Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:boulio wrote:vp i was wondering what you thought about election of prez and vp(not you)if it should be on a single ticket or seperate and what you thought aboout cross-voting aplying to their election?
bulio seriously the one ticket deal imo is the best deal because political ideology is more important than ethnic back round but obviously neither side has matured enough to accept this radical step. Cross voting well as I described before in my offer a island wide vote would mean cross voting in a way in order to get the candidate of your choice into government you would vote for him whether he be in the north or south, all he would have to do is get enough vote to be in the first group past the post.
The above suggestion would work, VP, as in a Unitary state, so what's the purpose of having a Federation states under BBF if you want to treat it as a Unitary state. You might as well do away with the "trnc" and let everyone live where ever they want as before 1974, and then you can have your wish. At least this way, there's no threat seen by the GCs that you want to take any part of Cyprus for yourself and claim partition at later stage. You are either going to demand for a Unitary state or a BBF state, which they each come with their own set of rules.! What you want to do is to take what suits you the best of both the worlds and leave the rest behind, and then try to take the “high road” by declaring that the GCs does not want a solution. In another words, you want “Heads I win, Tails you lose” scenarios for a settlement. What you want is, "to have your cake and eat it too", or as we say in Turkish (already translated) “Is your mother that much beautiful”.???
Hello we are talking general elections for the federal government not local admin elections. My proposal will ensure that both TCs and Gcs at the desginated quota enter the federal government and protect the right of each community. BBF is a very dark red line for TCs they want to have the right to live in a TC state where the majority are TCs and the administration is mainly TC, what so wrong with that if you are trying to promote freedom and democcracy for all then surely you shoudl also be arguing to protect our rights rather than have us surrender to a GC dominated unitary state, allow people the freedom to choose under which asmin they wish to reside, dont force them.