above items can be "fair game" for discussion. Clearly, all this would never happen if EOKA never existed. The TMT was a counter to EOKA's objectives, a way to defend the TC minority existence. You guys had to respond fearing the worst... I totally understand it. Needless to say both GCs and TCs committed violent crimes against each other, a "normal" necessary evil in an uprising situation of any nation in the world (history has many examples). Despite all this, a fragile independence and the ousting of the Brits was a real fact. The "new" RoC was born but with many defects... definitely not perfect. EOKA was dissolved soon after.

So here is the problem.

The TCs maintained fear of more attacks from the GCs. As a result, the TMT kept growing on that fear. At first it would seem to be the right thing to do, strengthen TMT to counter the GCs "aggression" and protect the TC minority. No one would imagine that TMT was a bad idea. As the years went by, the TCs realized that TMT is the enemy within but it was too late. TMT was calling the shots then and still does, to this day. TMT was born to counter fear but now thrives on imposing fear to it's own people.
Furthermore, TMT plays an important role in Turkish politics and has great influence in every day life ot the TCs. Truly, I am convinced TMT is a major obstacle to a fair solution of the Cyprus problem. As far as Enosis is concerned, we all know now this target is "dead in the water".

I invite you to elaborate on the above, particularly on the TMT as an entity. I have the impression that any TMT related threads may be "out of bounds" on this forum. If this is true your silence to this issue is perfectly understood.


And I thank you sincerely,Georgio,for your sensible and measured response...You are open and constructive,and I have no doubt if all the GCs here were like you,we would be a lot closer to mutual understanding and respect...

To be honest,i think you are overestimating the TMT's role in the past and now...these days they are little more than an 'association'trying to influence things politically...I am not sure how much real support or influence they have...In the past they did their best to keep the TCs away from the GCs and on the path of Taksim (Partition),but even then the average TC had little fear of them...They were our heroes,our protectors from the feared EOKA...As a child I was more afraid of my grandmother than of the TMT... :) I've told this story a few times...The TMT via their Youth Association (Genclik Teskilati) tried to stop people from speaking Cypriot Greek...There was a fine of 20 shillings for each Greek word uttered...And the children were supposed to spy on their families and report to the local TMT man...well,my grandmothers first language was Greek,(I still havent figured out how that came about,most probably her family descended from converted GCs!) and she spoke only Greek at home,but i wouldn't dream of dobbing her in...She had a special punishment for dobbers,made them eat red hot chillies... :)

There was of course a serious,menacing side to the TMT,and they did assassinate those they considered a danger to their cause (they called them traitors of course!). But there was also a lot of thugs in the TMT who used their position to get even with their personal enemies...I feel the TMT was more of a psychological force for both the TCs and the GCs...They often grandstood and bluffed their ways out of corners,and was not as effective as people now believe...It is a shame of course that the criminal elements among them went unpunished,and some even acquired hero status,very much like the original EOKA members...


Nice to hear from you Bir, thanks.

Actually I spent a couple of hours researching TMT on the Internet. It would appear TMT is involved in numerous international activities, not just Cyprus. These guys are everywhere, Europe, Asia & the Mid-East. By many accounts TMT is active.

Considering Denktas was one of the TMT founders, one would think the situation could have been different without a possible influence or "flavour"
coming from TMT supporters.

Having said that, I am wondering about the legality of TMT when the northern part of Cyprus joins the EU. What is your gut feeling about this? Would it be fair to assume you would like to see TMT out of the picture?


I like these responses. We need more like it

You mean a bunch of Tourkous exchanging daydreams?

It would appear you are a senior poster on this board (18292 posts). Your comment above is not contributing nor amusing either. You are welcome to join the conversation armed with answers that suit the topic. We are ready to listen, go ahead.

I have a feeling you are not so fresh!
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