yialousa1971 wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:greeks are notwhitebig boy...
they are a diasporafrom
thousands of years. goof
ball try something bigger
but i want no glass. you
call yourself Greek? from
when, the great, the christian,
the author's find. maybe you
talk Grace, what about Charity
dude, are there memories we
cannot forget? men fight disease
hunger and ignorance, not each other.
careful when you walk cake
eating person, liberty is sweet
it is what binds us and we are
all the same in wanting;
giving makes us great.
What a load of shit, then again all your posts are shit! Greeks are a blend of Alpines, Mediterraneans and Dinarics (specific type that arose from ancient mixes of the Mediterranean race and Alpine race). All part of the White race and found all over Europe. Now get lost you little commie!
says the cross dressed faggot...