pretty-as-pink wrote:vaughanwilliams wrote:pretty-as-pink wrote:vaughanwilliams wrote:pretty-as-pink wrote:pretty-as-pink wrote:POLITICS....its a pain in the arse i know BUT the thing i have always remembered tony blair when he stood up and made a rather brave comment on the stand about people coming to uk and taking the tax payers hard earned money, well thats how the british citizen sees it, and he said along the lines of..."these people come from places like blah blah blah and i will not send them back"
so it happens and we cant do do anything about it apart from carry on working to fund all the different nationalities who come to uk for free medical help.
but there is one thing i know the british people dont do and that is think more or less of the foriegners because of where they come from.
I understand your bitterness towards the turks and what they did, and i understand why the man was sent for medical help, sadly the two have no connections and its irrelavant as to where he was sent from in the first place.
keep smiling toxo
ive also met a cypriot family who had a very sick son, there was no hesitation when they got funding from turkey to have him flown there with his parent to have surgery to save his life.
there are good and bad in the world and we cant all be and think the same
yes cypriot, just goes to show eh that politics do get pushed aside at times
I can see I need to be clearer. When you say Cypriot do you mean GC or TC.? There should be no difference but there is when it comes to this instance.
no it shouldnt and yes the cypriots were born in paphos.
My Turkish Cypriot best mate was born in Paphos.
Was the Cypriot in your story Turkish or Greek?
Are you really as blonde as your Avatar? You certainly seem so.