cymart wrote:Christophias and Talat have made more progress than at any time since 1960 on finding an acceptable government constitution under a federal solution and according to an article in todays Politis,there are only a few outstanding points to be worked-out.One of the main reasons it has not been announced is to help Talat avoid attacks from nationalists before the election in the north and also to help Christophias deal with parties in his coalition(who he should gave got rid of long ago after the way they have been behaving!)What he really needs is assurance of support from DISY and the big question is will Anastassiades support him in the final push for a solution or be tempted to play with the idea of the 2013 elections instead by forming an alliance with DIKO and Edek if they finally leave the present government?Logic would of course support the first option but this is Cyprus!
Viewpoint wrote:What about the other outstanding issues?
bill cobbett wrote:Viewpoint wrote:What about the other outstanding issues?
Yes, quite right VP, it's been all governance, governance and governance ... mind you Property was decided at the ECJ/GB Appeal Court a few days ago.
Viewpoint wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Viewpoint wrote:What about the other outstanding issues?
Yes, quite right VP, it's been all governance, governance and governance ... mind you Property was decided at the ECJ/GB Appeal Court a few days ago.
Dont bank on it, remember the Polish example, current resident has first say previous residents get cash.
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